
Savannah meaning

: Treeless Plain

Savannah Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \s(a)-vannah, sav(an)-nah\
Number of People 👶 174,000
Rate in 2021 177
Numerology 🔢 8
Name origin 🌍 Spanish
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Savannah Name Meaning

“ Savannah “ is originally a Spanish name that means " flat tropical grassland “. This name is actually a place name. This has 3 syllables and it is pronounced easily “ Sa-VAN-nah “.  “ 8..

Cool Info About Name Savannah

Additional name description Savannah
Additional name description Savannah

The popularity of the name Savannah

This name is a given name and this has been mostly used for girls.  Since 1880s, the time that records started being kept, the name “ Savannah “ has been on the popularity list.  The 39th most popular name for baby girls in 2014 was the name “ Savannah “. Also in Canada and Australia, this name was among the top 100 feminine names. According to the data given by the resources, the name “ Savannah “ has been in use in the United States, since the late 19th century.

Famous people named Savannah

“ Thandile Savanna Cordes “ South African former born 21 February 1994. “ Savanna Samson “An American former, (stage name “ Natalie Oliveros “ ) and also she was the winner of several AVN Awards. “ Savannah Conley “ American singer and songwriter born in 1997.  Overall UK ranking of the name “ Savannah “ is 128.  Also “ Savannah “ is a popular Indian name. It is spelled as”  सवाना “ in the Hindi language. This name has been used in India, particularly for girls.

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Comments on the name Savannah
10/14/2023 05:01:00

i love that name its a nice name

05/26/2023 22:13:32

My daughter is 3 years old and i have only ever heard another kid with her name and she was 12 there are other spellings one without the H but i think it looks unfinished. as to the shortening of the name not everyone does my daughter either gets called savvy or vannnah but only by people that know her

04/13/2023 15:37:20

I am considering Savannah for my baby girl, the only thing keeping me away from it is how common it has become, I think it was pretty low on the top 100 list for girls names. Savannah is a beautiful name wonder its so popular.

01/09/2023 03:05:38

I luv this name =) and being a childcare worker i have known a couple of Savannahs and they are all gorgeous kids! its on my list for baby girls =) xx

11/17/2022 13:08:06

You are right Colleen. It does look unfinished without the h. I luv this name!

09/29/2022 15:02:56

Hey, This is my name, And I completely love it.

12/02/2021 16:59:06

I have got this name on my baby name list as my girls are called Keeley and Brooke and thought savannah sounds pretty and different like my other two im just a little worried what people will call her if shorten,


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Savannah FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Savannah?
The origin of the name Savannah is Spanish.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Savannah?
Treeless Plain
*️⃣ How many people are named Savannah?
Almost 174000 people are named Savannah.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Savannah?
The names of Chloe, Shiloh, Lewis, Shayla, Shyla