
Angie meaning

: messenger of God or angel.

Angie Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a-ngie, an-gie\
Number of People 👶 63,000
Rate in 2021 1250
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 English
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Angie Name Meaning

Angie is a diminutive form of the name Angela, which is derived from the Greek word 'angelos', meaning "messenger" or "angel". It is often associated with qualities such as purity, light, and love. Those named Angie are often perceived as being kind, compassionate, and nurturing, much like the celestial beings they are named after.

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Comments on the name Angie
01/14/2024 00:00:00

I Love My Name!!! My name is Angie and I Love this name if i had the chance to be born again and pick my own name I would still pick the name Angie. Its a wonderful name. I love my name.

01/01/2024 09:18:08

I love being named Angie. I have always thought it was pretty. People have no trouble pronouncing it or spelling it. A lot of people think it is short for Angela, but I am glad mine is just Angie. I love it!

12/14/2023 07:31:20

My name is angie. I am not american, but It'surprises me how American it really is. There are times when i think my name is dull, but other than that I LOVE THE NAME ANGIE!

10/08/2023 07:04:06

My sister is named Angee. I know she has had problems with people spelling it like she does but overall you dont run into many Angies these days.

08/22/2023 20:38:30

Angela is my given name, but I go by Angie- and I think It's a nice name!

06/24/2023 06:34:42

well i dont really like this name'since some weird guy that i have for 4th period has it.=/ he's sooo anoyying. but i guess its ok..<3 paulie..c.n.t.t.r :)

06/11/2023 11:27:52

My full name is Angela, but have gone by Angie for years now. I love both names and use Angela for business transactions and Angie for when I introduce myself. It's a fun, cute, feminine name.

05/30/2023 14:41:10

My name is Angie and I'm beyond grateful for the name. All Angies that I know of have such a pretty faces and are beautiful women. Glad to be apart of the club.

05/24/2023 19:40:36

Angie is my REAL name on my birth certificate! Not short for anything just Angie.. named after that'song by the Rolling Stones! LOVE my name because I know everyone else that'says there name is Angie there only using it as a nickname.. I think its a cuter, fun, sexy name.

04/23/2023 14:33:14

Angie is my nickname. My name is Angel. My bff mom name is ANGIE!

04/06/2023 01:24:40

Angie is my nick name because not to many people can pronounce my real name right. My full name is Angelika which is German. I hate to be called "Angelica".

04/04/2023 19:43:42

It's my name,and people sometimes think oh,her name is probaly Angela,but It's my real name,which for some reason,people are suprised by.I only know one other Angie,so I think my name is somewhat unique and I like it.

03/22/2023 19:01:50

My name is Angie. That's my birth name.It's not short for anything which is rare. People ask me what my real name is and it takes a minute to tell them It's just Angie. It's an okay name..I feel It's kind of an older name. i've never met another Angie before and I'm the only one at school.I would love to have It'spelled more unique like "Anneghee""Anghee" or "Angy"

11/27/2022 12:04:00

I rarely meet other Angies. I haven't gone by the name Angela since I was 4 years old. It feels stuffy and boring. But Angie is cute, little, and still kind of spunky! I like introducing myself and if anyone ever refers to me, It's not often followed up with "Which Angie❤️" It's just me. I'm the only one.

11/24/2022 23:49:10

Angie's List...and also I have a BFF with the name Angie...

06/23/2022 07:17:42

Angie Is A Pretty Name Its Short For Angela . Or Angel .

04/24/2022 02:30:36

My name is Angharad which people find very difficult to pronounce but everybody calls me Angie for short with the exception of my family. I love the name and think It's really pretty. It's definitely a lot easier for people to pronounce than Angharad!

03/23/2022 17:27:54

angie is a beautiful name and its always been one of my favourite songs by the rolling stones so im changing my name from anna to angie

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Angie FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Angie?
The origin of the name Angie is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Angie?
messenger of God or angel.
*️⃣ How many people are named Angie?
Almost 63000 people are named Angie.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Angie?
The names of Anais, Anissa, Anisa, Anessa, Anice