
Samantha meaning

: God Heard

Samantha Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \s(a)-man-tha, sam(a)-ntha\
Number of People 👶 579,000
Rate in 2021 221
Numerology 🔢 5
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Samantha Name Meaning

Samantha is one of those nice names for girls which has been popular for many years. Samantha is a beautiful American name that is truly modern and awesome.

Considering the originality of the name, we observe that the name has no obvious originality. Some people believe that Samantha is of American origin. The name is comprised of the Hebrew name Samuel meaning *God listens to well* or *name of God* and the Greek name with meaning flower or blossom. Therefore, Samantha can be known as God’s flower.

Cool Info About Name Samantha

Additional name description Samantha
Additional name description Samantha


Personality traits of Samantha named children and adults:

Knowing personality traits of Samantha needs precise analysis of her characteristics and behavior.

Your baby girl would be a multitasker; she is capable of listening to her favorite music while she is driving a car simultaneously. She would be so sensible in decision-making just as she chooses the best answer to any difficult or unsolvable question. She like freedom and justice and prefers to be a free person along with obeying the general rules of her nation and world.

She can solve emotional problems logically and make a complete balance between her mental and emotional senses. She is a logical girl who is always ready to express her ideas freely. Along with that, she is a happy girl who transfers good feelings to others.

In people’s eyesight, you are a gentle, diplomatic, stylish, and pleasing one who attracts all to herself and tries to be a participant in any group or gathering.

She is a fast reactor to any deep trouble and tries to make herself involved in it as much as possible. She is an adventurer, full of energy, and an excitement lover. She owns good communication talent and can get in contact with her friends easily. She is a nature lover, too.


Her likely careers in the future:

Reporter, manager, coordinator, police officer, industrialist, legal practitioner, sales clerk, consultant, medical doctor, head of a company, psychologist

The lucky day of Samantha is Tuesday and her lucky colors include gray and its light shadows. She likes the light shades of every color, too.


The popularity of the girl name Samantha:

Samantha was very popular in the 20th century. No one can turn a blind eye to its prominence in America. The year 1964 was a turning point for Samantha. It belonged to the top 10 names in America and became the most popular name after Emily and Hannah. Samantha has remained popular for more than 10 years and consequently holds popularity in America as it was one the most favorite names in America.

Samantha has got a pet form, Sam which almost has its right.

From the point of view of data analysis, for seven decades, Samantha has been recorded more than 5 thousand times in the SSAD database

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Comments on the name Samantha
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Samantha and I love it.I have so0o many nick names. All of my teache's n friends call me Sam or sammy.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Samantha sounds pretty and lovely for me. So when I gave birth of a very cute girl two yrs ago. I had no other names came on my mind only Samantha Joan.Joan a combination of joy and antonio. I remember when she was born the intern's were really amazed her as if she was a celebrety. And my friends like her so much coz she is so cheerfull and friendly. They siad Samantha is a beautiful name name ever....

01/14/2024 00:00:00

im naming my daughter'samantha. however we were going to call her'sammy for short. however now I'm not sure how to spell it. sami sammy sammie... so I'might just say screw it and only call her'samantha

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I have always been called nicknames. Everything you can imagine. Sam, Sammy, Sambo, Spam, Slamma, Slambo, and my favorite.. Samma. Its a friendly name. My Parents did a good job. Just wish they thought a little harder on my middle name.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I searched the meaning of my name on a whim, aminly to see what people had to say about it. I didnt know I'd discover there was another Samantha Noel out there :) Just today someone asked me how to pronounce it and I said, like No-L, but it does have an L in it. I love my first name and I'm usually called Sam unless Im in trouble. Then it turns to Noel :)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My best friends name is Samantha and I'm supposed to write a poem for her birthday. It's gonna be a great one~*

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name Isn't samantha but i know this chick and i call her'slambo

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is samantha! and my best nick name is pink pantha (as it rhymes) but i also get called manthy! or people pronounce my name'samanFa! QUITE KWL! luv ya xxxx

01/14/2024 00:00:00

its ok and everything and i like it just because my family does and i just go along with the flow my comment might not make sense but o well see ya

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I'm one of the'samanthas', and am in between liking and loathing my name. When introducng myself, i feel somewhat strange saying my name. I like how when people say,"Sammy", the air and mood is light and playful. And when people say,"Sam" I'm taken more seriously. Noticed that❤️

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Samantha. My friends and my teache's all call me Sam. My best friend calls me Sammy. Only one teacher has ever called me Sammy. My family calls me Samantha. I don't really like to be called Samantha but whatever. i've also been called Sammy-wammy, Sammer, Sammy-poo, Mantha (when my sister was little) Salame (only once in my life). I don't really like my name because It's too popular and I'm someone who is really individual. Like I dress differently then everyone else and have different likes then everyone else and Samantha is just too... popular and common. Therefore I don't really like it.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I loove my name :D Most of my family call me Sam or Sammy-Lou or Sammy-Lee (Because of my middle names :L)..My friends call me Sammie, Sambo, Samster, Shamantah, Sam, SamI'm, Boiled ham XD, Spam, Sammalamma and ocasionally Samuel :L . :D

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name's Samantha and i love it! Its very pretty and sophisticated i think. I have several nicknames but my favourite is Mana. My twin sister Tiffany couldn't say my name when she was younger'so she called me Mana. All my friends and family call me it now and i've never known any other'samantha's who get called it.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My friends name's Samantha, middle name Mary. She gets called Sam sometimes and before it used to be Sammi. Morgan xx

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Since my name is Samantha.. I like it (thankfully) lol most people call me Sammy. But people also think the way i spell my name is really odd. i spell It'sami. I like it. lol short and sweet. lol

01/14/2024 00:00:00

i'd like my name to change to something that Isn't so popular.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

A lot of people call me Sam, never'sammy because they know I don't like it. Sammy often reminds me of a golden retri'ver. Don't really know why. I rarely get a "hey Samantha" I only get called that if i dont listen'to someone and they get tired of repeatedly yelling "SAM!" weird thing is the meaning of Samantha is "the listener" But a nickname i have is Bamm Bamm mostly guys call me that. I don't know how they made that up. but, i think its cool.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I have a 12 year old daughter named Samantha. We call her'sam or Sammie. we love the name! and she loves the name and her nick names

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is samantha and i love it :) It'sounds really kitch and sam is a cute abbreviation i think i dont think It'sounds masculine❤️ plus It'sounds like a more inter'sting and classy name because everybody else was being called laura, lauren or stephanie when i was born and samantha was different :) (bit off topic but i love the name francesca its a beautiful name)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I really like my name. I think It'sounds really pretty. although I'm used to being called Sam. It gets annoying at times, because I just entered high school, and my new friends' parents don't know me, so when'they talk about me over the phone, they mistake me for a guy. Nonetheless, I still love my name

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My names Samantha my nicknames are: Shammy sammy sam simba sam and ham so-so-sam samanthy mantha spam (hope this helped anyone lol)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

hi..and my name is samantha charliez!! sometimes they call me, sam, sammie, maha, charliez and chariez... :) that's it...and i really ,like this name crush's name is :)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I like being named Samantha. The only thing I don't like is when people call me Sam, when I never go by that or introduce myself that way. Samantha is such a pretty, classic sounding name! I'm also 25 (born in 1997) and the name didn't take off for a few years after that, so I never ran into any other'samanthas growing up.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I had a ton of nicknames growing up as a Samantha; Sam, Sami, Samantha Anne, Slammin Sammy, Sam I am, Spam, etc. I love my name too. It completely fits my personality.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

oh my god this is my name and i like samantha & sammie & sam but i hate is spammie or spam and i get called that all the time!!!but i love my name!!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

its pretty good I'might name a child that it depends how im feeling

01/11/2024 14:06:42

Lol my name is Samantha too! Everyone calls me Sam, Sammy, Sam-Bo and Samsam and my sister calls me Maha cause shes 4 and cant say it right lol.

01/10/2024 06:22:18

My name is Samantha, and my bestest friend calls me Sam, because thats always been my name from her, my other/new friends call me Sammie, i dunno why, they just do, i like it though, but people in my class who i dont really know, will call me Samantha, especially teache's, It's very annoying sometimes because Samantha seem's too much of a posh name for me, and i think im in trouble.. my nicknames have been: Sammie Samie Sammalamma Sammybear (from my dad, cos i have brown hair) Sammyantha And a couple more.

01/09/2024 08:02:10

I'm cool with my name, I usually go by Sam or Sammie, my mom doesn't like my nicknames though, she'says and I quote " I don't have a daughter named Sam, I have a daughter named Samantha"

01/06/2024 05:58:34

My 4 Year old Daughter's name is Samantha, I call her'samantha not Sam nor Sammie. just Samantha

01/04/2024 06:39:36

My name is Samantha and It's really common. It bugs me how many people have this name. I have a friend that insists on calling me "Sam the Man" and It's annoying. In school we read about boys called Sam and 3 years in a row we read a book to the class called "Samantha The'snob" so It's annoying. I know 3 other'samantha's in my grade that'sit at my lunch table everyday and I know a boy named Sam.

01/01/2024 21:21:06

I love my name. I get called "Mantha" every now and then, mostly by small kids who can't say my name! I like the diversity, i've always been called Sam but love Samantha.

12/31/2023 12:43:48

hey my name is Samantha, but no1 ever calls me Samantha. It's usually hey spam, spamolt, sam, sammy, samma, snowy, or hey you. i love my name and all the other nick names, but i especially love that my inital is S.S ... kool eh. >>> lol. my dad said that people who have nick names r usually the funny one's of the bunch. >> hope your funny❤️

12/29/2023 01:04:14

Samantha is probably the best name ever. It is so mellow and classy. There are so many nicknames suh as Sammi, Sam ect. I just adore the name. It'suits me well!

12/26/2023 17:13:54

I used to not like my name, but now I think It's pretty, especially since the "Antha" part means flower. I am called mostly Samantha, but some people call me Sam. I like both so I let them decide what to call me.

12/24/2023 04:41:26

once I saw this movie and it was a very scary movie, proboly even scaryer then'the'scariest movie you have ever'seen, and well, the main evil thing's name was samantha and every time some one has the name'samantha or says that name, I get freeked out, but I think if I haden't seen'that movie, that I'might have liked that name.

12/22/2023 14:46:44


12/21/2023 16:08:58

My name is Samantha. I absolutely hate it with a raging firey passion with all of my very being. My close friends call me Sammy, which I don't mind too much, but everyone else insists on calling me Sam, which I despise. It'sounds too masculine, as I am a girl. can't wait to have it changed.

12/19/2023 05:04:40

My name is samantha alaine grove and i am 16 years old.People are always calling me Sammie, Sam, Sammie Sam, Sam the man and i hate It'so much:)

12/17/2023 23:41:20

My name is Samantha. I go by Sam most of the time. My Brazilian grandparents cant pronounce the "th" so they call me Samanta. Without prompting most people make up a nickname for me.Sammy, SamSam, Sam I am, Samato, its endless. I'm only called by my whole name when in a serious situation.

12/14/2023 13:24:00

My name is Samantha and when I was little I didnt really like it, but I agree with the other girls about it being so nice having so many nicknames. When I was little I was Sammi and then as I got older it was Sam, teache's always called me Samantha, So I always knew who was calling me, by WHAT they called me, and old friend a new one or an adult.

12/13/2023 05:21:58

Oh i forgot these too, Sammy bam bam , as called by my meme, :D & Sam Sam the barber man, so horrible considering I'm a girl. But eh whatcha gonna do❤️ lol :D <33333333333333

12/10/2023 09:46:18

I dont like my name everyone has it and dont like to be the'same as everyone eles in this world, i have people call me Samantha, i dont like the nicknames either

12/09/2023 04:58:14

my name is samantha. i love my name, its very feminine and professional. i also like that different people call me different things, whether its sam, or sami.

12/08/2023 18:41:04

I love my name, but I hate it when some one asks if I can wiggle my nose. Or worse, "Do you like green eggs and ham, Sam I am❤️

12/08/2023 07:13:22

My name is Samantha and I absolutely love my name. Spam was my nickname at school. Another'school nickname was Panther. Babies often call me "Mam-fa" and my nephe's called me Auntie "Ham" for many years till they learned how to pronounce my name. I get called Sammy Jo by a select too but most people call me Sam or Sammi. Only my husband calls me Sammy-antha which I think is really cute.

12/07/2023 17:06:58

my name is Samantha and I have always like my name, unfortunately not many call me by my full name. It's always Sam. I don't know any other'samantha, so It's nice having a name that Isn't so common (in canada anyway). Here's to all the'samantha's out there!

12/05/2023 03:59:14

my name is Samantha and I love being Samantha. The best thing I like about being Samantha, is that i have a lot of nicknames: Sam, Sammy, Sammy.G. (G is my last name's initials)and from certain people 'Mantha.'

12/04/2023 15:56:16

I'm a Samantha and love my name! It's a foolproof name, really. I go by Sam 95% of the time because I'm not particularly feminine, but I like being able to use my full name in professional settings. Long live the girl Sams!

11/28/2023 18:52:16

My name is Samantha, but it is funny how so many people have issues spelling it. How stupid can you be.

11/27/2023 01:43:36

i dont like the name'samantha because every on calls me sam and i find my nickname boyish.

11/26/2023 18:05:08

Although I am feminine, I prefer being called Sam. Nick names- Sammy Sam, Sammikie, Mantha, Mantha and Ma. SAMANTHA is a wow name! thumbs up

11/24/2023 12:35:52

Hmm, along with the traditional nicknames of "Sam" and "Sammie Jammie," i get called "Samanthabug." Following the tradition into which I was born, my daughter's name will be Tabitha, as a tribute to the'samantha Stevens who made our name famous!

11/23/2023 02:30:24

Hoo! I didnt know there was a witch named Samantha, but I really really loved that name'so if God wants to send me another baby girl that would be her name. But now that I think about it its weird because for a baby boy I would like Damian, but my mom also tells me that is a scary name for a boy because of the movie, but the reason I like so much these names its because they have personality, they sound like very strong names, and also because since im Mexican both names sound good in either English or Spanish, not like the name of my daughter that no one can pronunce in English... Fhernanda, opps....

11/21/2023 19:56:32

My name is Samantha and I don't like it. Well, It's an ok name but I'm tired of it, I know sooooo many Samanthas. I got the common nicknames like Sam, Sammy, Sammi...but I got some rather weird ones like Sampon, Swammi, Samonella, Sammerz, Samuelle, etc... Some of them I couldnt stand like the'samonella one...Samuelle I thought was clever because It's a female spelling of Samuel haha.

11/10/2023 04:27:14

People spell Samantha wrong❤️ I have never run into that issue. I have always loved my name. You can have so many variations of it. Most frequently I go by Sam, but some of my friends call me Sami, Sammy, Scami, Saman, Sammers, and other'stuff too. I personally love longer names that you can change!

11/07/2023 20:36:54

It's my step-daughter's name and is way too popular. She is in high school and gets called Sam or Sammy a lot and doesn't really care for those nicknames but just lives with it.

11/03/2023 00:14:06

my name is samantha.. and my friends call me sammy or samm or anything else liek that.. and my friends sometimes call me samuel (so annoying but funny) but yea.. i like the name is so like feminin...but its weird because my best friends name is samantha to.. so we don't even no who's who ahah

10/31/2023 15:13:14

My name is Samantha. i truly hate being called sammie. and yes, sam is the main nickname. and in 5th grade people called me spam

10/25/2023 20:12:40

My name is Samantha, and i've always loved the name. It's long a beautiful, and it used to make me feel like a princess sense there are so many letters. My family all calls me Samantha, because they say It's proper, but my friends all call me Sam for the most part. It's easy to say. I hate the nick name'sammy, idk why. Some people would also call me Swammy(just ewe) Sam, Samazing, Sami, and my best friend calls me Cham which I think is unique! Samantha is a fun name to play around with. I love it.

10/22/2023 22:33:34

Hi my name is also Samantha. My full name is Samantha Ryan Vega. I like my name because how it just goes together and sounds kinda cool. Most people call me Sam, Sammie, or Sammie Ryan. I like the name Samantha cause it fits for all kinds of people. Like Sam can be used for a girl who is more of a tom- boy, Sammie can be used for a girl who is more girlie, and Samantha can be used for people who are older. But still Samantha is a very cool name because of the different names you can use it for.

10/20/2023 12:57:26

I love this name but, I get sick of the'same old nicknames. Im sammi, sam, samantha, sammyyy, sammijo, samantha joyce, same old stuff. I thought of a new nickname and i like it alot. Its mena.

10/19/2023 13:09:08

omg i love my name every1 cals me sam or sammy i juss love my name cause there are different ways u can spell n pronounce my name'so yeah layterz

10/16/2023 09:55:00

well most people pronounce it was if it were lawron instead of laron

10/13/2023 21:57:48

Woot, a bunch more Kayli's! :D Although I honestly like it better when I don't know of people with the'same name and spelling. It makes me feel unique :) One thing I always hated as a child was that I could never find any of those awesome pencils or keychains or notepads with my name properly spelled on them. It was one of the worst things in the world when I was six years old and the rest of my class had them! Heh, I always get a bunch of people mispronouncing my name. Even English teache's... FAIL. Usually It's pronounced as "Kylie" or something. It's so irritating sometimes, haha!

10/06/2023 23:54:58

I never liked my name because its so common I could throw a pebble down a street and it would hit a "sam."and besides I think sam is such a manly name I have to deal but I need a new name

10/03/2023 21:33:44

my name's SAMANTHA and i love it i think It's very sophisticated and classy, I don't really know any Samantha's, I hate it when people spell my name without the h... but oh well, all I have to say is I LOVE MY NAME.

10/01/2023 16:04:28

My name is Samantha, but my friends and family call me Mandy. Alot of the time people try to call me Sam when I first meet them and I dont like it. I think Sam is a guys name. No offense.

09/22/2023 23:24:48

As you can see, my name is Samantha too!! My mom watned a cute name and my dad wanted a name he can get a bay name out of it as my nick name'sAM . I grew up very tom boyish with the ocassional barbies. my family calls me Sam I Am and my friends call me cherry (last name) and manfer. my full name is Samantha Louise Cherry louise is from my great grandmother thats her name.. well there are no way near enough words are room to explain soo thats as much as im typin.. PEACE!!!

09/20/2023 15:34:28

I LoVe my name its the best ever. It has so many nick names you can pick from.Like my close friends call me sam my mom calls me sammy my dad calls me samo and my boyfriend calls me mantha I LovE it its the BEST !!!

09/20/2023 12:20:30

My name is Samantha. I am twelve. I love my name'so much and my middle name is "Raelynn" so my mom and dad call me Sami-Rae-Rae!!! I laugh about it but I just love my name!! Goregous... lol

09/18/2023 13:54:26

I was for sure going to name my daughter'samantha. Then I found out that the name is chopped into Sam or Sammy without the girl requesting it. I have choosen another name.

09/17/2023 16:09:34

My daughters name is Samantha Mae. Mae is after my grnadmother and Samantha was the only name my husband and I could agree on. We wanted a strong name for our daughter and this one fit the bill. We call her'sam or Sammey. We chose to spell Sammey this way because It'still has a feminine touch to it as opposed to Sammy.

09/17/2023 15:34:18

Another'samantha for the list. I wouldn't have any other name. Most people call me Sam, and I have everyone online calling me Sammy. I'm also fond of the name meaning, as I consider myself a good listener. :)

09/13/2023 22:13:46

my little 5 year old cousin name is Samantha i call her'sammie everyone calls her'sammie but sometimes we call her'sam my sister Leah does not like the name'samantha well she does she just does not like the nickname'sammie my name has a nickname to my name is Sierra you guys all probaly know that everyone in my family calls me cc thats what me and Sam have in comment people call me cc short for Sierra and people call her'sam short for samantha so yeah lol.

09/13/2023 10:10:48

I don't like my name becasue of how common it is. I only let people shorten my name to "Sam" because "Sammi" is more demeaning to me than any other derogitory term. My dad wanted to name his daughter'samantha ever'since he'saw the'show "Bewitched" - which is inter'sting because I want to name my own kids after TV show characters. I have often considered changing my name, and if I do I will change it to Reece.

09/12/2023 09:29:36

I was named Samantha after Sam on Who's the Boss. :)

09/09/2023 18:00:48

I've studied names for 33 years, including mine, and I've come to find that Samantha is most likely Aramaic in origin. Aramaic is the language that Jesus spoke. With the meaning-'one who listens, listener'. Samuela is the feminine form of Samuel and is Hebrew, not Samantha. I love my name but I wish that it had not become so common. I've started going by Samantha Meagan(MEE-gan), my middle name, so that it might not seem so common.

09/08/2023 15:16:10

My name is Samantha I use to hate it as a kid but now im 25 and I love my name and it very commen I know at least 5 samanthas

09/07/2023 03:07:16

hey im a samantha tooo....i love it......i love it to pieces xoxoxox sami

09/05/2023 21:26:18

my name is samantha and i love it! and if you don't... well than to bad.

09/03/2023 01:33:00

My mom named me Samantha after that old tv how Bewitched. I always get asked about that.

09/01/2023 22:30:44

My name of couse is Samantha. Samantha Danielle :) i was given'this name because i was originally was supposed to be a boy but i came out a girl lol...but my mom wanted me to have a boy name but my dad wouldnt let her name me ricky so they named me samantha so it could be abbreviated into sam:) a boy name lol

08/30/2023 22:01:14

my names samantha..i hate it!! i have at least 2 in all my classes!! people call me sam, sami, sami sue, sambo, and shamie..i think its a bad name but ill live iwht it cuz i have to

08/30/2023 07:54:50

My Names Sam Peters and ive been calld, SI'miesammie, Sammie, Samp and, Samster

08/23/2023 04:34:36

My name is Samantha...named after'samantha from the old Bewitched series (my dad loved her!). I like school I got called Sammy, now Sam...although lately I find it odd that'so many people call me Sam when my real name is Samantha...but maybe that's because I'm an adult now!

08/21/2023 02:01:40

My names is Sam, duh. I hate my name, there's been four other girls in my grade alone with the'same name as me. I was born in the third most popular year for the name and It's ridiculously common and I can't stand it. It can get really confusing.

08/19/2023 06:31:56

My name is Samantha and my German Teacher always calls me Sammy but she'spells it wrong every time and she'spells It'sammi"and it get's so annoying. All my friends call me Sammy i like it as a nick name and i think Samantha is a good name because there is alot of worse names out there. I couldn't imagine my name being anything else.

08/14/2023 13:40:44

My name is Samantha Kaitlin. I hate my name! First of all. Samantha is super girly and common! Not even kidding I know 10 or more people with the name'samantha. Lots of people call me Sam. Some of my teache's call me Samer (like that the best) and sometimes my friends call me Sammi. If I could change my name I would change it to Jezabella. I bet no one has heard of that name xD.

08/11/2023 03:41:02

thats my name! dont wear it out! its totally awesome!

08/10/2023 18:34:24

My name is also Samantha; Samantha Reyna. I don't mind my name; if I really wanted to, I'd change it to Christine or Allison, but I'm fine with it. I tend to let my teache's and people I don't know very well call me Samantha. i've let some of my friends parents and some of my coaches call me Sam. And only my friends and family can call me by my nick name, Samiy. Some other nicknames are Samurai, Samerella, Sam-I-am, Sam-alama-ding-dong(I despise this name'so much) and Samara. All in all, Samantha Isn't such a bad name.

08/06/2023 04:04:16

I like my name, I just wish there weren't so many Samanthas out there. And I hate it when people just assume you want to be called Sam, or when'they spell it without an N. My name is not Samatha.

08/06/2023 02:36:06

I LOVE my nameee . Nickname's : Sam I am , Samie , Samo , Sam , Samie ! Rock onnn Samantha's :)

08/05/2023 19:50:32

My name is also Samantha. I love it. i've gotten a lot of nicknames over the years...sammy, sam, spam, spamo, sambo, spamela, spamela anderson, and the list goes on. But I wouldnt ever change my name.

08/04/2023 12:59:02

My name is Samantha. I am in my 30's and I love my name. I didn't like it as a kid because it was not a popular at the time. I think it is cool and I do go by the whole name.

07/31/2023 09:38:58

I sorta love my name, i have so many nicknames. Hopefully i'll help :PP I have, Samboni after that icesmoother, Sabamabam, Samster, Sam, Sammie, Spam, Sambo, Sammay , Samam, Samma, i've never been called Spamela Anderson, but that's pretty creative :P Well k bye.

07/30/2023 03:05:06

its great because no one can make fun of my name. i am usually known as Sam. but sometimes i hate my name because my little brother calles me Samanfa it really annoyes me. toodles

07/30/2023 02:29:50

my names sam, well samantha, though no one atcually calls me that except my mother. i absolutely love my name. i think its totally classy and even sexy.hehe. i have tons of nicknames too. my favourite is samsam cos its what my brother calls me.

07/27/2023 04:50:44

My name is Samantha and when I lived in Italy for a while (I come from England), they couldn't pronounce my name. It'sounded like "Samanta" when'they pronounced it. I didn't mind though. People call me Sam, Samantha, Samanta, Sammie, and someone calls me Sammie Sam Sam (❤️). I don't really care what they call me, just as long as It's nice! :-) I love my name!

07/26/2023 23:50:58

no one really spells it incorrect. i really like it, people do call me sam or princess sammie but im not really fussed because its a great name hahaha, i know a few other'samanthas too. xx

07/25/2023 15:13:40

This is my name and i love how it is uniquie and uncommon. I like the pronounciation od dan-ee-ah

07/21/2023 14:14:40

i love my name!!! i couldnt ask for a better one...most people call me Sami or Sam but ya know how that goes!!!

07/21/2023 07:11:28

After any introduction my name is automatically shortened to Sam. A frequent comment is that Samantha is too long and formal. Names come in and out of fashion and while not as common as some names, there are a lot of Samanthas about, especially of my age - due to Bewitched I think, so although people may have thought it unusual at the time of naming their babies there are now a lot of us about. I would prefer a classic but more unusual name.

07/21/2023 04:32:46

I LOVE it! it is soo unique and pretty. Nobody else has the'same name in my class. But i don't like my nickname'sam becuase it is so boyish.

07/21/2023 00:43:32

Another'samantha Here! I ahv been called Samalamdingdong, Sammie Sam, Sam I am, Sam the man, etc.

07/19/2023 07:52:30

My name is Samantha, and I use to hate it, but now I think its cute, i have so many nicknames...sam..sammi..i like them both & my friends love it too!

07/18/2023 14:49:46

My name is Samantha and since its so high in popularity i lost a little respect for my own name. I introduce myself as Sam no matter what. I write down sam on everything It'says to put my name on besides checks and other important documents. Being called Samantha actually annoys me b/c its been either'sam or sammy since the day i was born.

07/17/2023 07:23:00

As a kid I was teased and called Spam. But thats about it. I don't mind being called Sam Sammy or Samantha and everyone I know mixes it up and calls me all of them. I suppose I would have liked a more unique name as I know many Sams my own age. But no complaints

07/15/2023 20:59:54

I go by Sam, but I have grown into the connotations of Samantha.

07/15/2023 04:14:48

My name is Samantha. I love it because I get a lot of nick names, but I don't like it when people call me spam, because spam is a nasty food.

07/14/2023 03:51:14

eiI'mira mi nombre es samantha y absolutamente lo amo y eso es too :P

07/10/2023 15:48:06

My name is samantha, but a lot of people call me sam. I love the name'samantha but i dont like the nickname'sam at all. I feel like its a boys name and thats really the only downside to the name. Well and in school there were a lot of samantha's which gets annoying having to be samantha h. or samantha k. or samantha g. or something. I also have been called sammy not sure why though but it was cute lol

07/08/2023 23:49:58

i have sooooo many nicknames...its a name that can vary from sexy...its sooo popular now though...i have 28 sams in my school...thats including boys n girls..and to top it off i have a small school ..but i love my name

07/05/2023 10:01:02

My name is Samantha...can't say I hate it, but I hate it when people spell my name and leave out an "a" or the "h"

06/28/2023 04:37:22

it is my name as well the only this i don't like about it is every where i turn there is another'samantha or even Samuel which can get pretty confusing if all of our nicknames are Sam but i love my name and wouldn't trade it for anything

06/27/2023 21:51:48

Common name, I see, after reading the comments. I'met about 2-4 people named Samantha. I think It's a good name. I like it. But, I don't think I'll like being a Samantha. One person named Samantha was usually called Sam or Sammy but never by her original name. I don't get it...

06/24/2023 01:52:34

Ughhhh so I'm a boy and my middle name is allyn... i've always hated it as it looks very girly. My full name is Jeffrey Allyn Maxson. I just go by Jeff haha

06/22/2023 05:12:18

Hiya! my names samantha! I'm 12 and I lllllllluuuuuurrrvvvvvvvveeeeeeee my name!!! my nickname is sam!

06/15/2023 13:02:08

My name is Samantha and I rarely met anyone else with my name when I was growing up (I'm 26 now.) But, as an elementary school teacher, i've had as many as 3 "Samantha"s in one class! Nicknames given'to me have included: Sam, Sammy, Sammy Jo, Sambalina, Spam, Sam I Am, Salmon, Sambo, and on... It is nice to have a classic name that can either'sound grown up or have a tomboyish nickname.

06/15/2023 11:33:58

my names samantha, but only 3 people call me samanthaa my best friend who calls me "samantha maree", my mum and a guy who i'v known since i was 3 . i dislike the nick name'sam. its to bleek. in primary school i got sammy the'sea snail ( didnt like that to much) and now to be different my nick names Samee pronuced the'same as sammy but It'sticks out more. i love it!

06/12/2023 12:26:42

I LOVE my name. Love it. i've racked up even more nicknames than just Sam,etc. Let's see there's, Sam (of course), SammyJo, SammySue, and my personal favorite, Samface. My Dad even has a nickname for me. He leaves the 'a' out at the end. he'sometimes calls me Samanth. Since I'm 24 now and trying to get into the professional world, I'm trying to get every one to call me Samantha. It's not working very well.

06/11/2023 08:49:10

my name is samantha too, Samantha ann in fact! So alot of my close friends call me, sam, samma or sammy-ann. I dont mind it too much.But i do get the occasional wham bam thank you sam.. (the only thing i dont like) or hey sam do you like green eggs and ham❤️ I think samantha sounds good and looks pretty. My kids at school cant pronounce my name and end up calling me samanfa or samanta. lol, so i just tell them to call me ms. samma.

06/10/2023 14:00:38

hey guys! my name is samantha 2! all my friends call me sam but people who have known me since i was born calls me sammy..i dont really like it but whatever. no one calls me samantha except if im in trouble by my parents haha

06/09/2023 22:26:04

My name is Samanthe, I have never come across the meaning of my name except 4 when its spelt with an a at the end❤️ Can u help me with this❤️

06/09/2023 04:48:04

My name is samantha!!! every one either calls me sam or samantha. i have other nicknames to but they have nothing to do with samantha! i love my name though. It'sounds so graceful ( i am not ) and pretty. but as soon as i am called sam things really turn around! :)

06/04/2023 05:28:56

My friends name is samantha bt we neva call her that now jst sami or mainly sam i call her'sometimes sambo or sammy

06/03/2023 17:43:36

People always spell it wrong... they forget the "n" but thats not a big deal. As for nick names, Samma and Samma pants are my favorIt's! Not too many Samantha's out there, its nice to actually know someone is speaking to you when'they yell your name out in a crowd, unlike Kristen or Jenny...

06/02/2023 13:13:10

I was born with the name'samantha, but my parents changed it to Margaret when I was adopted. I LOVE the name'samantha!! Totally changing it back. There are a few cool nicknames that come from Samantha that no one really uses, like Thasa or Sama. I think Sam and Sammy are a little too over used. Really cool name!! SAMANTHAS KEEP ROCKIN ON!

05/30/2023 23:30:10

Its sexy, beautifull, charming and very feminine...a better name doesnt exist!!

05/30/2023 07:55:36

My name is also Samantha and honestly, I love it! It might be considered as a common name, but I have only ever met two other'samantha❤️s my whole life. It'seems as it has lost popularity compared to Leslie and Jennifer, as those names are heard everywhere. So, I like to think that Samantha is an uncommon name as I don't here it often, but either way if it is or not, It's still a very beautiful name. I am so glad my mom named me this way and not Betsida/Betsy, as that was the original name I was going to be called. Now a lot of people call me sam and my siblings call me Sammy, but my friends go crazy to where they come up with some weird nicknames like, Sam bam, sambo wambo, sam buitcha, sambi, and so on.

05/29/2023 19:17:22

My name is Samantha, all of my close friends call me Sammy. Samantha is the best name. When I was younger my dad used to call me Samalamadingdong which was annoying but it was what my dad called me. My parents call be Sammy and all of my relatives. It's sad because my Aunt spells my name'sammi and It's supposed to be spelled Sammy. Well love the name'samantha soooooooooooooooooo much"

05/21/2023 22:54:24

I think my name'samantha is pretty allright, and i absolutely love it when someone i like calls me sam or sammy...I'melt!

05/20/2023 15:27:38

I love my name, because i think it helps me make friends. Everywhere i go I'meet someone with my name, and i can relate to problems they may have with their names, and we call each other by our nicknames. Even our teache's do it, so they can'tell the difference!

05/18/2023 22:01:20

Hey. My name is actualy Samanta. And no, its not a mistake. I am polish born and brought up very european. There is no "th" in the polish language, so my legal name was always without an "H". I had alot of problems with it as a kid. But now nobdy calls me Samantha, or Samanta either way, since people usualy call me Sam anyway!

05/18/2023 02:55:10

Hey I'm a Samantha and I love it...I do get called Samantha but as a kid i was called spamala-anderson ;( but other than that....i love being a Samantha

05/16/2023 16:32:04

i used to love love love the name until my secret lover went out with a girl by this name'so now its only okay for me, because i want him so bad!!!

05/14/2023 13:59:08

i lovee this name its minee!! people call me sam to ever'since i was a babyy~

05/13/2023 21:49:18

I love the name, and people call me Sam cuz I'm a dyke...

05/12/2023 04:23:00

My name is Samantha and It'sounds nice screamed ;) especially when ur tied down and head is banging up against the headboard with ur legs in the air whatupsex peace

05/11/2023 05:27:36

well, my name is samantha i've always liked it and the thing is im christian and the meaning is listner to gods word which is so scary, but being only 14 I still have yet to live up to the meanng

05/08/2023 17:30:24

so yeah, most of my friends call me Spammieantha and its really annoying. but whatever. at least they dont call me samsonite..... i definately t p all their houses. its all good. they are all e tarded anyway. right❤️ i know. i am also called antha, kiantha, hewkiantha, e, bethany (no its not my middle name), and coco puff. i like that one. i will definately NOT name my kidd samantha because the name is RIDICULOUS and i hate that its my name, especially cuz the whole spammieantha thing. UGH! life is so friggin hard. gosh dang it. k bye.

05/08/2023 09:51:56

My name is Samantha, and I love it. It is so versatile when you introduce yourself, you can make It'sound "sexy" or "exotic" etc. I have received so many compliments on the name, and I love it and think it fits me perfectly.

05/07/2023 15:03:24

My name is Samantha! I was born in December 2005 and sometimes my name can get a bit boring because I know like 5 different Samantha's but It's funny because when'they call their name, we both answer at the'same time! My friends call me "Sam", "Sammie" or "Sam-I-Am". Personally, I hate the Dr. Suess bit on my name. It is a very common name but I wouldn't change it for the world!

05/06/2023 17:36:10

my name is not sam but i LOVE that name. its my alltime favorite name. i love samantha. i dont like sam as a boy or girl nickname. i like samantha because its nice & girly. but sam just ruins it.

05/06/2023 07:19:00

My name is Samantha and i love it to death its the the coolest name i could ever ask for!!

05/04/2023 12:24:32

my name is samantha people always spell it wrong. i have never meet someone with my name.i think it is a very pretty name ,.

05/01/2023 07:06:58

my names Samantha!!! i dont think i would change it for anything in the world i love It'soooo soooo much.. thats why It's in my top 5 favorite names

04/29/2023 19:15:42

My name is Samantha,i really like it cos i tink its a pretty and sexy name!dnt particulaly like wen people call me Sam though however those who know me call me Samantha so its ok!

04/28/2023 13:17:06

My name is Samantha. i've been called Sam, and Sammy (please refrain from doing so), Peanutbutter, and even Petie (don't ask because I don't know why!) I hate looking up the meaning of my name and automatically being refered to as Samuel.

04/25/2023 12:24:02

my name is samantha and i love it i woulndnt change it ever coz i love it to much people called sammie coz its short and i love that to

04/24/2023 19:03:40

my name is samantha... and people call me Sam Sammie and i love nicknames like Sammers , or... Sammay or Mantha , & Manny(:

04/24/2023 03:11:28

My name is Samantha and I have always loved it. I am named after my great-grandfather who was an I'migrant from Italy. His name was Savario but everyone called him Sammy. I love my name because it is more unique than something generic like "Emily" or "Katie" or "Jessica" that everyone has. But at the'same time it is not completely different where no one has ever heard of it. Anyway, most people just call me Sam to keep It'simple. If people call me Sami it must be spelled S-A-M-I, not Sammy or anything else. A few of my friends call me Antha because we had too many guy friends named Sam and it was really confusing. Oh and my close family members sometimes call me Samibowami for fun.

04/23/2023 20:08:16

Well this is my name. And my name'spelled wrong all the time. My name is spelled daijah. But at school my name is spelled ethier deja or deijha its so aynoying. Sined,Daijah WillI'ms

04/22/2023 14:27:18

I LOVE this name'sooo much. I don't care for the nickname'sam, but Samantha is absolutely charming.

04/21/2023 12:53:12

Im A Samantha And i HATE HATE HATE the nickname'sam cos It'sounds like a guy name but i have been called the nicknames Sammi,samalamadingdong, sammy, manfa(wat my 8yrold cuz calls me) and sam-E. But I Really like the name'samantha cos its pretty :) but i wish i could have a cooler and shorter alternative to samantha :)

04/20/2023 18:39:56

hey my name is samantha renee and i like it. my mother loves the name. and everybody likes my name.

04/18/2023 23:45:28

my name is saMANtha... this is where my friends get the nickname MAN from because I am one.. I'mean Samantha is pronounced Sa-MAN-thah.

04/18/2023 21:24:24

Can I just say what a relief to find osoemne who actually knows what theyre talking about on the internet. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people need to read this and understand this side of the'story. I cant beli've youre not more popular because you definitely have the gift.

04/18/2023 09:03:48

Well, my name is vanessa and im happy to have that name, because It's the best

04/17/2023 23:57:10

My name is also Samantha. People just call me Sam. It drives me insane when people spell my name as "Samatha" or call me Sammy.

04/16/2023 06:30:52

Everybody tells me "WOW you have a beautiful name!" Yeah I like my name'samantha alot. I wouldn't change it for the world!!!

04/15/2023 03:10:58

Samantha is my name, though I do have to say, no Sammy. GOD no. Only people who are allowed to call me it are my Nana and my Aunt. I have my own unique nickname for Samantha, though usually It's easier to just throw out a Sam so I don't have to explain it. XD

04/11/2023 16:18:22

My name is Samantha it means God Heard in Hebrew...mantha is greek and it means flower...put them together it means...(GOD HEARD THE FLOWER)

04/11/2023 08:57:32

I get called Sammi,Sammijay,Manda,Matha,Shammy,SamSam this girls from my gym club sings this to me "Her name is samsam and she cancan save the world'

04/08/2023 13:39:30

A girl I know is named Samantha. Super-duper name, in my top five names for girls! I like the name'samantha for girls, not shortened!

04/04/2023 02:40:58

Always been'told I have a beautiful name.. It'sounds weird to me though... but I like my nick much moore.. people usually call me Sammi or Sammy or SAMMEH! (pronounced the'same way as TI'mEH! from South Park!).. I would rather be called Abigail, that's a pretty pretty name.

04/02/2023 06:00:42

It's okay.. i don't really like the name as a whole... but my friends say they envy it... I am always called sam... even people who don't know me call me sam because i am a tomboyish emo person...

03/30/2023 15:42:26

I love my name, also. I have soo many nicknames It's kind of amazing. There's, Sami, Sam, Samalama, Samaniah, Samerz, Samz, SamerzJamerz, Samae, Sam - eee and Slammy, [[yeah there's a 'L' in it]]. My friends are always coming up with new nicknames for me. It's quite entertaining, actually. Again, I love my name!

03/27/2023 11:35:24

yeap.I'm Natasha but mine's pronoced differently.Plus my grandma says it hails from Russia and I love it when people always ask me if I'm russian and since I'm arfican american most people always think I'm white the first time they hear my name because It's not really what they call "black" But what the hell It's my name and I LOVE IT. L-O-V-E being called N-A-T-A-S-H-A.

03/23/2023 00:54:30

my name is samantha and i agree that we I'mediately get called sam. even my coworkers call me sam, including the manager. It's not bad, but i think It's because the name is long and i guess people are too lazy to say it lol.

03/22/2023 10:30:28

i've got a friend named Samantha. She likes it, but no one is allowed to call her "Sam" or "Sammy" for some reason that is unknown to me. Oh well.

03/21/2023 20:59:20

This is my name and I love it. Sure people do pronounce it wrong and say it wrong. I go by Jenny and that is what people call me. Even my family calls me Jenny. Some do call me Genevi've and the'say correctly, so I'm not bothered by it. The correct way to say it is Jen-neh-veeve.

03/21/2023 01:00:16

My daughter's name is Samantha Mae. She was named after her father's maternal grandparents. Their names were Samuel and Alpha Mae. She absolutely loves her name, as do we. Her nickname is Sami, which she loves. She'sometimes also gets called Sam by me (her father) because I was a huge Bewitched fan as a kid and liked the main character's nickname, which was Sam and because it was my grandfather's nickname. She loves to play soccer and it is amazing how often we hear other girls called Samantha, Sami, and yes, even Sam. While not as unique as it was when she received it, Samantha is still a very beautiful name and I think has a very dignified sound to it.

03/20/2023 20:53:24

This is my name, but it is pronounced with a short e like ketchup.

03/18/2023 16:17:02

My Daughter is expected this week, I will name her'samantha hope she likes the name as I do... I love the name. it fits old ages.

03/17/2023 04:43:24

Samantha is my daughter's name (born 2010). I think that It'sounds beautiful and sophisticated. We call her'sammie as a nickname which I think is cute and sweet.

03/14/2023 08:32:28

My daughters name is Samantha. I call her'sami, Mantha, Sami Sosa, or Samela Anderson. Not sure why I call her the last two, it just slips out sometimes.

03/13/2023 01:58:36

My name is Samantha and I love my name! I get called Sammi, Sammika, Rammi, Sam, all sorts of things, I think It's a great name. I have known a few people called Samantha but It's not one of those over-popular names.

03/11/2023 21:45:48

While it looks cool on paper, phonetically it just doesn't sound very nice.

03/10/2023 18:25:54

My name is Samantha, and i really like it. I like how you can be called so many things like sam, sammie, and samuel...haha. alot of my friends call me spam. i really like my name.

03/10/2023 15:29:34

hey my name is samantha renee and i like it. and everybody else likes it. my mother really likes it thats why she named me that

03/06/2023 03:02:52

i love my name! i have loads of nicknames like sam and sammy and sammyantha

03/05/2023 23:48:54

my name is always spelled wrong..even in my yearbook It'says 'samatha'..a nickname i have that i havent seen here is 'samma'..i love that..and i love samantha as well

03/02/2023 07:21:16

hey.. Im Samantha and i live in South AFrica. I absolutely love my name and its meaning because it rings true to how i live. All my friends call me Sam for short but one other friend re-arranged my name and he calls me Mathansa, which is so funny:)

03/02/2023 01:28:36

My name is Samantha, my dad chose that name'so he could call me Sam. He wanted a boy but instead got his 5th girl! I do not allow people to call me Sammy, I hate everything about that name. Especially now that I am 28 years old, it just seems silly.

03/01/2023 23:25:10

hi im samantha as well... but smantha kumar...i live in fiji...people call me sammy,or sam.. i love my name..

03/01/2023 01:40:18

HI'my name is Samantha too, I'm 29. At university every1 used to call me sam (which my mum hates) but at home everyone calls me samantha really. I used to get Samantha the Pink Panther at primary school but i think that nickname was sooo lame it doesn't even deserve recognition really! lol What i like about my name is that its not too common amongst my age group. I only know of 1 other'samantha in my school year. There are loads of Samanthas around which were born in the early 90s though!

02/27/2023 05:52:56

samantha is my name and i think as i got older i liked it more.

02/22/2023 11:51:12

I don't know anyone with Samantha that well, but I have always loved that name!

02/18/2023 02:38:28

hI'my name is Samantha i love my name because my baby cousin was named after me and i was named after my uncle, Sammi

02/15/2023 09:06:14

My name is Samantha too :) i like being called samantha the best out of all the names. but i dont like sammy. i get called sam the most. but when im in trouble i get called samantha. i love my name and wud never change it. i get called, samantha,sam,sammy,sambo,sammyanther'spam and morrrrrrrre :) go all samanthas ;D !

02/12/2023 21:09:02

My name is Samantha everyone usually calls me sam and my brothe's n sister call me sammy n my lil cuzins call me sammy to lol

02/11/2023 15:10:26

I like my can be both masculine and femine... both are important qualities. Sam --to me symbolize strong, quick and assertive. Samantha--is more girly & sexy. So I like to appear both as strong and sexy, so this is a great name!

02/08/2023 05:28:22

My name is Samantha and i've been called everything from Sam [ Dont Mind it], Sammy, Sammie , Samsonite [ Like it ] , Sammie-Jammie [ Used to it ] , Sammeh , Sammieh , Spam , Man [ ARG ].. and i few more.

02/07/2023 20:21:44

my name is Samantha and I absolutely love it. I have so many nick names, and it fits me perfectly. i've met a lot of people with the'same name but,It'stil just mine even if a hundred other girls have the'same name. I would't change it for the world.

02/03/2023 22:01:26

im a Samantha! I was named after the'singer'sammy Hagar. yup i was named after a dude lol my dad was obsessed with him i guess. i was pretty much stuck with Sam if i was a guy or a girl haha. People call me Sammie Gee B. age 18. Samantha is a gorgeously long name... i like it!

02/03/2023 09:58:28

My name is Samantha and I love this name. it is common but it fits me! i've been called Samie, Sam, and Samantha. I dont care witch one they call me. I like all three of them

02/03/2023 07:37:24

samantha is the most best name in the world. i have loads of nicknames 2222, so hahahahahahahahahahahaha ! my frend katie is jealous of my name'she thinks it is so coool and she thinks katie is a doggies name. nicknames: samy,mantha,manthy,sam,samzy etcccc

01/29/2023 09:46:26

cant beleive how many people actually like the name Samantha, ive never really like it at all,but i guess the best thing is about it that i can change it to whatever i feel like at the time, e.g. Sam, Sammiie,Sammy,Samantha.. i guess it can have its advantages and can suit your personality.. whether you are girly or tomboy.

01/28/2023 19:22:24

Hey! Im Samantha[duh] and i am call sam, sammi, samalamadingong, Slammer [haha thanks to kellie] and i think samantha is a GREAT name=D!

01/27/2023 06:38:14

She's beaytiful, delightful, full of life, always positive and cheerful, the love of my life!! thanks Samantha for the gifts you give each day that make you a true gift of God. Love always, JMS

01/25/2023 20:50:24

My name is samantha, but most people usually call me samsam or samie. nobody really calls me samantha bacuase it makes me sound like i did something wrong and im in trouble.

01/25/2023 15:33:00

Hola. My name is samantha elaine (elaine is a middle name.) i have been called samm(i spell it with with two m's to make it my own)sammii, sammikins, samantha, and samzilla! My name fits me perfectly but sometimes i wish i could have a cooler name. but my name fits my personalityy. BUBBLEESS!

01/21/2023 16:37:26

I Lve My Name It Is A Very Pretty Name ANd The Meaning Is Really Great! LIsTENER OF GOD!

01/19/2023 19:57:10

I love my name! If you are thinking of this name for your daughter, keep in mind that Samantha is a name that needs to be/has to be carried by a strong, unique individual. Just think of the'samantha's you know, I bet that they all have very distinctive personalities. It's just something that comes with owning that name. It's a name that tends to be pronounced/shortened differently depending on the individuals relationship with Samantha. Hence why she is such a distinctive girl; how ever which way you say it, there is no mistaking she's Samantha!

01/19/2023 17:18:28

It is my name and I love it; I find it to be a very beautiful name. It makes for a nice signature too. I like some of the nicknames, such as Sam which is the nickname I go by. Although I do have a hard time with people trying to give me other nicknames like "Sam-bo" or "Sammy".

01/18/2023 22:12:18

my initials are SAM :D i love muh name just i wish i had a better nickname other than SAMI :/

01/17/2023 02:24:56

Hey my name is Samantha but everyone calls me Sam, Sammie, Sammie jo, and most commenly ShamSham. I love my name and yes like othe's samanthas on herei have yet to be called spam,and thank god!!!Peace

01/14/2023 15:38:16

My name is Samantha and i don't like its not very original and for those other'samantha's who have never met a person who has the'same name ur not looking hard enough. it is SOOO common. My mum didn't want to name me Samantha anyway if she knew it was common. i would've liked an original name.

01/11/2023 20:37:52

Well my name is Semaj and people usally said it wrong Ex semajee semag or sema it kinda funny seeing my teacher talk like fool i guess we Semaj got to stay together. My mom got my name from my step grandfather James i am so lucky my name is Semaj THANKS MOM :D

01/11/2023 09:27:48

My names Samantha and i realy dont like it. It'sounds stupid and dose not suit me at all. I hate the name I want to change my name to Beverly or something.

01/09/2023 23:04:42

I dont might that much when ever they call me sam,sammy, sami, samantha, and sasami because it part of my name. so im happy but at least they dont call me sam be side othe's guys name. im 17 year old and i love my name.

01/09/2023 19:33:06

Woo my name is Faye and I love it :) it means fairy and that's really cute- my full name is Faye Louise and there is someone else on here with that name- wow that's so cool!! :) I always struggled to find things in shops with the name Faye on it but oh well :') My friends and family call me fayesie and my mom calls me fayesie woo :)

01/06/2023 16:36:36

My name is Samantha but everyone calls me Sam besides my parents. I like the name'samantha I think it is a very pretty name. There are 3 other'samantha's in my grade at school and many Samantha's in other grades as well so the name is very popular.

01/02/2023 22:05:32

my names Samantha and i love it! ive always been complimented and have grown to love it! its so feminine and pretty. i get lots of nicknames, and its can be shortened. its juts the pretttiest name:)

01/01/2023 04:03:58

my names samantha and i usually get called sammy jo bob or just sam

12/31/2022 08:22:32

im samantha i get called everything. my name is too long and the nicknames are guy-ish or stupid. i get called:samonilla, amsay,esjay,SJ, sam,sam the man, sami sosa, sambooka,samalot,amsay (piglatin), basically whatever embarrasing thing my dad can'think of, it doesnt help that my last name is CONE.

12/30/2022 03:16:50

samantha a lovely name.

12/29/2022 21:59:26

My brother used to call me "Sam the ham," but over time, It'somehow evolved into "Ham Sam-which." :-)

12/29/2022 09:56:28

My sister's name is Samantha Jo (Sammy Jo when she was younger). And my best friend's name is also Samantha (but we call her Sami). It's pretty and I like how it can be altered, but it is way to common.

12/25/2022 04:32:58

May name is Samantha and i've really only met one of their girl named it, i've only had one person say my name wrong, I get called SammySam, Sam, Sammy, Sammy Sosa, samanthapoo, SamanthaSue, maxipam, (not in favor of)my Sam, Sam I am, Samerella, Rambo, spam, Sammy Francesca(idk why on earth) but yeah, ;D It's cool! Longer than most!

12/22/2022 06:18:36

I love my name and so does everyone i know!!Almost all my family and Friends have commented on how much they like it. I love when people shorten it down to Sam, Sammie or Sambo. It'sounds nice and refreshing and i thing my name makes me sound like an approachable and friendly person (which i am). If it wasnt my name i would call my daughter'samantha. My great grandmother named me and i am very proud of my name.

12/17/2022 16:23:44

Great name for a girl. A bunch of nickname possibilities. My sister has this name and i use to pick on her by calling her "Sam the Man". My cousins call her'sam, sammy or mantha!

12/17/2022 04:38:24

my name is samantha.. i dont like it. till this day, my grandparents think my name is samatha w/o an "n". I'm 22. in college there were 5 other "Sammy"s on my hockey team. I was Sammi Sue (my middle name is sue) there was also ST (her initials) Sami, Sammy, Sam, and Samantha. we weren't creative w/ nicknames because we all refused to give up our real name for something different. i've been called Sammy Sosa, sammy the rammy, samo, shammy shue, sam, slammin' sammi, and if you go by sammI'many people may mishear you and think amy, mandy, tammy (a lot).

12/11/2022 12:34:10

I love this name. If I ever have a girl she will be called Samantha!

12/11/2022 11:06:00

My name is Samantha.and I love It'so many people have different nick names for me and I always know whos calling me by the nick name they say! :) it also means You're a good listener!

12/06/2022 11:29:14

Yes my name is Tabitha too...HATE Tabby. I like T.C. as a shorter version of those who have felt compelled to think its fun to nickname me Tabby teacher use to call me that! Ugh. lol. Nobody is allowed to call me Tabby unless you wanna get hurt. Everyone knows this. I get the theme song Bewitched hummed or sang to me alot by older people. I find it kinda embarrassing but what can I do❤️ I do wish I could change my name most days but it could be a whole lot worse I know.

12/02/2022 15:47:38

I love this name :) The girl I love has this name! I LOOOOOOVE YOU!

11/28/2022 19:30:46

I love my name but I cannot stand it when people shorten my name, esp without asking me... I cannot stand being called "Sam"..If I wanted to be called Sam I would have been born male. I love the meaning and the fact that it is such an old name. I don't meet alot of women my age (27)with my name and I love that! However, I have noticed the name becoming more common over the past 10yrs among the generation born after me.

11/26/2022 16:57:50

my name is samantha an i think it is an awesome name. i have lots of nicknames like sammy and sam and sam-sam. its a name that lots of people like.

11/26/2022 14:01:30

my name is samantha and i love because my boyfriend make It'soung "sexy"

11/24/2022 06:46:26

My name is Samantha Rose. I love the way it goes together. All my family and best friends call me Samantha. Professors and other friends usually end up just calling me Sam. My boyfriend's family and two of my friends i've know for 15 years are the only people to call me Sammy. I love the name'samantha and don't find it all that common, I was born in 2002 though so I'm not sure if the year I was born has something to do with it.

11/21/2022 17:21:04

People call me Sam alot and sometimes I get tired of it.

11/20/2022 17:50:24

My name is Samantha I love my name All the boys like it I'm in cheerleading and the girls call me sexy sammie

11/18/2022 05:35:34

i have the name'samantha, people call me sam. BUT IM ALWAYS MISTAKEN AS A BOY!

11/10/2022 09:12:36

Way too common. Every kindergarten class is littered with Madisons. Please stop naming your daughters this.

11/10/2022 07:44:26

Its my name and i always get difrent nicknames, Around christmas people even call me Samta!

11/01/2022 03:54:42

Samantha, best name on earth, lol my nick names are the best Sammee, samster, shammee

10/27/2022 01:21:36

My name is Samantha too. If it wasnt my name already I would have named my daughter'samantha

10/21/2022 03:07:04

i love my name i hated it at first but now i love neing called samantha! its so pretty my nick names are sam ans sami

10/10/2022 17:36:22

My name's Samantha, It's a bit weird but I don't know what I'd do without it!

10/10/2022 11:08:26

I absolutely LOVE my name i have so many nicknames that i am called it is soo girly i dont know how any one could not liek the name'samantha it is probably because they are JEALOUS and want the name but CANT haha Sammie luvs u ALL

10/09/2022 05:27:28

My name is samantha and when i was small i hated it and allways wanted my name to be rose! the only people to call me samantha really is my parents and every day hey use my nicknames! they are Sambo Sammy Sam i am samorina mantha munckin sami sam samuntha and many more..... im the only person in my school with the name'samantha and EVERYONE makes little nickname but know i just love my name and since its soo pouluar i feel happy that it was named it when no one liked it.( I was actually named after my dad Samuel though)

10/04/2022 12:36:16

I love my name'sAMANTHA . It's an excellent name for a beautiful girl!

10/01/2022 21:07:28

my name is samantha and i absolutly adore it..although there are so many girls in my school named samantha and i constantly turn around just to find that i am not being summond....i still love my name and i am proud to carry it with me through my lifetime!

09/28/2022 17:18:04

Holaaaa friends. of course, my name is Samantha ! and my close friends call me sammy, or sam. around school I'm known as samicakes, sammywammy & samisosa ! &&&&i; love my naaaaame !

09/21/2022 16:54:10

I think It's a beautiful name, so much so that my wife and I named our baby girl Samantha. She's only a year and a half old and she already has many nicknames. I think/hope she really likes it when she grows up....

09/20/2022 20:19:50

We named our daughter'samantha, it was the only name we could agreed on. Almost a quarter years have passed and I ask her if she like her name; her answer is alwas YES. He other nicknames are Sam, Sami or the most endearment is Lamb. It'started as Sami Lambe. H.S volleyball game I was yelling " Great Dig Lamb".

09/19/2022 00:32:28

hey im a samantha tooo....i love it......i love it to xoxoxox sami

09/17/2022 18:51:30

my name is Samantha and i hate it most the time. I have two other'samantha in my senoir class only. We all like being called by Sam. It does bit when I have class with them because we get confused so easily. Even'though I don't like my name'sometimes, being name'samantha is a part of what makes me me!

09/15/2022 08:57:44

When I was a little girl everytime someone would pass me they would sing that'song Iesha by ABC. I thought I was the only one that went through that. I call it my theme song. I love my name! I think It's beautiful and unique and quite rare.

09/15/2022 07:29:34

Three Words: Alexander Lavelle Harris. That is all.

09/12/2022 01:36:44

My name is Samantha and i like It'sometimes, but sometimes I hate it. It's pretty, but so common. My parents were going to name me Zoe, but they chose Samantha instead. There are 6 other'samanthas in my grade (just in my school) 3 in the grade below me, 4 in the grade above me, and 4 two grades below me. I'meet alot of Samanthas.

09/11/2022 02:23:42

My name is Samantha, and i've onlt disliked it when I was younger, and I had to break up the'syllables in my name. The'second one was obviously always "man," and I hated it. Now, It's not a big deal- I'm seventeen. (: + I'm not paying $500 for a name change :o

09/10/2022 17:34:42

my name is samantha! but people call me sam when'they call me sammy i get very annoyed i hate it!

09/10/2022 11:06:46

my names samantha and i love my name! plus im the only girl in my year with the name. i have heaps of niknames like sam, sammy jo, spam, spamala, sam sta and the list goes on. i have a friend thats also called samantha but she's in a lower year than me..seems like the names popular too..go the'samantha's! lol

09/07/2022 20:13:14

My name is awsome!...Many people tell me my name is unique. Many people call me sammy for short.. If you like nicknames you will love this name...I do!

09/07/2022 05:49:12

Samantha but have been going by Sammi since I was 14. :) (I'm 24 now ;) )

08/30/2022 18:38:06

My name is SAMANTHA. I love it. As its a english name'so being a bangali girl its not very common in my country.So everybody likes my name'so i love my name very much.But some people pronounce It'samanta not samantha, it is a problem. my freinds gave the nick SAMA the'short form of overall its a very attractive name indeed.

08/29/2022 20:40:30

My best friends and my names are Samantha. For some reason we always have more fun than othe's we are hanging out with.

08/17/2022 21:21:54

My name is Samantha. I think its a great name. Like othe's have mentioned It's a classic, feminine name and guys love it! I always get asked if I prefer to be called Samantha or Sam.

08/10/2022 19:10:30

My name's Samantha and I had nicknames such as Sammy Sam Shammy,from my brother,Mantha Sapata and Samata.My dad wanted to call me Jessica but my mom just couldnt agree!Ther's this one girl in my grade named Samantha foster and i kinda like having someone with same name.Not any name like Samantha! ♡♡♡

07/29/2022 02:28:48

HI'my name is Samantha Susanna, but I go by sam. My mom "strangely" calls me salami sue," I hate salami", I'm getting used to it.When I was little I was Sammi Sue, samalam,salomay and sam I am. I love my name!

07/14/2022 08:22:30

We Name are son Brett After my husband's family member George Brett..We really love keeping the name a family so his first Name is Brett and middle name is Gaston after my fater.I just love it Brett Gaston and we can't wait to meet him in like 5 weeks : )

07/14/2022 03:48:00

Hey my name is Samantha too. Everyone calls me Sam or Samie, witch is good I hate getting called spam. My uncle alls me sambo. But my new nickname by my mom is plaid dont ask. I was just wereing plaid shorts one day and sombody said they liked them. But I am trying to look for a new nickname i kinda like Mandi.

07/08/2022 07:48:18

hey guys my name is Samantha to...!!1 i love my name1

06/22/2022 18:29:06

hey im a Samantha TOO! my friends call me sam and sammie most of the time but i do get the occasional "sam i am" and i love it our name totally rocks the'socks off everyone

06/20/2022 01:31:12

My name is Samantha but most people call me Sam or Sammi. I use to like being called Sam but as i have got older i prefer to use SAMANTHA because It'sounds more grownup. I love my name and my initials because they spell SAM :) People use to struggle to spell my name and i use to have samanfer'samanfa, wrote on christmas cards. Other names people use for me include, mantha, sammie, sammy :D

06/19/2022 07:13:12

I like being called Sam or Sammy better than Samantha...when people call me Samantha i feel like they don't like me enough to call me Sam or like I'm in trouble. But thats probably because all my life i've been Sam or Sammy, no one really calls me Samantha in the first place.

06/19/2022 00:48:54

Hardly anyone calls me Samantha, It's always Sam, which is boyish. And Sammie is too childish. Since I live in Asia, many people have problems spelling and/or pronouncing the "tha" . I think It's an ok name, but doesn't suit me or my life very well.

06/13/2022 14:53:06

This is my name, and its fine. Although people often mispell is, making it jessie. Moderatly annoying, but no big deal. Short period where people would call me jessica, which was a pain in the ass, but it passed.

06/03/2022 16:04:12

My name is Samantha Rose. I was named after'samantha from Bewitched. My mother only ever calls me "Sam", and when I was younger and in trouble would I be called Samantha. I can count the'samanthas' i've met on one hand! I'll admit It's a pretty name.

05/26/2022 08:36:00

Samantha is a cool name, years ago I knew this beautiful Italian-German woman with that name, very nice person, great human being, She told me to call her "Sam" for short. Her middle name was Miley, Samantha Miley had a nice ring to it. I am also reminded of the character of Samantha "Sam" Leslie Jackson in the 2015 comedy fI'm "Ted 2" the character was called Samantha L. Jackson,

05/19/2022 02:45:00

I like my name but i love to be called sammi i am a real hot head...

05/18/2022 18:30:54

my name is samantha and i like it. Its cute,simple and american and yeah sam is boyish too. I hate it when people write samanta not samantha and i am the only one with that name in my school.

05/16/2022 17:06:18

People always tell me It's a very sexy name. And I do my best to live up to that!

05/15/2022 23:43:12

My name is Samanatha. I go by Sam in the work place. I like it because it is also a boys name, and people are often suprized when'they meet me that I am infact a girl. I like that Tom-boy aspect.

05/15/2022 13:39:18

my name is samantha and i LOVE It'sO MUCH sometimes i don't like it cuz people make up weird names like damanta or manta and i think that'sounds baby'sh. But i like it when my nephe's call me it cuz it is hard for them to pronounce and one of them is 2 and he'says manta. it is sooo cute! but i love my name!

05/03/2022 02:27:00

my names Samantha. my mom nicknamed me samwise (off lord of the rings)and samwidge.

04/28/2022 08:04:30

does it come from the name Samuel❤️ No hebrew origin for this name to my knowledge, unless it's a late development from another name.

04/22/2022 06:35:24

Its my middle name and i just love it, but i prefer Gabriella, i dont actually know why. Probably because it reminds me of Arcangel Gabriel. But if i have a daughter her name will be definately Samantha.

04/19/2022 03:33:36

The name'samson was given'to one of the judges of Israel. It means "sun" or "bright as the'sun" which is symbolic of the'story. Samson's hair was never cut. His stren'th was symbolized by the rays of the'sun, the'sun's stren'th, which were represented by his radiant locks. Delilah tried many ways to discover the'source of Samson's stren'th, but when she cut his hair, she had symbolically cut off the rays of the'sun, the'sun's stren'th. Thus Samson, the'sun-man, lost his stren'th.

04/06/2022 21:50:42

I LOVE MY NAME! I went to a brand new school and started calling myself 'Sam' cuz I'm kinda tomboy:) and got a whole bunch of awesome nicknames like Salmon, Samwich, Sam-squared (my last name has an S in it, so it works), Sam-I-Am, Sammie, and Sam. Its so cool cuz know one actually calls me Samantha!!

04/02/2022 21:46:12

my name is samantha...i like it but there is alot of other names i like better. i like the name'sammie, for short! so its ok i give it thumbs up!

03/10/2022 14:42:18 a very Hott name.... It's mine...nuff said.

02/20/2022 03:50:42


02/13/2022 17:12:36

My name is Sam 2 lol!!! :-) I get called 'Samanthaline' or 'Sam the Ham' by my brothe's, but most people call me Sam, Sammy or Samantha :-)

02/11/2022 05:44:06

My name is Samantha and I absolutely love it!!! It is very feminine and classy. I like it because its not a fad name; its a classic, and will always sound good.

01/30/2022 20:09:00

my names samantha and i can't find a nickname for me i've always been sammy whammy for basketball but I'm getting tired of it.

01/27/2022 21:41:42

hI'my name is samantha too... my friends sometimes call me sammy, sam, zammy or sometimes they tease me with samimang....hehehe

01/13/2022 06:20:06

My daughter's name is Samantha Katie and althoug she's only 3 y/o ,she has a lot of nick names like Sam,Sammie,Samiwami,Samisosa,Tatanta,Sam I am,Fopeste....I think It's kind of cool that'she answers to all of her nicknames the the'same way :) .I coulnd't be happier with her name I think is a gorgeous and fits her perfect.I hope she loves it when she gets older as much as I do

01/04/2022 05:28:48

I call my friend Samster. Like a little hamster, you know. :)

01/01/2022 07:01:30

I love my name but sometimes i hate it because everybody i know have the name'samantha. But still i love my name

12/27/2021 18:08:24

I like being a Samantha but i prefer'sam and well my nan calls me sambo and i think thats cute ...

12/25/2021 23:08:06

My daughter is Samantha Cate. She was named by her oldest brother after a good family friend. However her youngest brother has changed her name 5 times since she was born in January of 2020. Samantha has gone from Mantha to Manthee to Samina to Saminee now, the name that has stuck with everyone is Mina. She answers to Mina as well as to Samanth Cate. I think Mina will be her regular nickname. I love it and think that Samantha Cate and Mina fit her personallity perfectly!!

12/22/2021 12:47:06

ick I hate my name... I was gonna be called something else much better, but I got called Samantha instead... It's too common and It'sounds gross.

12/14/2021 06:13:48

I like this name... My name is Samantha. It's great, and It's not as common as you might think... Some nicknames people call me are "Sam" and "Sammie"...

11/28/2021 14:09:54

this is my name and alot of people mispronounce it and misspell it. its sad

11/26/2021 13:40:12

It is my name and I love it. People always call me Samantha, Sammie, Sam, or Samanthy. Samantha is a very original name.

11/16/2021 18:30:54

ohh haaay my name is samantha, too. everyone knows me as sammie, though. I'm sixteen and i have a lot of mad stupid nicknames, like, sommie, samammaish, slushy, and samster(absolutely hate that one. no one calls me sam, and no one calls me spam (thank god). It's an okay name, i doesn't bother me or anything, at least it isnt shimayaya or anything.

11/16/2021 12:06:36

My full name is Samantha Sue Ward. I love my name oh so much, i get alot of nick names like Sam, Sami, Ams, mantha, and since my middle name is Sue; i get called Sammie Sue a lot which i love my family calls me that! <3 All the'samanthas i know are really happy people, rock on Samanthas. <3

11/16/2021 01:07:48

I love the name Samantha, and plan on naming my daughter Samantha Joyce (Joyce after my great aunt who was a huge part of my life) as one first name. I'm thinking it could be shortened to Sam or SJ. I like it a lot- what do you think❤️❤️

11/13/2021 00:50:42

My friend spells it with a "y" (s-Y-mantha instead of s-A-mantha). I like that'spelling.

10/16/2021 22:16:48

i love having the name'samantha it is so pretty i just wish it wasn't so long and there were more nick names

10/05/2021 20:00:54

My Name is Samantha My mum and dad named me after'samantha Fox.. Dont know who she is but I heard she is a singer/model or something like that. My friends call me Sam. But people like my dad, mum and teache's always call me Samantha

10/03/2021 14:56:42

My name is samantha And i Love It'so much most of my friends and family call me sam or sammy but a couple of my friends call me antha because they find it funny that people usually say sam and leave the rest out. Other nicknames i get are samsonite and samson(from my brother) i also occasionally get called samalamadingdong

09/29/2021 23:06:18

My name is samantha. i hate the name'samantha. i have met 5 other'samantha's. i have a couple of nicknames: sammy, sam, sammyjo, sam the man (i am a girl).

09/27/2021 16:12:18

Hey,My name is Samantha and my friends call me Sam,Sammie (I spell it with an ie),Sambo,Sammiejo,Samizzle,Mantha (by my little cousin that couldn't say Samantha)and a few othe's that I don't remember lol I love my name because It's me.

09/15/2021 05:54:54

I do love my name, but I just don't want to sound like a 'girl' yet. I act girly but everyone(except teache's) call me Sam, or 'Hammy Sammi' the nicknames rule and there's this one, 'Rocket Shoe Sam' because I'm the best jump roper in the'school. So my names not all that bad. :)

09/10/2021 13:22:12

my name is samantha jane morani and It's my birthday! i got it from my grandmother's sister. her name was samantha sarafina salomone. my family is italian obviously which seems to common here. i've always been called sam never just samy. it reminds me of a dog.but i've also had some pretty crazy nicknames. spam samywhamy samuri samatamtam s.j. samanthypanthy mannie sammysosa samysalsa it just keeps going. Although i love my name it is insanely common for kids my age. five samantha's in my grade yet none in my older'sister's or little brother's. All in all a great name :) ~happy birthday to everyother'sam out there today!!!

09/04/2021 21:57:00

i was also named after the witch samantha i guess it was a common thing... samantha is an alright name but no much room for nicknames... oh well

08/28/2021 08:46:48

my name is Samantha, and i absolutely am in LOVE WITH IT!

08/23/2021 00:40:48

My name is Samantha as well, and I love my name! I feel bad for those Samanthas who have been called "Spam." What is that❤️!❤️!❤️! People are so rude! Oh well, I guess... they are just jealous anyways! :P Anyways, I enjoy having my name as Samantha, It'suits me perfectly!

08/16/2021 07:38:24

I was named after the witch. I was either going to be Samantha or Wendy. My dad was just determined I should be named after a witch! Since I found this out, I have always planned to name my daughter Tabitha. If I have two girls, the'second shall be Sabrina! But the cool part is, My initials are SAM. And when my partner (who would father the children) gives them his last name, they will be Tabitha - TAB and Sabrina SAB. So cool!

08/14/2021 21:47:06

I love my name!! I try to find cool ways to spell it like Samii. I think the name'samantha is really versitile. Sam sounds tomboyish and cute, and my dad calls me sammygirl, and I sound classy and educated when people call me Samantha.

08/09/2021 07:16:48

We named our DAUGHTer'samson & we have had a very positive response. I think it is strong & unique & suits her well. I love it !

08/06/2021 11:34:12

She's beaytiful, delightful, full of life, always positive and cheerful, the love of my life!! thanks Samantha for the gifts you give each day that make you a true gift of God.

08/03/2021 16:46:30

i Love my name'sAMANTHA. especially when someone nicknamed me salmon. it was truely my favorite

07/31/2021 23:48:36

I love my name as dad named me dat because my mother's father would call her'sam. nicknames are sam, sam i am, sam sam, sammie, manth manth..people mostly call me sam cz uma tom boy also..n by meetin other'samanthas..ive learned dat samanthas are totally awesome

07/31/2021 22:53:42

My name name is Samantha and I wouldn't change it for anything.Everybody likes it,and all the friends give me different nicknames-Santa,Sam,Sammie,Santik,Samantik,Samantulia,Samantushka,Sama and many othe's

07/31/2021 06:25:30

i love my name'samantha, and my dad sometimes calls me sammy,sammy sam,and i like green eggs and ham bam! those are good green eggs and ham you understand..

07/08/2021 16:44:42

My name is Samantha and the funniest nickname I have was given'to me by my supervisor and that is SI'mySam SimSammy. But most just call me Sam or Sammy. And Elizabeth sometimes calls me Sammy Nammy!


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Samantha FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Samantha?
The origin of the name Samantha is Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Samantha?
God Heard
*️⃣ How many people are named Samantha?
Almost 579000 people are named Samantha.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Samantha?
The names of Thomas, Lawrence, Sultan, Seldon, Tandy