
Anissa meaning

: friendly or amicable.

Anissa Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a-nissa, an(is)-sa\
Number of People 👶 12,000
Rate in 2021 3709
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 Arabic
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Anissa Name Meaning

Anissa, etymologically in Arabic, embodies a spirit of friendliness and companionship. It signifies those who are kind-hearted and approachable, extending warmth and empathy, effectively communicating qualities of companionship and congeniality.

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Comments on the name Anissa
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My husband's mistress named their daughter Anissa. She's 4 now. I never met her, but I'm sure she'll be a happy child as long as her parents raise her right.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Anissa pronounced uh-nee-suh and I don't have a middle name. It is almost always mispronounced and misheard almost everytime I introduce my self as "lisa" or "alisa". People always tell me its beautiful and all my friends love it becuase its unique and nobody else in my school or town has it. I sometimes like it becuase it is unique but it is annoying correcting people all the time. My dad is arabic he told me my name means "friendly".

12/24/2023 13:48:04

I named my daughter Anissa (pronounced Ah-Nee-Sah). She is the only Anissa in her high school, but she loves her name. It'suits her musical & artistic personality. It is an arabic name meaning "friendly". People do frequently mispronounce her name as Ann-iss-ah, but it doesn't bother her.

12/23/2023 16:56:06

My name is Anissa. Its pronounced (Ahh-nees-ah) but people often mistake it (uh-niss-uh) but it doesn't bother me. I have a very bubbly personality. People often compliment me on the beauty of my name.

12/01/2023 12:24:30

My name is Annissa. Ah-niss-ah :) im 31 and dont know many if anyone my age with same or similar name. I enjoy the name.

11/25/2023 16:13:24

I am called Anissa and luckily for me, people pronounce it correctly,but do not spell it correctly as they usually spell it "Anisa" but I do not live in the U.S but in London. I have a friend called Anisa (spelle with only one "s")and people love saying "Hi Aissa" and see both of us turn around, but I LOVE my name!

10/02/2023 04:25:04

My name is Kara Anissa pronounced like "care-ah" "ah-niss-ah". I get Kara mispronounced more often'than Anissa. I love my name! i've been complemented on it my whole life. :-)

09/30/2023 10:05:52

My name is Anissa. When I'meet someone, they call me (Ah-nee-sa) or (Ah-ne-ssa) sometimes even (Va-ni-ssa) I always have to correct them.It's pronounced (Ah-niss-a).

08/14/2023 03:23:34

MY daughters name was Anissa. pronunced Ah-nee-sa. If someone pronounced it wrong she would proudly correct them. She was as adorable as her name

06/23/2023 07:39:18

My name is Anissa ( ah-niss-ah ) I get my name'spelled and pronounced wrong a bunch, even someone spelled my name as Arissa. I wish I have met people who have the'same name as me, yet once I have been'tagged in an Instagram photo with lots of Anissas.

05/18/2023 16:08:40

This is my cousins name, and i beli've this name'should beautiful women not like my cousin. She is not beautiful and the name just sounds wrong when I think of her face. If you have this name you should be proud of it as it is an albanian name, and all albanian women are beautiful, apart from my cousin. LG

04/27/2023 15:49:52

My middle name is Anissa. I'm Tammy Anissa and go by Tammy (which I don't like) The name came from the TV Guide. Anissa Jones was Buffy in Family Affair. My first name also came from the TV Guide and the Tammy movies. I am 44 and was presumed to be a boy, so I guess they needed a name quick. I do like the name Anissa but I have a half sister named after me so I cannot go by my middle name.

04/26/2023 09:16:00

My name is Annissa....pronounced Ah-Nee-sah..and I LOVE it! Unfortunately hardly anyone ever pronounces it correctly...which is why I wound up being called Shelly...because my middle name is Michelle and there were WAY too many of those around so "Shelly" it was...which suits me I guess. Annissa is so beautiful and glamorous...Michelle is too and I'm just a bubbly, spunky chick so Shelly suits me better but I can hope that one of my children will name a grand daughter Annissa.

04/12/2023 05:49:30

Oh Em Gee, My friend is named Anissa and everyone pronounces it wrong. But, its so pretty. It means girl in arabic. Veeeerrrryyyyy pretty, a huhm.

03/18/2023 13:03:04

My first name is Anissa, and it is frequently pronounced incorrectly. Also, the people who hear it first instead of seeing it, spell it Annissa. I'm not sure about this, but I heard that it is arabic and means "opposite of wild" or in other words "tame."

02/22/2023 13:54:38

they always put caleb or calube and It's kaleb i say, but my friends named kaleb starts with c

02/19/2023 15:57:54

My parents named me Anissa(Ah-Nee-sah) after Anissa Jones, and I don't know many other people with it as a name. A lot of people pronounce it wrong, but it doesn't bother me that much. I like my name, It's unique, but sometimes I wish I had a more common name. My brothe's always say they love my name.

01/11/2023 04:10:24

my name is Anessya (ah-nee-see-yah) I love my name, people always say its unique and beautiful. I dont know the origin or meaning, i assume It's a version of Anissa meaning"friendly" in Arabic.

01/10/2023 19:21:24

My name is anissa and im the only anissa in my school. My name is pronounced (ah-nee-sah) but everyone mistakes for (ah-niss-sah) but i dont care :) people commonly spell it as annisa anisa anesa or annissa which i get very made at them for. Anissa means mercy and grace in spanish. My mom has told me this when i was in 5th grade my spanish teache's always tell me this too.

10/05/2022 22:06:28

I have the name Anissa( Ah-niss-ah) and a lot of people say Alyssa or Malissa but I love having the name. It comes from the name Agniss I beli've. I really injoy it

03/18/2022 04:47:24

My parents named me Anissa(Ah-Nee-sah) after Anissa Jones, after the actress who played Buffy in the TV series Family Affair because she thought the girl was cute. I love my name and the uniqueness of it. It was inter'sting that 725 girls were given'this name in 1983 as I was born in 1983. People sometimes mispronounce my name as ah-niss-ah. When I'meet someone who knows an Anissa, which has maybe been less than 10 times, I get so excited.

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Anissa FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Anissa?
The origin of the name Anissa is Arabic.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Anissa?
friendly or amicable.
*️⃣ How many people are named Anissa?
Almost 12000 people are named Anissa.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Anissa?
The names of Analia, Annalee, Annelle, Anil, Anyla