
Julie meaning

: youthful or Jove's child.

Julie Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \j(u)-lie\
Number of People 👶 510,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 1,195
Numerology 🔢 3
Name origin 🌍 English
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Julie Name Meaning

Julie is a feminine name of Latin origin. It is derived from the Roman family name Julius, which is associated with the Roman god Jupiter or Jove. The name carries the meaning of "youthful" or "Jove's child," symbolizing vivacity, energy, and spirit. It is a name that signifies a pioneering spirit and a positive, strong-willed nature.

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Comments on the name Julie
07/26/2023 13:43:42

Julie what languages Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovak, Catalan, Dutch, English (UK, India, Canada, Australia), French,(Canada), Malay, Nepali, Romanian, Tamil, Telugu, Vietnamese, Khmer, Bengali, Gujarati that true ❤️

10/02/2023 02:39:16

My poor grandmother still lives with the delusion that my name is Julia. But she calls me Julie thinking it's a nickname. Every card is for Julia though.

08/17/2023 23:40:26

Julie was very common in Norway (where i'm from) when I was born, there were 2 other Julie's in my class at school

07/23/2023 06:12:48

hey, :) my name is julie also, and luckly people get it right and dont call me julia. i use to not like my name cause it was so different, but now i love it cause not very many people have it and because it is so different. my nickname is jewels :) though.

07/06/2023 19:48:52

My little sister's name is Julie. When we lived in New York, everyone called her Julia even after we told them it was Julie.

12/06/2022 20:35:52

My name is Julie Rose. I get called Jules (or even Rosy) mostly. I was named after my mums little sister and my dad's little sister. Amanda JULIE and Kathryn ROSE. It's for this reason I love my name, I don't know what I would have thought otherwise, never really contemplated it! But I do rather dislike that it doesn't really have a meaning of its own! Usually "a variant of Julius Ceaser"!! Yikes

11/27/2022 00:53:56

Julie is a beatiful name. Perfect for a princess.

11/08/2022 16:21:34

I'm a Julie, and everyone assumes that it's short for Julia or Julianne. Folks even call me Julia... I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets this all the time :)

09/15/2022 23:39:24

My real name is Julianne, But for short everyone calls me Julie. I am fine with that. I want to now the meaning of my real name.

08/28/2022 19:58:12

my name is Julie. i dont have a nickname. as my name is already short. *sad face* anyways. i have a friend named JULIAAAAA so i never get called julia. heehee. some people think my name is JUDY though. the um... asian people. itt's annoying. but i'm asian too. but super americanized. teehee. bleh. obnoxious comment❤️ YES! *sings yes by lmfao* (:

07/23/2022 19:17:42

yea me too, everyone calls me julia lol this one kid i knew would always sing the song "Julia" to me and it drove me nuts, hah.

06/18/2022 01:56:24

I have always loved my name. No one I went to school with had it and I do not know anyone with the name. I am currently expecting my first little girl and want a unique but not weird name. I would call her Julie if I weren't named Julie. Don't care for naming kids after parents' first name.

03/21/2022 05:59:24

My name is Julie too! I love it. I think all my life I met 4 or 5 other Julie's and I am almost 30. I love that I was the only one in school with that name and my nicname was always Jules

09/25/2021 23:01:48

the name julie rockss :D:D best name in the world, although i am researching for a poject to find my name but its just coming up as julia :(

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Julie FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Julie?
The origin of the name Julie is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Julie?
youthful or Jove's child.
*️⃣ How many people are named Julie?
Almost 510000 people are named Julie.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Julie?
The names of Colin, Collin, Cullen, Kellen, Kaelyn