
Sheila meaning

: Blind

Sheila Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \she(i)-la\
Number of People 👶 239,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 2,902
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 Latin
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Sheila Name Meaning

Sheila has several meanings. However, the most widespread is "the one who lives in the heights" which was given by the ancient Celtic peoples. Although also, according to its etymology, it can mean "music" or "beautiful".

Sheila Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Sheila
Additional description of the name Sheila

The name Sheila has several origins. The most accepted is the one that comes from the Celtic people in Ireland. For them, in ancient times it was written as "Sheelag", which translates as "she who dwells on high".

Cool Info About Name Sheila

Additional name description Sheila
Additional name description Sheila

The personality of the name Sheila
Sheila is a woman of great ideas. She is creative and innovative, so she is always putting into practice all her accumulated experience for the benefit of others. In love, she is very sincere and outgoing, so there will never be a lack of someone interested in her. In addition, she is a faithful woman and expects the same from her partner. She is always willing to sacrifice many things to have the ideal partner.
At work, she is an excellent professional. He knows how to plan his time and puts everything in order when he finds things out of place. Her compassionate and kind spirit makes her win good companions who will support her in all her chores. In their studies, Sheila has good academic performance. He is intelligent and likes to debate his ideas. She is almost always the favorite to incorporate into group work, above all, due to her high responsibility and organization in tasks.
In the family environment, she is an invaluable member with whom everyone seeks comfort and fully trusts. She is always in contact with her uncles, parents, and siblings, even if the distance that separates them is long. For Sheila, her family comes first.

Celebrities named Sheila
The best-known celebrities named Sheila are:
Sheila Mello: es a Brazilian actress, model, and dancer.
Sheila Escovedo: She is a Latin singer and percussionist of American origin.
Sheila (Annie Chance): She is a French pop singer.
Sheila Solis: Singer and Classical music vocalist of Spanish origin.
Sheila Garcia Gomez: soccer player for Atletico de Madrid in the women's first division, she is of Spanish origin.
Sheila Gonzalez: is a Spanish actress, publicist, and panelist based in Chile and Argentina.
Shaila Durcal: is a Spanish actress and singer.
Diminutives and variations of the name Sheila
The best-known diminutives and variations of Sheila's name are the following:
Shela, Shelia, Shila, Sheli, Shey, Shia, Icha, Seila, Celi

The name Sheila in other languages
Sheila has practically no variations in most Western languages, so it is spelled the same in them. However, this name has a different spelling in the following languages:
Hebrew: שילה
Greek: Σίλα
Russian: Шейла
Chinese: 希拉
Japanese: シーラ< /br>Korean: 쉴라
Arabic: شيلا
Sheila's Saint's Day
Sheila's Saint's Day is October 21. On this date, homage is paid to Santa Sheila. This Saint of noble origin lived in Rome and was assassinated for her faith in the city of Sicily, Italy in the year 230 AD

Numerology of the name Sheila
The numerology assigns 1 as the lucky number to Sheila. It is associated with a kind character, as well as a cheerful and compassionate spirit.

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Sheila FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Sheila?
The origin of the name Sheila is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Sheila?
*️⃣ How many people are named Sheila?
Almost 239000 people are named Sheila.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Sheila?
The names of Sienna, Shawn, Shane, Tiana, Shaun