
Jacquelyn meaning

: Supplanter.

Jacquelyn Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \j(a)-cquel-yn, jac-que-lyn\
Number of People 👶 85,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 3,140
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 French , Hebrew
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Jacquelyn Name Meaning

The name Jacquelyn is derived from Jacques, the French form of Jacob or James, and it means "supplanter" or "one who supplants". This is interpreted as one who is ambitious, strong-willed, and determined.

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Comments on the name Jacquelyn
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Jacquelyn and all my teache's spell it Jacqueline and my nickname is Jaci and yet again everyone spells it Jackie, Jacy, and the worst one is J.C.! I love my name and the way I spell it because It's unique and It's what makes me "me."

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is Jacquely and my older brother gave it to me when iwas born. My mom wanted something uniqe and Jacquely poped out of a 5 year-old.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Jen Wahl - I am one of the'sisters and Aunties (met you at the birth of Baby B) and I just love these! You did such a good job. :) You are so teltnaed October 22, 2020 2:22 am

01/09/2024 10:23:14

Jacquelyn is a great name. It is often shorten in a friendly manner to "Jacq" but the full name itself is royal. It has the'stren'th of a man's name and the elegance of a queen. Many who see it ask how I prefer it to be pronounced. I have met several other Jacquelyn's, some who spell it the'same othe's who spell it differently. Yet all very nice people.

01/07/2024 00:29:28

I love my name- Jacquelyn, but hate the fact that I have had to spell it for people all my life. Even'teache's when I first started school used to cross it out and write Jacqueline on my books! For all of my adult life, I have adopted the very much shortened Jac instead. My kids have very traditional names, with no variation in the'spelling to ensure that they do not have to endure the'same!

12/29/2023 21:03:18

My name is also Jacquelyn, Jacquelyn Alexis. It gets sorta confusing cause i go by Alex. I have never met another Jacqulyn in person. I often have my name'spelled wrong too. the way to say my name is; "Jack-quil-in" bye bye.

12/13/2023 13:18:04

My name is always mispelt..people spell it jacquline, jack lyn, ...its so hard to find anyone with the'same spelling name. WE RULE!!

12/11/2023 13:23:50

my name is jacquelyn and everyone ALWAYS spell it wrong! lol i dont blame them though i can barley spell it right! haha! i really do enjoy the name though because not a lot of people have it and i like to be different. i prononce it jak QW lyn 2. i always havta correct people though cuz they wan't to say jack lyn!o well im glad i have this name It'suits me well!

12/09/2023 18:47:00

My name is actually spelled with 2 n's Jacquelynn, I also love my name it has character and peiple who are not familiar with it always seem to have trouble pronouncing

12/05/2023 20:44:20

My Name Is Jacquelyn Nicole Like a Previous Post... I Hate it when'teache's call me Jackie and I Just prefer Family And Friends to Call me Jacque I Like Spelling It that way because it makes it unique So many people have pronouced my name wrong and spelled it wrong that it pisses me of I'm also called Jac or Jac Jac I Love My Name no one in my school is named Jacquelyn so it makes me feel extra special :D So be proud of your uniquely-spelled name!

12/04/2023 03:53:18

I never used to like my name until I got older. I hate that everyone wants to shorten your name to Jackie, but what I hate the most is that no one spells it right. I can spell it a million times and people still write Jacqueline. It's not line but lyn. The even pronounce it wrong. Soo Frustrating.

11/14/2023 13:04:42

My name is spelled Jacquelyn! This spelling is most unique and I LOVE it. I am not French, though, even'though that is the origin. People always spell it incorrectly, usually the'suffix making it -line. I have met a few othe's who spell the root differently as well: jaclyn or jaqueline. I have often'though about spelling my nick name jacqui instead of jackie, but I don't think i will. pronouncing it is always a struggle so people just call me jackie. i pronounce my name "jack-kwa-lin"

11/11/2023 03:40:16

my name is Jacquelyn too but Jacque for short. alot of peole spell my short name like Jackie because that is how it is pernownced

10/08/2023 23:31:34

My name is Jacquelyn Grace and I think it is an amazing name! When I was younger my parents called me Quinn but I don't like that'some boys are named Quinn. So when I transferred schools I went by just Jacquelyn. I can relate to a lot of there comments I don't like being called Jackie like some people call me. I also don't like it when people pronounce my name like Jacklin or spell it like Jacqueline. But other than that it is a beautiful name!!

10/06/2023 21:51:32

This is my name, which I pronounce as (ruh-fi-el), I'm from New Zealand and i've never met another Raphael - my family and friends call me ruffy. :)

10/04/2023 07:15:38

I also was given'the name "Jacquelyn," and I now love it after oh-so-many years. My birth certificate reads "Jacqueline," because of a mistaken clerical error with the recording clerk, but my mother never'spelled it that way, so I never did. My birth certificate is the only official record spelling the name that way; all other records show the "lyn" spelling. I didn't like it growing up, but I grew into it. It is classy & sophisticated just like the other Jacquelyn said -- even regal! Being an only child, I was "the Princess" . . . and now "The Queen!" I have only met one other, but I see the'spelling every once in a while. As for "Jackie," It's a great equalizer and people respond positively to it. It wasn't until I was nearly an adult that I learned that I shared the name with Jacqueline Kennedy (first & middle) -- same sound but different spelling. That was just a coincidence -- I was not named after her. You Jacquelyns who don't like the name for one reason or another will eventually learn to like it if not love it -- I guarantee. It just takes some living before You'reflect its positive attributes.

09/27/2023 20:40:30

My name is Jacquelyn and I love it!!! I hate it when people spell it incorrectly and I hate the name Jackie which everyone seems to want to call me all of the time. I am so glad that my parents decided to spell it Jacquelyn instead of Jacqueline.

09/27/2023 17:26:32

i love my name Jacquelyn but most people call me Jackie but its okay....some dumb teache's have told me that's not how you spell it.Its Jacqueline but i love Jacquelyn!!!

09/23/2023 13:48:50

I love my name'said the proper way and not 'nicked' to Jackie, a name for more and more men'these days...its rarely thta a Jacquelyn finds another Jacquelyn that Isn't a Jacqueline or a jaklyn or etc... I am pround of my name and I'make sure people get it right(without being impolite).

09/19/2023 06:21:54

My name is Jacquelyn too and i love it my middle name is Grace. i just love it It'sounds so pretty and nice. When i was little i just hated it coz my friends couldnt spell it right or say it right but everyone so i told them just to call me Jacqui now and I'm cool with that aswell.

09/14/2023 05:16:58

Well my name is Jada. I love my name. My close friend name is Jada too. Jada is also my brother's girlfriend. When we are together we love the attention. People say hello Jada, and we both speak.

08/29/2023 11:38:08

It's fine people call me jac bc nobody can ever'spell it right

08/24/2023 23:29:04

My name is spelled jacqueline and I love it! many people dont like the name'spelled jacqueline, but it is cool. My name is spelled longer than any other kids name in my school. I am only 10 years old and i want to learn about my name more so please write more about the name jacqueline. Usually, people would cover my name tag and only leave the part that'says "line" and keep on saying line line line. It annoys but but it is fine. My friends call me jackie and my gym teacher calls me jay-que-lin. I think that it is cool though. I feel like that people who have the name jacqueline or something like that are the coolest in the world. I respect everyone with aname like mines.

08/21/2023 02:19:18

My name is Jacquelyn, and i pronounce it "Jak qw lyn" too. I love the name! even'though people spell it wrong i don't blame them. Ha! I love having a french name!

07/25/2023 20:13:26

I was named Jacquelyn after my mother Jacqueline. Family pronounces both names as two syllables, not three (like Jac-lyn, and Jac-leen). I use "Lyn" to avoid all the'spelling/pronunciation corrections.

07/25/2023 08:45:44

My name is Jacquelyn and I have grown to love it. Everyone calls me Jackie...and if I had a nickel for every time someone spelled my name Jacqueline, I'd never have to work again!

06/25/2023 15:29:38

My name is Jacquelyn Trinh and I'm 12 years old, I think my name is well normal, everyone has a name that's different then we al expect. Ok I know that Jacquelyn is french and I'm vietnamese. My nickname is Jakii, It's way easier for people and It's different from Jackie too. That's all, lates. :3

06/05/2023 16:09:40

heyy my name is jacquelyn too i like it alot people are always saying stuff like "a pretty name for a beautiful little girl" or "ilike your name it fits you so if your name is jacquelyn too be proud of it!!

05/24/2023 07:02:22

My name is Jacquelyn and I pronounce it JAC-A-LIN. Most people misspell my name, they spell it Jacqueline and pronounce it JAC-A-LEEN. i've met quite a few "Jacquelines" but i've yet to meet another "Jacquelyn"!

05/16/2023 22:07:06

my name is Jacquelyn and for the first comment now you have meet someone that'spells it Jacquelyn

05/15/2023 17:36:40

I pronounce my name the'same as most othe's do. "Jak qwell in " and it drives me crazy when people dont use the Q when pronouncing it. My nick name is "Qui" (key) half of Jaqui.

05/08/2023 10:44:50

mi name is jaquelyn i hate it!!! mi name is sooo old lol i hate it but its ok lol peoples call me jackie but everyday i change da spellin of mi name 2 be different it works lol ther's so many ways 2 spell mi name grrrr

04/30/2023 14:21:52

This is my name and people do pernounce it wronge, they say "Angalina" or "Atalina" and it gets me a little upset cause in my country its pronoused as its read but in a axsent. I have meet once a girl named Adelina and it was my moms cusin and her name was Adelina and shes pretty and fun,and a popular singer in Albania named Adelina Esjli{E smilly} i think people that have the name Adelina are mostly born in July because everyone i know that has the name Adelina are born on july.

04/25/2023 00:21:04

I hapen'to love my name. I think it is unique and beautiful. My parents wanted to spell it with the -line but I am glad there was a little mess up and I got the -lyn instead. People do misspell it but there are more important things to be upset about. I never have had a problem with anyone mispronouncing it but I always get Jackie and that I do not like.

04/19/2023 19:26:54

My name is Jacquelynn and i never really thought much of it as a kid. people would always tease me with names like jackie-chan, or jack-o-lantern. Nobody can ever'spell it or pronounce it right (Jac-quel-lynn). I would prefer that i was called Jacquelynn but it really is a mouthful so people just call me Jacquie, which in my opinion doesn't really do justice to the real name, but i live with it. It is really cool to see all these comments and know that I'm not crazy! :)

04/01/2023 06:30:02

I have an accent mark over the "E" and the way to pronounce my name is Jack-lin there is not a line here. Nuff said!

04/01/2023 03:16:04

My Name Is Jacquelyn Suzanne. I LOVE IT. i go by Jacque

03/30/2023 08:21:36

They also call me Yaya OR Yadi OR yada yada yada,.lol

03/24/2023 04:49:40

My name is Jacquelyn too. My whole family calls me Jac though for short. I HATE when people call me Jackie, I dont really know why I just do for some reason. My name gets misspelled a whole lot. I have got Jaclyn, Jacqueline, and even Jacqlyn. I dont really like my name but I have grown to sort of like it also. My mom also hates when people call me jack-lyn she is like your name is NOT jack-lyn its jac-qa-lyn, haha like she really expresses the Q U E in my name.

03/21/2023 15:41:56

I, too, am called Jacquelyn, and went through a phase when I was a child of not liking my name, and preferring to be called by my middle name, Amanda (which nobody ever did!. However, as I ahve becmoe older I have grown to love and cher'sh my name - alhough like some of the other Jacquelyns out there I get fed up of other people not speiing it right - to the extent that I changed it to Jacquie when I was a teenager - but guess what❤️ They STILL don't spell it right!!! Does it matter though❤️ I know who I am, even if othe's appear not to!

03/20/2023 11:46:46

My name is Jacquelyn Grace too! I usually go by Jacqui though. Since my last name'starts with an "O" I get referred to as Jacqui-O a lot, but I love that because Jacqueline Onasis is basically my idol. The little girl I babysit thinks that my real name is Jack-o-lantern, but It's not. I used to mind when people spelled my name wrong, but now i've just gotten used to it, and laugh at all the varying ways I see It'spelled. It's a beautiful name. I love it! :)

03/11/2023 00:53:50

I have the name Jacquelyn and I pronounce it ' Jak QW Lyn'

03/02/2023 12:03:24

Love my name...Jacquelyn Nicole. i've gone by Jackie my whole life but now I want to be called Jacquelyn because It'sounds so professional. I am asking all of my professors and employers to call me by my full name "Jacquelyn." Professional and classy here I come...

02/26/2023 01:57:46

I think I really love my name. And I like the'spelling : Jacquelyn, not Jacqueline. And thats the way it is

02/07/2023 09:29:18

my name in Jacquelyn Grace, but everyone calls me Jacquie. I happen'to love my name and think that It's very beautiful, but I don't like it when other people are called Jacquie. I don't have any idea why, it just sounds like such a stupid name when'talking about anyone else. I love the name Jacquelyn, even'though no one says it correctly. Like most other people on here, I tend to be called "Jack-lin" or "jac-que-line" when meeting new people. The correct pronunciation is "Jac-quel-yn". it took my friends forever to learn it, but the trick is to tell people to pronounce it like this,..."Jac-wool-in" or "jac-qhil-in" its much eaier for them to understand that way ;) I also have manyyyyyyy nicknames,..... "Jacq" "Jacquie-O" (yess after JFK's wife, even'though I'm not named after her) "Jac Jac" "Jay" "JB / Jay Bee" (my last name is brown). So yea i have a lot. I don't mind my name at all, and the only reason that I go by Jacquie is because Jacquelyn is a long name, no different than a lot of people. Like someones name being Kaitlyn and being called Kate or Katie. The only thing that tends to bug me alot, is when people spell my jacquie name wrong, j-a-c-q-u-i-e. NOT j-a-c-k-i-e, or j-a-k-e-y, or even j-a-c-q-u-i. Other than that, I absolutly LOVE my name. ~ Jacquelyn Grace Brown =)

02/01/2023 05:57:22

My mom named me Jacquelyn with the intention of the pronunciation "Zgack-kweh-lyn." Yet, it was found easier to just pronounce it "Jack-kwa-lyn."

01/05/2023 21:48:04

My name is Jacquelyn, I hated it when I was a little girl. But once I got older I learnt to love it! It's unique and pretty! I love that the'spelling is different. I always get compliments that It's pretty. Though I absolutely loathe being called 'Jackie', "I say, "I'm Jacquelyn or Jay, but NEVER Jackie!" I do wish people would pronounce it correctly; its jac-weh-lyn...

12/18/2022 22:39:58

My name is Jacquelyn, but i've always have been called jackie. It is constantly spelled (Jacqueline) or said wrong( pronounced Jaclyn). Its frustrating.. so i don't even go by my beautiful first name because it is a mouthful for some.. so Jackie it is.

12/12/2022 18:15:08

I beli've It'sounds very professional. As well I think being able to have to different nicknames is great I can change it into whatever I feel like being,still giving me some choice after my parents chose it.

12/10/2022 15:59:50

Heey people my name is jacquelyn...But i always like putting a extra n on the end.People say that the name fits me because its unique like me.ha.I love it people call me Jay,Jaxson❤️,and Jaquee❤️,and jacquie.Weel i dont understand how they can not say it right its weird.i understand how yu feel but in away i feel unique cuz jacquelyn is a name that yu can spell many ways and it can fit yu however'so love yu name haa.its pretty ha.loves Jacquelyn Sue,<3

12/02/2022 05:12:50

I love this name! I don't know why my mom spelled it Jacquelyn, but as far as i've ever heard, Jacqueline and Jacquelyn are pronounced the'same way in most parts. I pronounce jac-wa-lin, and i HATE it when people say jac-lin. there are some people who want it pronounced that way who spell it "Jaclyn" which is much better, in my opinion, if that's how you want it to sound! BTW, in French pronunciation, it would be spelled Jacqueline, and pronounced "zhac-leen".

11/23/2022 19:18:44

this is my name and i love it. my real name is Katelyn, and my mom let me name my sister kelly. yeah and my dad has a bunch of K's in his family too. and wats super cool is Denise Austin has two daughters and their names are katie and kely

11/17/2022 23:25:16

My name is Jacquelyn Leigh. It took my husband 8 years to learn to spell it. Other than that, no one has really had a problem with it. I don't mind when people misspell it as Jacqueline. I'mess up names too (I'm a teacher). Get over it ladies! It's just a name. As long as YOU can spell it right, who cares! If it bothe's you that much, then go by Jackie. I promise almost no one will mess that up. :) (But I like to spell it Jacki.) I used to get called Jack-O-Lantern around Halloween, too. I also got "Wacky Jacky" and "Yacky Doodle" (like Yanky Doodle went to town...) Stop complaining about your name ladies! It's yours to keep. I wish my biggest problem was people misspelling my name....

11/03/2022 12:02:40

This is my eldest childs name and it fits him well. I really love the name often mispronounced however, as "Tau-REEN"

10/29/2022 11:33:00

I unwillingly named my now 9 year old daughter Jaquelyn Alexia (no c) Shes loves her name but prefers to be called Jax

10/26/2022 10:22:18

my name is jacquelyn elzabeth willI'ms i love my name

10/18/2022 07:49:02

Jacquelyn is my name and I LOVE it! People call me Jacquelyn or Jac for short, NEVER Jackie... its a whole different name! Jacquelyn is classy, sophisticated, and playful all at the'same time.

10/04/2022 09:39:56

Yes, my name is "Tamela" and I love it, and I hate when people spell and or say it wrong because it really makes me made. But I'm use to it now. But it really makes me made when people call me Pamela Anderson (because my name is Tamela Anderson) and as soon as I tell people my name they say Pamela Anderson and I say no its Tamela. I all so think its because my mom always says Pamela with a T.

09/19/2022 13:45:58

I love my name, and yeh i does get mispelt abit but "who cares" :). But i normally get called Jacqui or Jac. My Jacquelyn is pronounced 'jac-cwol-lyn'

09/13/2022 11:24:34

i love being referred to as Jacquelyn. there not to many of those who spell it like that and for short its jacque. not to many of thost around either but i love my name.

09/12/2022 02:12:00

Ever'since i was in kindergarden my teacher always misspell my name'she always spelled it as JACQUELINE and i was confused because my thought me that It'should be spelled as JACQUELYN... stupid kidergarden'teacher

08/21/2022 07:42:54

Honestly I used to love my name. I still do, But very seldom do I ever get called by it. People are reallly lazy and decide to shorten it without my permission. Like they call me "Jackie" which is my dads name, So thats kinda disturbing. My best friends call me "Jac" because it was shorter to text. People pronounce my name wrong to. They say Jack-Lynn and I always have to correct them and say its Jack-qua-Lynn. It annoys me how they can't pronounce it, Its spelled like Jacquelynn. My mom wanted it to be more original. Which definetly is. So glad I have a cool name, Just wish people would actually call me by it.

08/03/2022 16:59:06

Hi, my name is Jacquelyn. I am 8 years old. Well some dumb people call me jacqi. I HATE IT, and say my name wrong, but I think my name is beautiful. On halloween my friends call me jack-o-lantern, I want to scream in their face, I relly do. I LOVE MY NAME.I THINK MY FRIENDS ARE NOT RELLY MY FRIENDS. THAY CALL ME JACK-O-LANTERN, and I think it is NOT FUNNY AT ALL. MY family call me Jacquelyn and I like that, it is a good thing. My grampa says my name just rolls off his tongue and it makes him happy.This was fun writing this message. Thanks for reading this.

07/22/2022 09:26:24

My names Jacquelyn I propnounce it Jack QW Lyn but mum likes to say it Jack Lyn. it also gets spelt wrong a lot as well as my nick name JAcky

07/09/2022 09:25:30

I have to say I'm glad my parents picked that name. Especially the - lyn makes it unique.

07/06/2022 19:12:18

My name is Jacquelyn Jeannine. It's a very unique name...people always pronounce it like Jacqueline and I don't like it! they are 2 very different names! i've never had a lot of nicknames only Jackie and JJ by my father. Some people call me Jack and I didn't like it before but now i think I'm going to use it

06/15/2022 05:18:54

I love my name. I pronounce it Jack kwa lyn, or sometimes Jack lyn because lots of people seem to have trouble understanding the ýQueý. Several of my friends realized that they had been leaving out the Que and now that has become my nickname'since I won't let anyone call me Jackie. i've met a bunch of Jacqueline's but Jacquelyn seems to be much less common... I like it that way even'though it means I never find any pencils, mugs, or other'souvenirs with my name on them.

06/05/2022 13:49:12

I know one jacquelyn as Penpal, I didnt seeen her but she is too good, very loving and careful... I love her.

05/30/2022 05:00:54

Everyone spells my name wrong. They spell it Jacqueline. My parents say that J-A-C-Q-U-E-L-Y-N is more unique. They also pronounce Jack Lyn but It's pronounced Jack kwa Lyn. I still love my name.

05/30/2022 03:11:06

my friend is a twin and her name is Jacquelyn. since i can never'spell it we made a sone it goes JAC-QUE-LYN and her nickname is Jaci also verry unique

04/21/2022 05:53:06

My name is Jacquelyn and I love it. I was always the one and only Jacquelyn, but now I hear of the name more often. On the other hand, I never'see It'spelled the way I spell it. People and friends are always telling me how much they love my name. It'sounds nice and it is somewhat unique.

03/09/2022 19:29:24

Well my son is named Kaylen and a lot of people think that when i say Kaylen I'm talking a bout a girl and a lot of people think that it is spelled Kay-Len

02/03/2022 13:49:12

love the name-instant "royalty" from the kennedys'. My first born daughter will be Jacquelyn Beth Abel. I have always hated my name, so I hope she likes he's. Tracy Anne Kirley

01/31/2022 19:56:24

My name is also Jacquelyn and I do have problems with people misspelling my name but i've learned not to let it get to me. I hate being called Jacque but there are always people who will. For a nickname I prefer Jak or Jacq or Jaq lol all spelled differently depending on who is referring to me.

01/20/2022 13:06:00

My name was Jennifer for an hour, but my mom changed it to Jacquelyn. I really wish she hadn't. Jacquelyn is a horrible-sounding name made up of two masculine sounds: Jack + Lynn. I absolutely despise it. I try to make myself like it, but I just can't. I don't like my nickname, Jackie, either. I don't want to be called Jac because It's so manly, but I don't have a good middle name either. Ann. Why can't I just be the Jenny I was meant to be❤️

01/11/2022 01:15:54

My name is Jacquelyn and it does get pronounce incorrectly sometimes but it is the abbreviation Jacque that gets mispronounce frequently. I don't meet very many people with my name and in elementary school I was the only Jacquelyn in any grade (k-6).

10/26/2021 16:31:12

Hi! My name is Jacquelyn too! I pronounce it Jac-Lyn, and spell my nickname Jackie, with the IE that would have been'the usual spelling of Jacqueline. I don't go by Jacky...And i do love my name too! Unfortunately i had a Step-grandma who used to call me Jocallyn...until i flipped on

09/14/2021 12:31:48

Too many Sara's in this world. The only reason why i tolerate the name is because I was named after my grandmother. It has no uniqueness about it at all to me.

09/01/2021 03:21:54

My name is Jacquelyn and my middle name is Judith (named after my aunt who died of complications after her birth). I was called JJ because of my initials pretty much from the'start, and when I was little, I actually thought JJ was my full name, and got mad when people called me Jacquelyn. I go by either name now and I think Jacquelyn is a pretty name. I don't like the nickname Jackie though..not quite sure why..I just don't like the'sound of it I guess. But I like having a pretty name like Jacquelyn for more formal things like work, or what most adults prefer to call me, but the nickname JJ is easier and shows a more fun side of me. =)

08/10/2021 00:39:54

I didn't like it as a child because it was difficult for other people and sounded kind of infantile to me. Now I like it a lot though as it is unique and because Jackie O was such an inspiring person. Ja Qua Lyn

07/07/2021 04:08:42

Haha, I now love my name, Jacquelyn, but as a kid, I hated it with a passion! I would say, "I have no clue who Jacquelyn is, my name is Jaci". Unfortunatly, that just gave me even MORE trouble. Everyone pronounced it wrong (like Jay-see instead of Ja-kee like It'should be) so in college I got over myself and went back to Jacquelyn. Soooo yeah. Yay college! Jk...

07/05/2021 01:49:12

my name is jacquelyn and people cant spell it.. i hate it when'they do dat

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Jacquelyn FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Jacquelyn?
The origin of the name Jacquelyn is French , Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Jacquelyn?
*️⃣ How many people are named Jacquelyn?
Almost 85000 people are named Jacquelyn.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Jacquelyn?
The names of Joel, Jai, Humza, Kunal, Jayani