
Obadiah meaning

: Servant of God.

Obadiah Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \oh-buh-dye-uh\
Number of People 👶 2,000
Rate in 2021 3413
Numerology 🔢 4
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew
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Obadiah Name Meaning

In biblical context, 'Obadiah' signifies 'Servant or worshiper of Jehovah'. It is a name embodying humility, devotion, and servitude towards a higher power. Typically, it is often associated with individuals who express selflessness, dedication, and spirituality.

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Obadiah Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Obadiah
Additional description of the name Obadiah

Originating from Hebrew roots, 'Obadiah' is a testament to deep biblical history. Obadiah was a prophet in the Old Testament, responsible for authoring the Book of Obadiah. This book, though short, contains prophecies about the destruction of Edom, making 'Obadiah' a historically significant biblical name.

Cool Info About Name Obadiah

Additional name description Obadiah
Additional name description Obadiah

Famous People with this Name:
Obadiah German, an early US senator from New York, and Obadiah Bowne, a prosperous whaling captain, are a few from the past.

Although 'Obadiah' isn't a common choice in recent years, it saw some popularity in the late 19th and early 20th century. It's unique and significant, especially for families recognizing religious traditions.

In numerology, 'Obadiah' associates with number 9 indicating an innate capacity to understand and support people with a charitable and generous spirit. This name is often associated with intuition, spirituality, and enlightenment. With its deep roots and distinctiveness, 'Obadiah' is a name that carries religious, historical, and classic grandeur.

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Obadiah FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Obadiah?
The origin of the name Obadiah is Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Obadiah?
Servant of God.
*️⃣ How many people are named Obadiah?
Almost 2000 people are named Obadiah.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Obadiah?
The names of Owen, Owynn, Owain, Owyn