
Katlyn meaning

: Pure

Katlyn Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \k(a)-tl-yn, kat-lyn\
Number of People 👶 18,000
Rate in 2021 15564
Numerology 🔢 2
Name origin 🌍 English
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Katlyn Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Katlyn
Additional description of the name Katlyn
"Katlyn" is a beautiful name for girls that has English origin. Meaning of the name Katlyn is: "Pure".

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Comments on the name Katlyn
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Katlyn and I have had I pronounced wrong so many times I have had it pronounced as cat-lyn and even one time a teacher'said Kathryn like I don't even have a R in my name but I would never change it because when my mom was naming me she wanted it to be special so she got the Kat from my great grandma whose name was Kathryn but Every one called her Kate and I got the Lyn because it is my moms middle name'so together it is katlyn

10/22/2023 00:48:42

My name is pronounced Cat-lyn and I was born in 2004. I have never really understood why the name would be pronounced like Kate-lyn when'there is no I or E in it. Love my name and have never met anyone with the'spelling or pronunciation before.

06/27/2023 19:48:22

My parents almost named me Katlyn. I think it would be hard because everyone would ask how to spell your name.

02/27/2023 18:13:32

This is my name. I don't know any one else with the name. People often mispronounce of saying nyla I pronounce it nela

09/21/2022 12:12:02

My name is Katlyn and i love it! I have never met anyone who spells their name like me and it makes me feel unique! the only problem is that everyone always calls me CAT-LYN when'they first read my name instead of KATE-LYN. Im 17 and i love being named Katlyn :)

08/31/2022 09:16:30

My names Katlyn. I really do like it, although i would have like to be named my middle name (Ashlee) at times. But after thinking about it, I like my name, its different, or atleast it has a different spelling. It is annoying though, at school all of our substitutes will call me Cat-Lynn, instead of Kate-Lynn... And when ever my teache's write stuff on a page for me they'll always spell my name Kaitlyn.. its really annoying. i've never met anyone who spelled their name "Katlyn", and I like that fact.. I feel like it makes me unique or something, ahah .

08/07/2022 08:49:30

Its funny to read the comments on here cause my name is katlyn, and my family has always pronounced it how its spelled (CAT- Lyn) <-- pronouncing wise, its easy to remember and wouldn't want to change it for the world :D

05/16/2022 20:45:54

My neice is names Katlyn (pronounced Kate-Lynn). It's hard to find personalized things for her without special ordering it.

10/08/2021 01:05:06

this is my daughters name.people often ask me what J.C stands for.then i have to say no,its like stacey with a J

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Katlyn FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Katlyn?
The origin of the name Katlyn is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Katlyn?
*️⃣ How many people are named Katlyn?
Almost 18000 people are named Katlyn.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Katlyn?
The names of Cristina, Kristina, Kristen, Kirsten, Kiersten