
Jaroslav meaning

: Fierce and Glorious.

Jaroslav Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \j(a)-ros-lav, jar(o)-slav\
Rate in 2021 4962
Numerology 🔢 8
Name origin 🌍 Slavic
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Jaroslav Name Meaning

The name Jaroslav carries a robust and audacious implication. It is derived from the two Slavic elements - "Jar," meaning fierce or fiery, and "Slav" meaning glory. As a whole, Jaroslav implies "fierce glory" or "glorious and fierce," symbolizing strength and splendor.

Jaroslav Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Jaroslav
Additional description of the name Jaroslav

Originating from the Slavic roots "Jar" and "Slav," Jaroslav has historic significance in Eastern European culture. The name emerged around the tenth century and gained prominence during the Middle Ages. It has been borne by several notable figures in history, including the 11th-century Grand Prince of Kiev, Jaroslav the Wise. Other variations of the name such as Yaroslav exist, tracing back to the same root and carrying a similar meaning. The name denotes a time of zealous pride and glory within the Slavic histories.

Cool Info About Name Jaroslav

Additional name description Jaroslav
Additional name description Jaroslav

The name Jaroslav personifies determination, courage, and radiance. Famous bearers of the name include the Czech writer Jaroslav Seifert, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1984, and the Slovak professional ice hockey player, Jaroslav Halak. Jaroslav has enjoyed steady popularity in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine due to its enduring significance within the Slavic-speaking world. It is a name that carries a powerful aura and resonates with those who hold an appreciation for historical acumen and cultural richness.

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*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Jaroslav?
The origin of the name Jaroslav is Slavic.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Jaroslav?
Fierce and Glorious.