
Kaelyn meaning

: Pure, Keeper of the keys.

Kaelyn Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \ka(el)-yn\
Number of People 👶 15,000
Rate in 2021 2050
Numerology 🔢 5
Name origin 🌍 American
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Kaelyn Name Meaning

The name Kaelyn is of American origin and is a combination of the names Kay and Lynn. Kay is an English name that means "pure," and Lynn is an old English name meaning "lake." Therefore, Kaelyn could be interpreted as "pure lake." It is also associated with the Greek root, which translates to "keeper of the keys." Hence, Kaelyn symbolizes purity, serenity, and responsibility.

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Comments on the name Kaelyn
01/14/2024 00:00:00

we named our daughter kaelyn. It's a nice and unique name.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Kaelyn and a lot of people either call me "Kayla" or "Kaitlyn" which is reallllllly annoying!!!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I named by baby girl Kaelyn(9-21-2019) and I love it! It is a beautiful name and not popular or outrageous.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Hi! I named my daughter Kaelyn. I think It's a nice name and not so common. Thumbs up!!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My daughters name is Kaelyn Brooke and we get compliments on it all the time.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

so yeah my name is kaelyn and yes people mix it up and say It'some CRAZY ways but its an awesome name and as a 12 year old i love it oh and my middle name is cristian and i think that'sounds so perty! ttyl

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Kaelyn and everyone thinks it is Kaitlyn.But I just love the name Kaelyn. There is only one other person I know that has the'same name.And she lives in Nevada.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Kaelyn is my 17 year old daughters name! We love it as does she. I swear we made this name up when we were trying to decide on a name for her. It was not it any name book at all. I still have my books from back then. Inter'stingly enough I looked in the'same name books I have at the book store and now it is listed! So crazy! Never met any other Kaelyn until now. It'seems to be very popular!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My daughter is named Caelan. We wanted a name that was different, but not weird. We were sick of the really trendy Mckenzie's, Madison's and Emma's. We also wanted a gaelic name for our daughter.. She was born in 2016 and we hear it alot now, but not many people spell it the gaelic way of Caelan.. That's what we like best about it.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

We just had a daughter on September 6th, and named her Keira Margaux. She's a beautiful girl and the name'seems to fit her well.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Hi! MY name is kaelyn and everyone pronounces it katlyn and that is really annoying because that Isn't my name or they can't pronounce it. Overall, i like my name!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Kaelyn" but is spelled diffrently im only 12 and so far i know no one with this name'so i like it its very rare and uncommon ther's few people who have this name its not common like ashley the's alot ashley everbody you know knows or herd about an ashley ther's a few who know about aKEYLIN or have herd of one so it makes me feel special so i like it its a beutiful name in my opinion and i wouldint change for nothing in the worldilove this name x)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I named my daughter Caelyn Elizabeth. She was born 06-15-2020. I couldn't find "Caelyn" spelled with a "c" on this website, but I have seen it on othe's. I chose to spell it with a "c" to avoid people calling her Katelyn by accident - It's spelled differently enough to slow people down when'they're reading it.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

well i have a friend named KellI'maree and she loves it too ahaha i call her Kelli her name'sounds cool she is awesome the end

01/12/2024 00:23:52

My name is Kaelyn, I was born in 1993. I have only met one other "Kaelyn" spelled the'same way. All othe's have been "Kaylin." People miss pronouce my name all the time, but I like that it is so unique.

01/10/2024 20:46:20

My name is Kaelyn and I am 21 years old ! I have grown to love my name and I get many compliments on it! My middle name is Dea but it is pronounced like the letter "D". it is rare that I'meet another Kaelyn, but when I do, it is always fun :)

01/09/2024 19:29:52

My name is Kaelyn and most sub teache's surprisingly say it right. But until i was 10 i never knew and never tought to ask my parents if it was one silable or two.(It's one)Because of this and because she is so used to it that my sister'says my name wrong. Another name wierd thing isthe only other Kaelyn i've met was a boy and he'spelt Kaylen. Hello to all the other Kaelyns of the world!

01/09/2024 18:01:42

HI'my name is kaelyn i was the first baby that was named kaelyn i was born in 2003 and i got the name from my grandmother befor she died❤️

01/04/2024 22:49:26

I am having my first girl. She is Due Dec. 15th. I chose to name her kaelyn Jane because it ties my moms, my grandmothe's and my middle names all together. Kaye Lynn And Jane. I had never heard this name before... I LOVE IT!!!

12/29/2023 12:14:18

My name is Kaelyn, I was born in 2000. Its an old english name and the pronounciation is KayLin. but spelt much nicer :D People always say it wrong... i think they are blind or something. its a beautiful name, and I all Kaelyns are different from any one else...

12/27/2023 22:01:58

I am 5 months pregnant with a baby girl, and I am going to Name her Kaelyn Jade. I didn't want to name her Kayla because every other person has that name, and I just think Kaelyn is such a pretty name! She will be here April10, 2020!

12/25/2023 20:57:12

hie everyone my name is also Kaelyn i absolutely love my name and many people such as teache's (because im turning 13) say Kayla or Kaitlyn and many people have told me that they like the'spelling of my name after they get the pronounciation of it right and people have also told me about how they might name theyre kids after me because of the'spelling I LUV MY NAME!!!

12/25/2023 17:25:36

Lol my name is Kaelyn Rose Lee!!! I see that there r alot of Kaelyns on this website! Im 12 n im frm Kansas.

12/23/2023 03:42:36

Hello. My name is Kaelyn and people ALWAYS mixed it up to "KATE"lin. And they ALWAYS spell it wrong. but all I do is say, "ITS KAELYN! NO T!" lol. Then'they get it. But I like having my name, its unique and im a unique person. My Dentist liked my name'so much that'she named her daughter Kaelyn. Anyways yep. Kaelyns a good name.

12/21/2023 11:26:50

hey im Kaelynn! im 13 and i havnt met any one with the name name Kaelynn and spell it the way i do with two N's

12/21/2023 03:30:44

Yo bro. Reform comes from above as a neat little pgacake you don't have to think about. Revolution comes from the bottom up and it requires thought (something which the bourgeoisie always lacks to the proletariat). By saying we are the 99%' we mean simply that the quotion of material wealth and human dignity is disproportionately and unjustly i'vested in the 1% in our society' (as you might imagine it). This is perhaps more true at this stage in history (advanced global capitalI'm, postmodernity- whatever you want to call it) as it has ever been. That is the point and it is actually quite coherent. If you ask, as all bourgeois interlocutors eventually do, but what do you expect me to do about it❤️ I answer: pay more taxes a-hole.

12/20/2023 04:52:58

my name is kaelyn and i love that name only it gets confused for names like kaitlyn kayla kaly karen and pretty muck like one million name lol!!(:

12/19/2023 10:39:42

my name is kaelyn, and everyone either'spells it wrong or sticks a 't' in there. i love my name though, and i have met othe's with the'same name, but none with the'same spelling.

12/18/2023 00:51:52

my name is kaelyn and half my friends who iv'e known for atlest 6 years cant even spell it right. Lots of people make the mistake of calling me kaitlyn and i have to correct them multiple times. most of my friends now just spell my name K.lyn cuz its easier for them to spell

12/10/2023 22:06:54

My name is Kaelyn people call me Kaelon, Katlin and many other names but I always get mad because it is not my name.I really like my name because it is unusual well so I thought

12/09/2023 05:51:08

I was gonna name my daughter Kaylin, but Im starting to like the'spellng Kaelyn, which looks way but her name will be kaylin Rhys.(reece)

12/02/2023 05:09:36

See, my friends name is Kailyn (Kay-Lynn) and she is awesome! What does the name with that'spelling mena❤️

11/28/2023 04:28:14

My daughters name is Kaelyn. SOOO many people pronounce it Kaitlyn or Kayla or Kay-Lynn (think Tennesee~!) but I think its a beautiful name and its a little bit different but not too much "out there" for some people~!

11/28/2023 00:03:44

I named my daughter Kaelyn after my best friend Karen Lynn.. I too thought I had made it up.. well such is life! Still adore the name and wouldn't have it any other way!

11/27/2023 02:36:30

Well my name is Kaia, i like sports singing and dancing.Before when i was small i didn't like my name but now i realized that its different.Right now I'm 11. After my parents named me Kaia other people copied and named their daughters Kaia.I was pretty anoyed with my parents friends who named their daughters Kaia. Even'though my name wasen't hard to spell, it was pretty easy to remember in the first grade.But its hard to prounonce!

11/24/2023 15:14:34

HI'my name is Kaelyn and I hate it when people call me katlyn becuase it Isn't my name!! That is the only downside of the name and I like that not many people have It'spelled this way.

11/20/2023 17:47:10

I named my first child that name kaelyn born some one else wrote they always say the name wrong, kayla or kaitlyn.I love this name.

11/20/2023 00:44:26

We haven't even'tTC yet (Jan 2018), but i've definitely stretad a list. Hubby and I agree on some, disagree on othe's; and the list changes every week. We're definitely looking at simple, short names because we have a very long, polish last name. ;)

11/18/2023 21:06:54

My name is also Kaelyn and I was born in 1997 therefore the previous user could not possibly have been'the first baby named Kaelyn.

11/15/2023 04:56:54

my name is Kaelyn and everyone loves my name inluding me, Everyone likes how it is spelled most people call me Kaitlyn but i just correct them...most people end up calling me Kae by the end of the day....i was born in March 2004 and birthday is tomorrow!

11/14/2023 19:15:00

My name is Kaelyn and my birthday was not to long ago it was September 22, 2009. I love my name and so do other people. They complement on it all the time but othe's also get it confused with Kaitlyn and I don't really mind but wish they could get it right because you know that's my name. I love that my mom gave me this name because I really love it and love yhat it is mine. I have never met someone else that has had my name though and wish some day that I will.

11/04/2023 18:15:40 Kaelyn. i love my name! At the awards assembly at school i always get called Katelin or Katlin!im so sick of the name Katelin!i dont know how u could get the two names mixed! by the way im 10.:D

11/01/2023 20:54:12

I just wanted to say that the other person who commented is incorrect because I was born in 2001 and my name is Kaelyn.

11/01/2023 20:01:18

My Name is Kaelyn Rose & I live in Northern Illinois. My mom chose my first name from a customer at the bank she worked at. My middle name came from my great-great-grandmother, Rose.

10/29/2023 22:57:28

My two year old daughter's name is Kaelyn Madison. i've never met anyone else who has the name and had never heard of it being spelled this way. I love her name but now realize she'll probably have to go through life being called Katelyn a lot. lol

10/29/2023 20:01:08

My name is Kaelyn and I was born in 2001 so the other girl was not the first girl to be named kaelyn

10/29/2023 13:50:50

my name is kaelyn and im 15! ive met a little girl that had the'same name but it was spelt different. and a boy with the'same name. i've had so many people say my name wrong!! i really dont care tho and sometimes i dnt correct them. other people do. but some of my close friends still pronounce it wierd bc they dnt realize they do. Ive also been called katelin, kayla, kali, and all the othe's. i love my name. pretty much noone has the'same name as me where i love. its nice and original. =)

10/25/2023 03:27:34

dude. kaelyn is my name. i hate it, because peeps call me "kaitlyn" or "callan" its annoying. but i love it. ciz its original.

10/24/2023 04:32:10

awwwhh, my name is kaelyn too! :) im 14, and it never fails for someone to call me katelyn!

10/22/2023 10:48:14

My daughter's name is Kaelyn Elizabeth and we have gotten so many compliments. We chose it because we thought it was different and we didn't want her to go to school and have the'same name as 4 other girls in her class. I see now there are many other Kaelyn's!

10/20/2023 06:29:30

i love the name kaelyn but everybody always calls me kaitlyn

10/16/2023 10:12:38

yajaira is a name that i dont like and its my cousins name

10/15/2023 07:10:22

I named my daughter Kaelyn- It's so funny to see that every one here has had problems with people calling them "Katelyn" and putting the emphasis on the "Lyn"- it drives me nuts when people say her name wrong, I want so badly to correct them!

10/13/2023 01:41:06

My daughter's name is kaelyn. We have to repeat it constantly because people call her Kaitlyn. The nice part is she is 3 and now corrects them on her own.

10/09/2023 18:02:28

My best friends daughter has this name and I beli've it is the most beautiful name on the planet. Cute name for a really cute kid.

10/07/2023 18:08:14

Kaelyn is the best name in the world. If you spell it 'Kalen' then you obviously never completed hooked on phonics

10/05/2023 05:18:08

I named my daughter Kaelyn Elise and we call her K.K. people insist on calling her Katelyn.

10/05/2023 03:49:58

Yes my name is Xena and yes people do spell it wrong A LOT! I love this name because it is unique and i have not meet anyone else named xena but i would like too:)

10/04/2023 16:57:32

my name is Kaelyn, and people almost always spell it wrong, until i hammer it into them, and pronounce it wrong the first couple of times, especially teache's (im 13)

10/04/2023 08:26:10

My girlfriends name is Kaelyn and she was born before you so sorry you weren't the first she was born in 1998. I think It's a great name, because few people have it and most have It'spelt differently.

09/22/2023 08:43:08

Hey people with the name Kaelyn! My name of course is also Kaelyn but only some peolpe say it right ao the first time! I love my name!

09/22/2023 00:29:24

hI'my name is 13. people call me katelyn all the time or kayla but i just dont say anything. some people still think its my name.

09/11/2023 07:55:30

My name is also Kaelyn,I'm 12 turning 13 on the 8th of August in 2019. Many people spell my name wrong, and it takes a while for them to learn it. But i am proud to have this name. I was about to be named Kelsie, but Kaelyn is WAY better.

09/10/2023 03:25:04

I named my daughter Kaelyn! I was really confused what to name her but as soon as I found this name online I liked it I'mediately. It's unique but pretty. I dont have regrets in naming her KAELYN.

09/09/2023 08:01:16

My daughter 3 1/2 is Kaelyn and we are getting the incorrect assumptions her name is Katelyn, which is annoying at times.

09/06/2023 17:25:22

I just had my second Daughter March 30th, 2021, and I named her Kaelyn Marie :-) I love it, and she get a lot of complements. However, alot of people miss hear me, and think I said Kaitlin.. I have to correct them. and tell them its KAY Lynn

09/02/2023 02:37:36

yeh,I'm Natasha too. everyone calls me tasha. my french teacher thinks It's my real name but I'm ok with it. My friends call me tushi cuz they hink Natasha's too long.

08/29/2023 15:27:22

hI'my name is kaelyn allyn and people always say katlin and i always get mad because my name is easy to say

08/26/2023 19:34:04

hi there i hate my name well not really i just want my name to be diffrent.

08/25/2023 06:14:38

I'm Kaelyn and I'm 36. I love the fact that I never met another Kaelyn until I was in my 20's. I do get asked if it is Katelyn ALL THE TIME. Not sure how someone gets Katelyn out of Kaelyn.

08/15/2023 07:36:22

My daughter's name is also Kaelyn - she was born in August 2013. We found It'spelled as Cailin in a babybook, and instantly loved it. We played with the'spelling b/c we wanted a more Gaelic spelling. And yes, everyone mistakes it for Katelyn - we just correct them! Our last name'starts with a K, so everyone calls her KK! :)

08/14/2023 09:16:14

When my husband and I named our son Aidan in 2007, it was primarily because of our Irish heritage. We knew it was common enough in Ireland but did n't know of any other children in'the'states with the name. Now It's absolutely amazing how its popularity has soared...

08/11/2023 21:19:02

My husband and I named our daughter Kaelynn, respelled from the "Kahlan" in the'seeker'series books. Her middle name is Mae, so there are a few choices of nicknames for her, I call her Kae-mae or Kae. The worst thing to me is when people put the emphasis on LYNN like kae-LYNN rather than KAE-lynn. We were thinking of hyphening the name and adding an "e": Kae-Lynne, but I like it just the way it is. A very strong name.

08/11/2023 15:26:22

my name is kaelyn i pronounce it Kel-in noone says it right

08/09/2023 20:14:16

my name is kaelyn and everyone always calls me katlyn which makes me very angry.i was born in 2007 and it wasn't very popular back then.

08/05/2023 15:26:02

My names Kaelyn, and I HATE when people call me "Katelyn!" I just wanna kick them in there appendixes, because, I'mean, is Kaelyn easier to say❤️! Gosh! Ive bearely ever met a Katelyn!!

08/05/2023 07:47:34

It is my legal name but I usually go by Kelly. So many prononce it wrong, or spell it wrong, or something annoying like is a pretty name but it just doesn't fit me.

08/04/2023 07:06:22

HI'my name is Kaelyn. I'm 16 years old and I'm going to be 17 on April9, 2020. Everyone always calls me Kaitlyn and i hate it. i've only met one other person who spelled their name like mine so It's nice to see that their are people out there who spell their name like me. I thank my mom all the time for naming me Kaelyn because It's not a common spelling of that name.

08/02/2023 14:50:36

My name is Kaelyn and it rocks it is the best and i dident know that'so many other people had the'same name and spelt the'same way

07/31/2023 06:25:00

My daughter's name is Kaelynne Riley. I love the name'so much. It fits her charI'matic personality. It is also a unique way of spelling the name.

07/31/2023 04:56:50

My daughters name is Kaelyn. I thought is was so beautiful! She is 7. Hardly anyone gets her name right, pronunciation or spelling!! She usually is called "katelyn" But that's okay she's used to it and we think her name is AWESOME!

07/26/2023 21:12:16

Kaelyn is my daughters name. Everyone loves it, we get compliments on it all the time.

07/24/2023 02:47:08

Whoo!! My name is Jacklyn!! I LOVE it!! its Very Original, The way its spelt and all. I live in Quebec.. (french) so, If we ever DO see a Jacklyn, Jaclyn, jacqueline, its usually spelt as the last. I love the way i spell it, and I love my nicknames. Jackattack, Jackie, Jackeh, Jay, all that'suff!!;)

07/23/2023 05:19:54

my daughter's name. We spell it Kalien same pronunciation

07/23/2023 02:23:34

Good lord...what an terrible niece was just named this....over 'Holly' no would think the poor child were black....

07/18/2023 02:29:10

I named my baby girl kaelyn :) I love it!! Even'though It's frustrating when people call her katelyn, I still would not change her name for the world...It'suits her.

07/16/2023 14:20:16

For everyone who's name is Kaelyn if you don't mind my asking what is your middle name❤️ We are expecting a little girl inJune and I love that name but my husband and I can't agree on a middle name. I hope you guys can help!

07/15/2023 16:17:46

my name is Kaelyn.Most people say it right.Most peole spell it wrong. it is pronounced Kaylin.I never met anybody with the'same name.

07/14/2023 04:08:52

Hi all, i have a daughter and her name is also Kaelyn. OMG, everyone says her name wrong, even family say it wrong. i sometimes get very upset when it happens because i think it is very easy to say! i hope my daughter is ready for the miss pronounciation of her name, i sure wasnt!

07/12/2023 04:49:54

its my name and ill be 18 this April i have yet to meet a girl with my name. i once met little boy but never a girl..

07/09/2023 13:56:22

My name is Kaelyn and I have always loved it cause it is so uncommon where I am from. Most people end up calling me Kaitlyn. And most people say to me "Isn't that a boy name❤️ i've only met boy Kaelyns! " Kind of funny... but i love it!

06/30/2023 11:34:48

My name is Kaelyn! I have met two people named Kaelyn in my life. One spells it the'same way except they have an extra "N" in it the other one spells it with a "C". My parents thought that they made it up! LOL! :) My mom's name is Katrina and my grandma's name is Linda so that is how they got the name up. I think it is very weirod. I'm just glad that i am not alone! YAY

06/28/2023 08:26:36

This is my daughter's name. Her birth coincided with the release of the first Narnia movie, and lots of people thought we said Narnia, not Nadia, or spell it NaRdia.

06/26/2023 17:39:00

HI'my name Is Kaelyn.I was born in 2006. People often Pronouce and some time spell my name wrong.I'met one other person named the'same as me.She was on my little sisters soccer team this year.My name is pronouce'Kae-lyn.'I hope that one day all the people will get my name right!

06/26/2023 14:07:24

I'm Kaelyn, too! i've met one other girl with the'same name in my town - she even spelled it the'same. I'll be 7 Jan 12, 2019. I love my name. Many of my friends think It's pronounced Kaitlyn, too.

06/14/2023 11:28:02

Hey my name is Kaelyn, people usually say it wrong by calling me Katelyn. I only met one person with the'same name as me which shes younger. I was born in 2004.

06/11/2023 14:24:12

Hello, my name is Kaelyn, I love the name, because there is not many people with that name. I was born in 2002, and I just still love my name!

06/05/2023 04:06:42

I love my name. Everyone, including my neighbors who lived next door to me for 4 years, call me Katelyn!! At school, when somebody calls me Katelyn, some other person corrects them and says Kaelyn. I have met one person, a 6th grader, who's name is Kaelyn. She'spelled it differently though.ýý

06/04/2023 00:46:48

We named our daughter Kaia (11-03-03) and it is the perfect name for her, she is constantly moving like the ocean and also loves her mother earth. She is our hawaiian earth goddess. I'meet very few people along the way with the'same name, it is different and unique. For the person who thinks It'sounds like a name of an indian tribe, that is a beautiful has meaning...

06/03/2023 23:18:38

It's my daughter's name. I thought we made it up in 2008. Guess we weren't so original. Still a great name though.

06/03/2023 01:16:08

I love the name Kaelyn. We named our daughter, who was born in 2005, Kaelyn. Although we knew lots of Kaitlyn's we didn't know anyone with the name Kaelyn -- of Kaelyn spelled this way. I am surprised how many people there are named Kaelyn. We call my daughter Katie, which is probably why many people may think her name is actually Kaitlyn.

05/31/2023 07:43:54

I like the name kaelyn because my gril friends name is kaelyn

05/28/2023 18:00:54

My Daughter Kaelyn Paige was born in 2015, I fell in love witht he old irish boys name Caelyn. Everyone loves the name. she does too!

05/27/2023 22:54:44

My name is Kaelyn and my mom named me after a character on her favorite soap! Ha! But I still love it for being unique. i've grown used to just ignoring it when people call me katelyn or caroline or karen.

05/22/2023 13:53:42

I want to name my daughter "Kaelyn", but I need some middle names to go with it.

05/20/2023 23:06:06

My daughter's name is Kaelyn and she even gets called Katelyn by family. She tells them that her name is not Katelyn. In her daycare room for the past couple of years, there is another Kaelyn spelled Kailyn. We also met another Kaelyn in Ohio on vacation last year. I never thought there would be two Kaelyn's in the'same class.

05/20/2023 02:49:24

My name is kaelyn, im 16, also but i haven't actually been called kaelyn since i was very little. Every one calls me kaykay and i dont particularly like my name everyone doesn't pronounce it right or doesn't understand its not katelyn.

05/18/2023 16:43:56

my name is kaelyn and looovveee my name'soo much because there isnt that many with it!!

05/16/2023 13:35:44

i am due in september and if we have a girl, my husband and i have chosen'the name kaelyn nicole. my grandma's middle name was kay and my husband's name is nicholas. we have four boys, so I'm hoping for a little girl. kaelyn is a beautiful name!!!

05/14/2023 06:55:56

Hey, that's my name! My parents thought they made it up, too. Everyone spells my name weird, like Kaylin or Kaelin. I like Kaelyn much better, though. I hate how Microsoft Word always says It's misspelled!

05/12/2023 19:57:34

I named my daughter Kaelyn, and i love it. it fits her personality perfectly. a lot of people spell her name cailin or kaylin. before i gave birth, i hadnt met anyone by that name, but right after'she was born, I'met three other kaelyns. i guess it was more popular than i thought.

05/12/2023 19:39:56

My little princess is named Kaelyn Madison :) really didn't know anyone else wrote it like this. Born April23 2013.

05/11/2023 09:16:50

My brand new Granddaughter is named Kaelyn and I think it is a very beautiful name.

05/03/2023 13:11:30

My name is Kaelyn and I have been called Caitlyn, Kaylee, Kyleigh, and many othe's. I tend to correct people, but it never'sticks. Even some of my friends don't know how to spell it ❤️❤️

04/26/2023 21:18:58

i am pregnant and due to give birth anyday soon and i am going to be calling my little girl kaelyn as i think it is a beautiful name and have always loved it even beofre i fell pregnant.

04/21/2023 13:10:50

My name is Kaelyn....I absolutly love the name....It's unique and beautiful.

04/16/2023 14:09:20

My name is Kaelyn, born in 1984. Never met another Kaelyn for the first 20 years of my life. for the last 10 years EVERYONE says Katelyn, no matter how slowly I say it...

04/12/2023 02:35:32

I named my baby Kaelyn spelled just like that, and I couldnt agree more on the part about people say LYN part, I always say please dont say it country :) but I loved that name, i just happen'to run across it looking up other baby names, and knew right away it was perfect!!

04/07/2023 19:08:36

HI'my name is Kaelyn,people do pronounce it wrong as Katelyn and I do respond to that because it becomes a habit over the years. The correct way to say my name is Kay-lyn. There is a girl in my class with the exact same name,exact spelling,and she's the first i've ever met with that'same name :D

04/04/2023 22:40:02

hello all the kaelyns in the world i love the name kaelyn its a lovely name i see that now i am 23 but when i was 10 i hated my name

04/04/2023 07:58:22

I named my daughter Kaelyn Audre Epperson, so her initials spell her nickname. K.A.E. I know, I'm a genius. Kidding. i've heard kaelEE, kaelAH, kaTelyn, all that. But I know what It's like to have your name messed up. Mine's Crystalina!

04/02/2023 21:00:00

My daughter, Kaelyn is 2. Occasionally people say Katelyn, and we correct them. The majority of people get it right. The name is beautiful just as she is!

03/30/2023 13:56:38

We named our daughter Karlee in 2001. We wanted a unique name'so my husband and I changed the'spelling of Carly. We think it is an awesome name.

03/30/2023 05:25:16

actually i was born in 2000 and i am kaelyn so soz you aint the first!

03/27/2023 22:27:50

Kaelyn has so many pronunciations. My parents don't even know if It's Kay-len or Kal-len and they're the ones who named me.

03/26/2023 17:04:30

omg my name is KAELYN TOO. so many people call me kaitlyn and kayla. im 14 years old and from ATL Georgia.i never met any one wh spells their name the'same way i do.

03/25/2023 16:23:18

Its amazing cause its so awesome, All Kaelyns are awesome

03/21/2023 01:35:32

My name is Kaelyn!!! I Love it and would not change it but every one calls me katelyn but thats ok but is does get annoying

03/17/2023 02:39:58

Kaelyn has so many pronunciations. My parents don't even know if It's Kay-len or Kal-len and they're the ones who named me!

03/16/2023 08:09:04

I named my daughter Kaelyn Robyn, who is almost 3 years old, got alot of compliments on her name and It's really rare where i am from I have not met another Kaelyn yet! I'met a boy name cahlin though, that's kinda neat, anyways i really liked the name its unique and i also thought no one really spelt it like this either but now i realize there are alot of Kaelyns out there!

03/04/2023 01:40:28

this is my name, i feel that people don't like bryan becuase It's used to much but i disagree...It's a perfectly normal and nice name for any guy. "Bryan" means: "the'strong one" ...think about that hah!

02/28/2023 15:58:24

My 12 year old daughter's name is Kaelyn Jade.I originally wanted to name her Marley,but couldn;t get my hubby to bend,finally settled on Kaelyn,didn't have middle name until she was born-she was a St.Patty's baby(Jade=green).She loves her name and is happy she is not a Marley:(

02/23/2023 08:25:32

my name is kaelyn too! My poor parents thought they had made it up...oh well. =) its so awesome im not alone! They should have a Kaelyn Convention so we can all get together!

02/11/2023 07:49:36

Yes and they do mispronounced my name but overall i love my name

02/10/2023 11:15:16


02/08/2023 16:56:04

hi kaelyn if you are on this website its me your best freind remember we used to go to new life together but now u go to west eyreton I'miss u from mew u now my real name

02/05/2023 13:59:34

My name is also Kaelyn. I was born in 1971 in Houston, Texas.

02/03/2023 06:44:30

My name is Kaelyn and I'm 14 years old..almost everyone says my name wrong the first time which gets annoying but once they get it right it is a fun name because no one has It'spelled this way!!

01/30/2023 00:28:06

Named my youngest, Kaelyn and I love the name and the'spelling. There is another 'Cailin' at my daughter's daycare. I read it in a book of Irish baby names and loved it -- never heard of it before then.

01/29/2023 20:03:36

I'm a boy and my middle name is Kaelyn. I only met one other kid with my name. But it has a ring to it Matthew Kaelyn Mitchell, when u say my whole name.

01/23/2023 22:59:36

I too named my daughter after'scott Russo's Daughter of unwritten law an you are so right the name and song are both beautiful as my baby girl born on 11/02/2018 I think girls named cailin are born to be beautiful!

01/22/2023 15:50:28

my name is kaelyn... people always think its kaitlin or they spell it wrong!!! I have never'seen or heard of someone else with the'same spelling. But now i have and now i know im not alone! YAY!

01/21/2023 04:52:06

we plan to name our son Jaxon (due today!) and I want to call him Jax.

01/16/2023 06:08:14

I'm a Kaelyn. Beautiful Irish name. Lyn is a beautiful part of it but i've always been Kae. Fantastic, fun, and musical!

01/06/2023 01:19:40

wow... I think someone commenting on this page hates someone names Madison!!! Well get over it. cuz--- I think its cute and versatile Mad-is-on rocks

01/05/2023 22:40:58

i named my daughter kaelyn after finding it on a baby name'site, i love it. she has such a unique personality, and i think it fits her perfectly.

12/31/2022 05:08:34

I'm expecting a baby girl soon and we decided to name her Kaelyn. It's a nice name and not so common.

12/26/2022 12:52:38

Named my daughter Kaelyn Prayse. I love the name and It's meaning. Some people ask if it is Kaitlyn (I just tell them "No T", but with all the names out there--most people ask first and don't need to be corrected. We almost named her Kayla, but I like Kaelyn better.

12/21/2022 04:26:52

My name is Kaelyn Catherine and I'm about to be 17 in august. Some people tend to mispronounce and misspell my name, but after I correct them on the'spot they normally remember the correct way because It's a unique name with unique spelling. The correct way to pronounce Kaelyn is KAE-lyn (the emphasis lies in the beginning rather than the end, but is not overly exerted). I have met othe's with my name, but they have been spelt differently. I love my name because it fits my personality and character'so well. Im a unique person with a unique name. I don't like to be normal and like everyone else, I like being uniquely different and being myself.

12/18/2022 02:23:16

My baby was born in 2012 and I named her Kaelyn. This was my "baby name" from when I was 11 years old. I was 26 when I had my baby, so kudos to me for commI'ment

12/16/2022 08:56:58

Hi. I named my daughter Kaelyn. I like the name'so much.

12/15/2022 06:47:36

I plan on naming my baby Kaelyn. I love the name, but I'm worried about everyone calling her Kaitlyn. So far when I tell people her name everyone says Kaitlyn and I have to correct them. Oh well I still love the name!

12/09/2022 02:05:08

my mname is kaelyn i was born 2007 in new mexico and the name wasnt that popular then and every one calls me kaitlyn but im o k with that

12/06/2022 19:07:42

We named our new little boy Caden after many months of trying to agree on a name. I am pleasantly surprised to hear that it means "spirt of Battle" as my little one was deliverd in'the front seat of my car on'the way to the hospital by my wife as I drove with a police escort. I'd say that he came into this world a fighter!

12/04/2022 13:38:26

My name is Kaelyn and my mom named me but she wanted to be Kaitlen but then she thought about it and said no because there were to many in the world so that'she did something different and that's how i got my name

12/03/2022 12:21:58

My name is Kaelyn and I never knew that'so many people spelled it the'same way. Usually when people try to spell it they never get it right. I love my name because it is so unique. i know one other person with the'same name but she'spells it differently.

12/03/2022 09:08:00

Hi I am Kaelyn I am 9 and all my friends call me KK (and my enimie)

12/01/2022 00:07:08

i am fine with the name kaelyn, buut it drives me nuts when people call me katelyn or kayla or a k names is not kaelyn.

11/29/2022 01:23:26

my 17 mnth old's name is kaelyn rae.i love that name and im so glad i picked it,although everyone calls her katelyn,but its ok.i hope she loves it when she gets older !!

11/23/2022 17:15:18

My daughter's name is Kaelyn. I thought it was original also and then she went to daycare and there was another little girl there named Cailyn!

11/20/2022 22:50:10

Me and my husband was going at it on what we will name our child...we didnt seemed to agree on any of them until I said Kaelyn. Our 2 1/2 year old is Kaelyn Sydney...i love her name....i never knew anybody with the name'so i liked it even more.....I just hope she won't get annoyed when she grows up if people keeps calling her the wrong name...because i have been'there

11/13/2022 14:30:10

Kaelyn is our daughters name. She was born in 2014. I have not met anyone or seen her name'spelled the way we spell it. We chose this spelling because I don't want her to be called Kate as she gets older. :)

11/10/2022 16:51:04

my names kaelyn it doesnt really bother me when people spell my name wrong i just correct it!!! kaelyn is actually my middle name tho. my first name is heather but i hate tht!!! my name is probaly the koolest name ever and im glad my mom named my mom named me tht!!! my best friend still calls me kaetlyn!!!

11/09/2022 05:52:42

hI'my name is kaelyn and i was born in 1999, i have never met anyone named kaelyn.

11/08/2022 07:50:12

I named my daughter Kaelyn (2014) people are always calling her Katelyn or spelling her name wrong and I have been'told it is a boy's name, although there are many people as well who compliment the name'saying how beautiful it is. It evens out I guess.

11/07/2022 20:22:30

my name is Kaelyn and like most people call me Katelyn the first time they meet me. and they spell it wrong a lot.

11/02/2022 14:35:26

I have a 5 month old babygirl named Kaelyn Marie. She is my 3rd child. My two boys were so easy to name. I think a girls name is much harder to choose. We picked this name on mothe's day- 1 week before we was born. I Hope she likes it.. <3

11/01/2022 21:15:04

My name is Kaelyn. Im thirteen and i love my name! It gets confused with Kaitlyn all the time. I get tons of compliments on my name, And im very proud to walk around with that name :)

10/31/2022 10:16:42

I have been called so many other things than kaelyn

10/25/2022 14:05:36

My name is kaelyn and i was the first child named kaelyn i was born in 2001 may 6 th my name comes from part of my moms name!

10/25/2022 13:30:20

My name is Kaelyn im 13 and i love my name. Many people spell it wrong b/c im the only one in my school with the name like that besides kaylyn

10/25/2022 00:34:28

I named my first baby Kaelyn. She's 6 years old now and we've had many mispronounciations. She corrects everyone though. Lots of people think her name is Katelyn, but I tell them there's no T in her name. I had wanted to name her Kayleigh, but she already has a cousin named Hailey. Too similar sounding. I looked through the baby names book and found Kaylyn and played around with the'spelling. I still love this name and It'suits my daughter perfectly!

10/23/2022 15:04:16

Hey my name is Kaelyn people spell it wrong all the time.... hope that's inter'sting enough

10/21/2022 23:41:24

i am 11 years old and live in new york new york and my name is kaelyn i love It'sounds so cute and unique

10/21/2022 15:10:02

My 10 year old year daughter is called kaelyn we pronouce it Kaylen but some people call her Kayleen and Kay Lyn. By the way we live in Australia and know of one other child here with the name. We didn't realise it was so common in America as we had never heard it before.

10/19/2022 06:44:26

i think this name is the very best in the whole world

10/18/2022 22:30:42

hI'my name is kaelyn and i like it but sometimes i wounder what it would be like to have another 13 by the way

10/17/2022 12:25:14

My daughters name is Kaelyn Rose.I was thinking that this is going to be a real different name. Boy was I wrong!!Kaelyn is every where these days, holy cow!! The Kae came from my mothe's middle name, Lyn from my first and middle and the Rose after grandma...Hey it was a good idea at the time lol. It'seems all the time she keeps getting called Katelyn, even by family.....ugh. But its a very beautiful name!I had a friend buy her'stuff for her birthday with her name on it. It was spelled Katelyn, again. The invitation had her name on it. Maybe I should buy her a shirt with her name in big bold letters!!!

10/17/2022 00:57:32

my names kaelyn and im 12 and even friends cant say it! everyone calls me kae, but i love my name cause ive never met any with It'spelled the'same:)

10/16/2022 09:05:20

I have a 2 month old named Kaelyn Rae. I really didn't think the name was all that common. I got many compliments towards the'spelling of it while we were still in the hospital, come to find out we aren't that original after all. oh well! I still wouldn't change her name for anything in this world!

10/14/2022 13:53:14

My daughter's name is Kaelyn Olivia Rose. I love the name Kaelyn and have only heard of 2 other people with this name. :)

10/13/2022 19:22:20

My daughter is Kaelyn. I love the name and like so many other parents, thought that I had i'vented it. When she was born, back in 2003, I found a variant of it as a boy name in the baby name book. I realize that this name has been around for a very long time with all of its variant spellings, here and around the world. Go Kaelyns everywhere!

10/10/2022 01:44:10

My name is Kaelyn too! I have only met one other person that has this name and spells it the'same way! Some people think it has a "t" in it, but it doesn't. Othe's put the emphasis on the "Lyn" part when it is supposed to be on the "Kae" part. I was named after a relative whose name is Kay and her middle name is Lynn. I love my name!!! :D

10/09/2022 17:12:48

I love the name kaelyn. Its my daughters name and I figured out her name the day she was born july 4. Its not common among people I know and that makes her name unique.

10/08/2022 12:24:44

My name is Kaelyn, I really like my name because, no one really has it that's my age- I'm 22!! So its a good thing because its unique!

10/03/2022 02:30:48

I just named my daughter Kaelyn, and everyone so far has loved it, have had problems with people thinking is was Katelyn, but not many.

10/01/2022 17:35:52

My name is Kaelyn and i was born in 2004. People offten call me Katelyn or they spell my name "Kealyn" or "Kaylen". it always gets on my nerves. I have met other people with the'same name but it Isn't spelled the'same way.

09/24/2022 08:40:36

My name is kaelyn, i was born in 1996. My mom came up with my name and I always get called katelyn

09/22/2022 02:36:04

YEESSS!!! finally!! i thougght i was all alone! people always pronounce it Kee-la and im like "no!" i always wanted to change my name when i was little like to Che'sea or something(haha that would've been funny). now i LOVE my name!! i thank my mom and God for my name. Hope all the Keyla's of the world have a great life!! love ya!!

09/20/2022 22:23:16

My name is Kaelyn, and I love my name. It's unique, but when I introduce myself to people, they always think It's Katelyn, but i've gotten used to correcting people. My middle name is Danielle and I think Kaelyn Danielle is a beautiful name, and I'm really glad It's mine.

09/20/2022 09:27:24

My name is kaelyn and everyone calls me kaykay because i get so sick of people calling me katelyn!

09/19/2022 22:52:36

my friend kaelyn often ha a hard time with her name because people constantly mistaken it as katelyn. i think her name is beautiful and i wish it was my own.

09/16/2022 07:53:08

I am a twin named kaelyn. Friends call me k.k. I am 6.

09/12/2022 00:08:34

my name is kaelyn to i love it ive met a few other girls with the'same name but only one in my school

09/10/2022 21:06:18

My daughter's name is Kaelyn Rose also. Many people call her Kaetlyn as well. I hate that. She corrects them he'self now. My name is Kae-lyn... it does not have a "t" in it". LOL

09/06/2022 16:35:42

I named my daughter (6/3/03), Kaelyn after a song I fell in love with, titled, "Cailin" by UNWRITTEN LAW- [CAILIN]-which is the true IRISH spelling, but is pronounced KAII-LENNN in Ireland.. in Irish slang, Cailin means "little girl".. My mom was worried about the name early on, because she thought people wouldnt be able to figure out how to say it. [I disagree] To my knowledge, no one has had any trouble discerning her name, the only problem we've had is correcting people who repeat her name as "KATELYN", not Kaelyn. I absolutely fell in love with the name the moment I heard it.. It is a beautiful name, by far!!! --Courtney

09/06/2022 07:29:04

My Daughters name is also Kaelyn Olivia!! I think It's a beautiful name. People used to always say Katelyn, but now that the name is more popular ( although I haven't seen one yet that's spelled the'same)It'seems people are saying it right these days. I have seen Kailyn,Kaylin, Kaylan, Kaylen, Kalen, Kalan , Caelin, Cailin and Cailyn!! LOL..My second daughters name is Londyn Rae...I haven't seen one of those yet!!

09/04/2022 19:55:26

HI'my name is Kaelyn and i was born in 2003 as well. see my dad wanted the name kaelee and my mom wanted kaitlyn so they compromised

09/04/2022 04:03:14

My daughter's name is Kaelyn. I chose it because it means "sweetheart" in Arabic. It fits her to a "t"!

08/20/2022 01:31:12

My name is Kaelyn Anne Warren. I am in college and peopl pronounce and spell it wrong. My Spanish teacher wrIt's it:Kaylin. Some people are stupid enough to say:Kay-Line. :(

08/19/2022 08:08:06

My name is Kaelyn my dad named me after a guy he played football with! I'm sick and tired of the name mix up though.

08/13/2022 03:54:18

HI'my name is Kaelyn too I'm 13 and people call me katelyn alot at first I would answer to that name I don't know why but i've tried this thing were I don't answer too any other name than Kaelyn it actually works and It'seems like suddenly people are getting my name corect on the first try with out me correcting them my mom thought that Kaelyn was a beautiful name and I get compliments on it all the time my middle name is Jamese (JAH-MEES) which is James with an extra "e" because my dads middle name is James

07/19/2022 01:50:06

My name is Kaelyn!!! Ive never met anybody with the'same spelling! I always though my mom made it up... guess not. I hate it when'they say Katelyn! It drives me nutz. I always say "It's KAELYN not Katelyn" But I love my name!!

07/08/2022 19:42:00

YO all my homies!! My Name is Kaelyn and it is the Best Fricken Name on the whole fricken world, yo know it!! I live in in the Getto! Im a Gangster you can cheak my stats!! no other Kaelyn can put it down like me... im Kaelyn-ish-ous!!

07/08/2022 05:03:36

My name is Kaelyn. I'm 24 years old and until recently had NEVER heard of anyone else spelling it that way! i've always liked that it is a unique spelling. Yes, people do tend to want to say "Kaitlin", but I just correct them. I get tons of compliments on it and everyone thinks it is a beautiful name.

06/20/2022 04:15:54


06/16/2022 07:51:00

My names Kaelyn and ive only met one other person ive met with that name had the'spelling "cailin." almost everyone I'meet calls me kaitlyn one time or another. i have known this one guy for 7 years and he'still calls me kaitlyn.

06/13/2022 13:58:12

Hi, my name's Kaelyn Li, I'm 13 years old and I live in Wisconsin. I find it annoying when people first meet me and they say my name like "Katelyn" or "Kaeleen." It's simply Kay.lin, so easy!

05/08/2022 19:42:00

My naem is kaelyn and im 15. i've never met another girl named kaelyn but a lot of katelyns. Pretty much everyone say my name wrong the first couple of times ,however; after they get my name right then'they go onto spelling it wrong. But I LOVE my name! :)

05/06/2022 05:28:48

I'm a Kaelyn too!! I'm 19 and get alot of Kaylas annd Katelyns! Bugs me pretty bad but everyone loves my name and so do I.

05/01/2022 19:20:24

My 7 year old daughter is named Kaelyn. Most of the time when she meets new friends they do call her Kaitlyn, until she corrects them.It is pronounced Kay-lyn, i think the e throws people off.I know of 2 other kids with this name, one boy and one girl. But they spell it totally different.We chose it from a baby book of names. We like it because it is different and as soon as we saw her we knew she looked like a Kaelyn even'though we had never met a Kaelyn before. She is... one of a kind!

04/29/2022 21:35:24

I had planned on naming my daughter'shea the entire time I was pregnant until her father's mother told me it was too masculine with a week to go before my due date. We were at a restaurant where I live and I saw the name'shealyn on the wall (you are expected to do that at this restaurant lol) and all of the'sudden Kaelyn came to me. So we named my daughter Kaelyn Mackenna. She gets Katelyn all the time esp. from little kids. I just don't think they get it. But I love her name and I can't imagine her being named anything else! She will be 6 next month.

04/25/2022 20:36:00

Kaelyn is my name and I think it is so pretty. 1/5 people will pronounce it correctly the first time.

03/28/2022 13:40:12

Kaelyn is my name and yeah people spell or say it wrong all the time. I was born in 2003. My friend told me the origin is celtic.

03/20/2022 18:05:42

people say kaitlyn kaylyn. people sayshe loois like me. She pinches me. She can read too.She is my twin.she was born first. i am learning to Spell. i have a baby'sister.i can ride a Bike. it is kaelyn Heath.

02/11/2022 01:09:36

Your parents can add you to their pocliy and show you as the full time driver for this car. Insurance is required for any vehicle being driven on the public roadways. You do not want to be driving a car without insurance should you be involved in an accident. The fines alone would be a killer.If you intend to take the car to college and it is on your parents pocliy you should inform your insurance carrier. The fact is that if the college is in a better rated area than where you live you could actually save money on your insurance. If you have a loan on the car the bank will usually require that you carry physical damage coverage ( collision and comprehe'sive ) to protect their inter'sts while they are a lien holder on the vehicle.The best advice any one can give you is to speak to your insurance agent or your insurance carrier. That is what you are paying them for.

02/02/2022 02:08:06

My name is Kaelyn and I am 13. I have only met two people with my name one was a guy and he'spelled it Kalen and the other was a girl and she'spelled it the'same exact way but she doesn't look like a Kaelyn at all! haha but i love my name and i wouldn't change it for the world. It's unique and cute. I do get people sayiing Kaitlyn a lot but i just correct them and move on or i get people saying Kae-Lyn instead of it flowing together and that's kinda annoying but oh well. My nickname is Kae Kae so i come to either Kaelyn or Kae Kae it doesn't matter:)

01/31/2022 08:57:36

My daughter's name is Kaelyn. I think its a nice name!!!

01/26/2022 06:21:00

i am name kaelyn thats why i like the name kaelyn.10

01/17/2022 12:48:54

Hi! My name is Kaelyn and I'm 18 years old. I don't have a middle name! I actually went to high school with 2 other Kaelyns, although they spelled it differently. When I first meet people, they usually assume my name is "Katelyn," and I always say, " T," and then'they compliment it or say how unique it is. I love my name :)

01/08/2022 09:12:54

My aunt is named Kaelyn and she was born well before 2003 - sorry charlie

12/21/2021 17:34:12

Our baby girl is due in 27 days, and we are naming her Kaelyn. I'm so glad to read comments from several girls named Kaelyn who love their name! When we first started talking about names, we could not settle on one that we BOTH loved until I'mentioned Kaelyn. It's such a beautiful name, and we hope she loves it too!

12/20/2021 22:21:18

My 3 year old's name is Kaelyn Jane' (pronounced Janae) and almost everywhere we go people tend to call her either Katelyn or Kayden. She always corrects them because she loves her name and much as I do.

12/17/2021 23:54:00

Hi there! I was blessed with the wonderful name Kaelyn. I was born in 1997, it definetly was not as popular then as it is now. i've started hearing it more and more in the last few years but it is still a very unique name. I do get called Kaitlyn alot but I just smile and correct them. i've never wished for another name because I love mine.

12/10/2021 18:03:00

My 17 year old daughter's name is Kaelyn Page. I found it in the BOYS section under Cailin. We love it but who knew there would be so many Katelyn's❤️ I had her a shirt printed that'said... K8lyn - "T" = KAELYN Most people call her KP.

12/04/2021 01:55:30

My parents couldn't think of a name, so a few weeks before i was born they were at a grocery store and the checkout girl's name was Kaelyn. My dad thought that it was pretty so they named me it.

11/25/2021 15:42:36

i love the name it is what i was named and it was very unique

11/16/2021 20:20:42

Hey im almost 16, and my name is Kaelyn. (: i've been dealing with people calling me the wrong name my whole life! i've been called katelyn, kayla, and so many more. but i just sit back and laugh! & also i've met a ton of people named kaelyn, but only a few who spell it the way i do. i have even met 3 boys named kaelyn!!

10/29/2021 15:53:24

My mom made up the name, back in the 1992's it wasn't in the name books, a combination of kathy(her name) and elyn(her favorite name). People often add a "t" and make it Katlin, and i have had at least 10 different spelling variations when people try and spell it. I have meet two other Kaelyns but they spelt it differently. One was a girl and one a boy.

10/18/2021 12:42:36

My daughter's name is Kaelyn Hannah. I loved this name I'mediately. She is 12 years old now. She hates the fact that everyone spells and pronounce it wrong!

10/14/2021 22:42:00

My name is Kaelyn. i've met 2 other Kaelyn's in the WHOLE life! Most people spell it wrong and say it wrong. It's pronounce Kay-Land (as in Island). I love having this name cause most dont have it!

10/07/2021 03:07:30

That's my neice's name. My sister & brother-in-law thought they made it up! Lol, It's still a great name tho. And my neice is only 6 months and I spoil her to death! She's gonna b such a brat, lol...

09/29/2021 14:52:12

K-lin Exactly how It'says. My friend has this name. I am gonna give my child (girl) this beautiful name.

09/17/2021 16:28:30

well my name is caitlyn ahn it is mah birthday the morra and i love my name cause it is unique and different

09/02/2021 03:09:18

I love this name. I plan on naming my daughter this. I pronounce it Kay - Lynne. It's a gorgeous name.

08/12/2021 19:27:36

How is it pronounced❤️ I pronounced it Ka-ellyn. I have a friend named that, and she pronounced it that way too. It was a bit long so we just nicknamed her Kai.

08/11/2021 14:10:48

This is my own name, and I have to admit It's pretty sweet.

08/08/2021 06:34:30

This is my daughters name and we love it. But like many comments, people keep saying Cayla. I have to say It's pronounced like Calla Lilly the flower or like Cal the beginning of California.

08/02/2021 09:39:54

My name is Kaelyn and i get mispronounciations all of the time but i have to say its worth it. Having a unique name'sets you apart from othe's. I highly recommend naming your child Kaelyn. There needs to be more of us!

07/17/2021 00:12:54

I'm Kaelyn, and I'm ok with it. I'm only 11, so idk how I'll feel about it later. But It's really spelled Cailin, meaning Colleen in english. I spell it Kaelyn, but It's all Irish. It's means "girl". Some sIt's say It's english though. I'm not sure.

07/08/2021 14:00:00

this is my name too, i was born in 1986. never knew any other Katina's, but just this year i ran into TWO othe's & they were just as thrilled as me to meet another Katina! i go by Kat for short, NEVER Tina!

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Kaelyn FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Kaelyn?
The origin of the name Kaelyn is American.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Kaelyn?
Pure, Keeper of the keys.
*️⃣ How many people are named Kaelyn?
Almost 15000 people are named Kaelyn.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Kaelyn?
The names of Cole, Kaylee, Xander, Kylie, Callie