
Jacklyn meaning

: supplanter.

Jacklyn Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \j(a)-ckl-yn, jac(k)-lyn\
Number of People 👶 17,000
Rate in 2021 3647
Numerology 🔢 22
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew , French
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Jacklyn Name Meaning

Ripe with historical roots and meaning, the name Jacklyn represents the idea of the "supplanter" or one who replaces or displaces another. It carries the connotations of strength, assertiveness, and leadership. It suggests someone who is capable of rising to any challenge and making her own mark.

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Comments on the name Jacklyn
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My friend always spelled it Jackyln, took her a YEAR to know how to spell it correctly haha!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Jacklyn and I'm writing this all in my first period science class. ;) I love, love, love my name and embrace it in a huge bear-hug because It's such a unique name. I'll never trade my name for anything. On Halloween, I used to be called Jack-O-Lantern, haha. For all the Jacklyns out there, I do not know you, but I'm happy that you share my name, too!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

yay! my name is Kacie,.. and I love it. I have a twin that my mom name: Kerrie

01/14/2024 00:00:00

hi i am Jacklyn my birthday is on the 15 of march i live in NZ.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Jacklyn aswell.. i have never met anyone with the'same spelling as my name.. shocked to see so many people actually named that!(:

12/20/2023 09:17:28

My name is Jacklyn. NEVER EVER met someone with the'same name. should ne pronounced Jack - Lyn. Commonly called jackie or jacqueline........ People love the name!!

12/03/2023 13:46:54

mine is jacklyn too like when i try to get key chains they misspell it.

11/23/2023 22:47:06

I love my name! usually jacklyn should be spelled jaclyn without the k. but i like the k because it makes me different. :D i hate the name Jacqueline for some reason but people always call me that and it frustrate me sometimes. people usually spell my name wrong :( during my childhood years, people will make fun of me by calling me jack 'o' lantern. but i dont mind much. i like my name. i also go by jackie too :D

11/20/2023 11:19:14

My name is Jacklyn and people call me Jack-o-lantern on Halloween. But now I feel kinda good about my name because It's unique and cool even'though some people ca't even spell it.

11/11/2023 19:14:50

my name is jacklyn i love my name its cool if i were a boy i would've been named jack!!lol:)lol

11/11/2023 14:32:42

often people spell my name wrong. they mistake it for jacqueline. the correct way to say this name is JACK LI, jacklyn. I do meet othe's with the'same name but only the exact same pronunciation. Jacklyn is a very different way of spelluing my name

11/07/2023 02:58:54

My name is Jacklyn and I love my name and hows my parents spelled it! I hate it when people call me "Jackie" It's not my name, but I will answer to Jake :) So to all the Jacklyn's out there wear it proud!!! It's a great name.

10/24/2023 20:06:44

My name is Jacklyn (nee Armstrong), and I was born in 1949. I was named after my father Jack. i've yet to meet anyone with the'same spelling so It's quite good to have an unusual name. Sadly though I had to shorten it to Jackie during my school days because people insisted on pronouncing the name JackAlyn or Jaqueline. Jacklyn should be pronounced Jack-lin. I'd like to go back to being Jacklyn.

10/10/2023 05:12:32

my name is jacklyn and i hate my nick names! (jackie-poo,jackie-poopers and othe's) I GUESS ITS A UNIQUE NAME and its wierd because people ask me if i was a jack-o-lantern. its wierd but im only 12 i have a looong way to go! :)

09/23/2023 00:00:04

whoooh! one of my best friend's names! i love the way she'spells it too It's cool. another cute way is Carlie but don't do Carly its boring!!!

09/21/2023 12:44:04

I'm thinking about naming my next baby Jacklyn, its nice to see all the positive comments :) My uncle is named Jack (he goes by Jackie), and he is severely handicapped, but when I'm around him, there is a very special feeling i get. He is special, and i'd love to name my daughter after him.

09/11/2023 03:48:38

my name is jacklyn and i was named after my Grandpa Jack so not to unique on my parents behalf... however till today i have never'seen anyone with the'same spelling as me lol.. so its nice to know that there are some people who know how to spell my name lord knows the rest of the world does not

09/09/2023 03:36:46

My name is Jacklyn. I'm named after my dad and great-grandfather, both Jack. I get really angry when people pronounce it Jack-a-lyn. It took me four and a half years to learn to spell it correctly. (I'm now eleven.)

09/04/2023 01:21:18

My name is Jacklyn and i am named after my Grandpa because his name is Jack

09/03/2023 09:29:06

JackLyn is not my real name but It's my nickname. I like to use it!

07/16/2023 11:06:18

My name is jacklyn 2 :) people usually spell it wrong and in elementary i thought i was the only person with this name and spelled this way but now in middle school i sit next to a girl named jacklyn spelled exactly the'same as me it was soo COOL!! i love my name and im often called jacky by my friends and me mom calls me jay.... i hate being called jackie chan or jack-o-lantern and ya hahahaha i dnt like wen people say jack-uh-lyn

07/10/2023 16:41:00

my name is Jacklyn and i just typed in my name and found this

07/10/2023 00:31:10

My name is Jacklyn, and people ALWAYS spell it wrong. Everytime I tell someone what my name is, they always ask me how to spell it. If they don't ask me how to spell it, they usually spell it like jacqueline

07/09/2023 01:00:30

I have never met anyone who spells their name the way I do, and I always resented how different it was. I also hated being called Jackie and went by Jacklyn until 7th grade. Now I always go by Jackie, or Jack and people generally always say both my first and last name together because of the flow. I was named after Jaclyn Smith but my mom wanted to add a K for some unknown reason. I'm fine with my name now but I still think its odd.

07/06/2023 03:03:46

My name is Jacklyn, when i was younger people that it was funny to give me nicknames like " Jack-o-lantern, Jack in the box, or Jackie Chain" but i got used to it.

06/13/2023 01:04:56

hI'my name is jacklyn kelly i am 16 years of age nd i am lookin 4 a man aged 90 to 110 wit a active sex drive no old folks plz ...

05/31/2023 13:54:12

jacklyn is a gimp she made me type her name into google

05/30/2023 03:13:28

My name is Jacklyn. Most of my friends call me Jac.I cant think of whats the'special about this name. Its too much person own this name. Nothing to be proud of. Sometimes, i used to think why my parents spell my name as Jacklyn. Why not just spell it as Jaclyn or Jacqueline. Its nice than Jacklyn. I just dont like the alphabet k because some of my friends tend to write my name as Jack. Thats a men's name! I really dont like othe's to call me Jack. I prefer they call me Jac.

05/16/2023 12:25:12

They often add the extra "t" at the end, although It's n't so. Extremely annoying [for him, I guess]

05/09/2023 11:08:24

I'm Jacklyn too! Sometimes I feel so uncool because my name Isn't spelled all cool and feminine like jacqueline... Makes me sound like some sort of manly lumber Jack (pun unintentional).

05/01/2023 00:21:24

my name is jacklyn i am the only person i no with de name

04/29/2023 16:01:44

my name is jacklyn and i wanted to find out what it ment so i just came here.

04/27/2023 10:50:06

i have this name to. growing up- i had many kids call me jack-o-lant, jackalyn and many of the names we all have been exposed to with this name. i was named for jaclyn smith(charlies angels). my dad loved her. i too am not a big fan of jackie. i pretty much only get jack now that i am 24. i think my favorite is jackson. i have never met anyone with the'same spelling. very neat to find this.

04/25/2023 09:45:20

I can relate to Comment Feb.21st 2019 I get called Jack-o-lantern the odd time (doens't help i have red hair!) But a nice name!

04/23/2023 21:36:26

yes my name is Kacie and many people spell it wrong such as my grandmother lol but oh well i like it

04/15/2023 01:07:32

My Name is jacklyn!!! I don't know how my parents decided to give me this name cause I'm from Cuba and that name is kind of weird on that country...when I was a child I wanted to changed because nobody knew how to spelled it and that made me feel frustrated lol now I love my name And some of my coworkers call me Jacky chana

04/14/2023 07:11:54

My daughter's name is Jacklyn, she's two. I love this name. I really love the'spelling with the k, without it It'seems incomplete.

03/03/2023 01:52:10

We named our DAUGHTER Jayce in 2006 - we love the name for either a boy or a girl, and we intended to use it either way. The mis-pronunciation/mis-understanding we get most often is "Chase", but we get many compliments too. If pronouncing the name to someone for the first time, we just automatically provide the'spelling so that there is no question.

02/08/2023 04:35:28

My name is Jacklyn but my friends like to call me names :( such as Jackzy and Jackass but my parents prefer to call me Bob cuz its easier to pronounce / spell when'they are drunk. :). My sister is also called Jacklyn but my parents call her Jim.. that makes us JimBob :D. Love to all named Jacklyn. You should feel proud.

02/07/2023 18:53:34

i was named JACKLYN after my grandfather (jack)whom died when my dad was 8 and then also after my mom LINda! When I was younger my mom would get mad when people called me Jackie.Now 20 years later thats all I go by.

01/20/2023 16:49:08

My Names Jacklyn To I thought I was the Only One That'spelled it that way but now I'm happy I'm not the only one because everyone seems to spell my name wrong

01/18/2023 07:48:16

I named my daughter Jacklyn, spelled particularly this way, after her grandfather who is called Jack. Yesterday, for the first time ever, we met someone who spelled her daughter's name the exact same way.

01/15/2023 08:41:00

Wow! This is inter'sting. I thought I was the only Kecia around. Especially my age (43). My parents told me they named me after a swedish(or norwegian❤️) model they saw on tv while my mom was pregnant. Now I see that a lot of other people did the'same thing. I always liked having a unique name although I was/am teased a lot. But people always rememeber me :)

12/19/2022 00:43:24


11/30/2022 10:00:44

Hola mi nombre es Jacklyn y 100pre las personas lo pronuncian mal piensan que es Jaquelin. Me gusta mucho mi nombre porque no es un nombre comun y es un nombre que nunca van a olvidar!!! Adios

11/17/2022 11:22:18

Haha, this is my name too! "Jack" has been passed down through my dad's side of the family, but it always goes to boys as their middle name. If I had been a boy, I would have been Benjamin Jack. But, since my dad has only girls, I am Jacklyn. My parents have called me "Jackie" since before I can remember, though, and I introduce myself as such. I love my name, but It's always mispronounced, and it drives me crazy! People always want to add a middle syllable, making it "Jack-uh-lyn". Ah, well, what can you do❤️

11/17/2022 01:58:02

hI'my name is jacklyn and i love my name becuase there are so many ways to spell my name

11/15/2022 20:17:04

be careful!!! please when nameing any child of yours with JACK n the name, the nick names are never ending and not the cleanest arround, it is a beautiful name and my own but after awhile the nick names become annoying and teenage boys love the nicks names they can give u b/c they aren't the cleanist

11/14/2022 16:39:32

My name's Jacklyn and I always had my name'spelled very odd , but the oddest i've seen my name'spelled is JACKELYNE ! I love my name and sometimes i spell Jacklyn without the K and it looks so wrong so if You're Jacklyn with the K wear it out (=

11/08/2022 09:36:00


11/05/2022 07:32:24

My name is Jacklyn and I love it. its usually pretty good when it comes to pronouncing it.. unless its french.. Jacques-line.. lol whatever. my name is pretty original.. were i live anyway.. people call me Jackattack.. i have lots of nick names.. and honestly i love them all!

10/18/2022 00:45:50

I have never met anyone that'spells their name jacklyn other than myself but i go by jackey and i have never met anyone that'spells jackey that way either. i am sure there are a lot i just havent met any yet!

10/16/2022 14:05:06

my name is jacklyn too. I never thought a "jacklyn" spelled their names like that except for me yay i feel special now. and everyone spells it wrong lol

10/15/2022 00:28:02

Soy una chica de Venezuela y aquI'mi nombre es poco comun... Pero es genial me encanta! y va perfecto con mi apellido.. La gente suele confurdirse con jackeline o algo parecido, mis amigos me dicen Jack o Jacky!

10/08/2022 21:31:22

yes they spell it like this,kayleen or they will say it wrong all the time.

09/16/2022 09:56:34

People write my name as Jacqueline (or something similar to that) all the time. If they see my name firt the always pronounce it with a "q". i've been going by Jackie for so long because no one can ever get my name right!

09/08/2022 10:37:16


08/21/2022 15:57:00

my daughter's name is jacklyn. my father'says i spelled it wrong It'should be jaclyn

08/16/2022 16:05:06

My name is Jacklyn. I was named after my father, Jack. People try to pronounce or spell my name with an "A" in the middle also--Jackalyn. It is common for people to try and spell my name with a 'Q'. But, really my version is simple and is spelled exactly like It'sounds! I rarely meet anyone with the'same name and/or same spelling. I really like my name!!!

08/15/2022 03:29:06

The dog in the many Lassie fI'ms throughout the late 20th century bore this name (the fI'ms are based on some stories about Lassie created from the Twenties or Thirties onwards by an English author named Eric Knight who was killed in an air crash in 1943 aged 46), and this is also a word for a young Scottish female.

08/05/2022 20:13:30

my names jacklyn, weird to see so many ladies with the'same spelling. i was named after jaclyn smith- but my parents liked this spelling better. any jacklyn or jacqueline that ive met with our name is usually gorgeous, unique, out going, and just very special overall. glad to be in that club :)

07/23/2022 00:59:42

My daughters middle name is Jacklyn, after her late grandfather Jack, who she never got to meet, which is why i spelt it the way i did. If she was going to be born a boy, he was going to be called Jackson.

07/17/2022 11:24:18

my name is jacklyn and its also a chinese name to but im ameriacan

07/16/2022 05:12:36

My name is Jacklyn, too! I am so happy to know that I am not the only person who spells the name Jacklyn like this! I was given'that name from my Grandpa Jack :) When I was younger my teache's & peers would call me Jack for short. We are all unique people for having the name Jacklyn

07/15/2022 01:45:36

oh-mmm-gee!! im the only person in my school that has the name jacklyn!<3 i love my name and i wouldnt trade it for any other name! i get called "jack-jack" "jack-butt" "jakie" "jack-wylan" andd lots of other names! but i like it!

06/07/2022 06:59:42

my name is jacklyn, & i loveeee it! its very unique & You'really dont hear it that often. i wouldnt change my name for anything!!

05/31/2022 06:38:06

I love my name my names Jacklyn My teacher always spells it as jaclyn or jacquline and because i love books alot they tend to tease me and say im jacquline lol! I love my name it has a wonderful meaning though! AND my name is very rare i love being a little different From:Jacklyn

05/20/2022 17:10:48

my name is jacklyn, i was named after the actress jaclyn smith! :) i LOVE my name its so unique i havn't met another person in my life with the exact same spelling.

05/15/2022 05:25:12

I looooveee My name!!! My mom said that my dad was in love with Jaclyn Smith (Not sure how she'spells it) but they spelled mines: Jacklyn! I love it! I'm very happy they didn't include the "queline" because I think It's beautiful. They call me: Jax, Jack, Jacko, Jackie, Jaxster.. It's awesome LOL.. I'might name my daughter Jazzlyn or Jazlyn, something near my name :) yayyy for JacklynS

04/20/2022 13:24:54

Hi I am called Jacklyn i live in NZ i like Miley Cyrus

03/05/2022 00:12:00

my name is jacklyn and i always get called jack , jackie or jacqueline if I'met someone for the first time it always takes them time to get used to my name

03/04/2022 03:09:18

jacklyn is my name and everyone al aways spelles with a q

02/28/2022 00:20:06

I love my name'so much, i have never'seen anyone spell it the way mine is and i love it, teache's alonge with new friends tend to spell it wronge at first no one in my area has my name my birthday is spetember 21st. Im called Jacklyn more than Jackie because its never heard (and more fun to say ;P)! I really love my name!

02/22/2022 17:09:00

this is my cousins middle name and she loves it! her full name is brielle anissa.

01/28/2022 18:44:24

Jacklyn is my name. I hated it as a child-was called jack-o-lantern.......strange. Now I'm a Senior, using my nickname Jackie for yrs & lately thinking of seriously going bk to Jacklyn. :-) Not many people have this beautiful name.

12/23/2021 00:40:48

My name is "Jacklyn" most the time they misspelled my name. When i went go the center they wrote my name as Jacqueline and in the'school registrar my record is not my name as Jacklyn but instead Jackie. Nobody call me in my real name because it is difficult they say. They usually call me as "Jack". when i ask my mother why she choose this name. She answered me she got my name from news paper. And I love my name, it is unique...

11/21/2021 09:13:48

Hi, my name is Jacklyn & all of my life friends have been calling me Jackie Chan, Jackee, Jack-o-lantern, or Jack. i've grown used to them all. I find it quite inter'sting how I got my name. My mothert's name is Jacqeline. My father's nickname is Jack. They named me after the'street we lived on when I was a baby. 528 Jacklyn St. Memphis, Tn.

10/18/2021 23:41:24

My name is Jacklyn, becuase I was born during the height of the Charlies Angels. When I was a kid I want to change my name to "Rose" so odd. now that I grown up I realize my name is unique and characterize my personality that why I love my name Jacklyn

10/06/2021 17:03:36

nama saya jacklyn dan menurut saya itu tidak buruk malah menguntungkan bagi saya

09/22/2021 23:39:36

my name is Jacklyn and i love my name! I can make so many nick names with it. (like jacne and jack-attack) hahaha I am proud to have this name.

08/29/2021 23:12:36

My youngest niece is named Jacklyn. I chose the name for her and everyone loves it. Her older'sister is Katlyn. I chose that one too :-)

08/08/2021 16:38:24

This ia my daughters name and its pronouced Ka-li-yah like the'singer aa-li-yah


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Jacklyn FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Jacklyn?
The origin of the name Jacklyn is Hebrew , French.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Jacklyn?
*️⃣ How many people are named Jacklyn?
Almost 17000 people are named Jacklyn.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Jacklyn?
The names of Jamari, Jamar, Jomar, Jamarr, Jamir