
Leisa meaning

: God's promise.

Leisa Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \le(i)-sa\
Number of People 👶 5,000
Rate in 2021 21286
Numerology 🔢 10
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Leisa Name Meaning

Leisa is a name of Hebrew origin, and it is a variant of the name Lisa, which is a shortened form of Elisabeth. Elisabeth is derived from the Hebrew name Elisheva, which means "God is my oath" or "God's promise." Therefore, Leisa carries the same meaning, symbolizing a divine promise or oath.

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Comments on the name Leisa
01/14/2024 00:00:00

Hi im a Leisa..nice to knw my mum didnt mispell it..I hav always felt unique. I love my name!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I am a Leisa, to the post that'said she beli'ved she was the first to be legally named Leisa in 1976❤️❤️❤️❤️ I was legally named Leisa in 1974 and I am quite sure I was not the first !

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Leisa too, I never knew there were othe's who'se name is spelled just like mine. Some people often pronounce me name wrong too.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

It's my name too. My sister wanted to call me Lisa Maree, My mother called me Leisa Maree, When i was old enough to ask her why she'spelled it that way, she'said that'she wanted to spell it as It'sounded. She pronounces it Lee-za, my sister Lisa. It is a great source of conflict for them. I wish my name wasn't so much a fashion statement of the late sixties and was more classic.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

While I love my name Asha, it does get frustrating having to correct people when'they get it wrong. It's been pronounced ❤️Osha,❤️ ❤️Ashley❤️, even Ash (like an ashtray) A. Sometimes I would get an attitude correcting people and vowed to name my child something easy to pronounce. But I have come to realize that 4 letters is easy and that It's just a unique name..

01/08/2024 15:34:42

Hi, My name is Leisa and I was born in 1982. I have always loved my name and feeling that little bit different. Lots of people comment on the'spelling and I have heard every variation of mispronunciation over the years. I don't mind, in fact it makes me smile :-)

11/18/2023 09:21:34

My name is Leisa. I love my name and also love the way it is spelled. Born in 1858. My mom said she'saw this spelling in a newspaper article and really thought it was unique.

11/09/2023 18:27:42

This is my name too I am a boy. most people say it teegen but the correct way to pronounce it is tagen. I have never met any one with even near the'same name but I have heard of Sara and Tegan. Im glad to know that other people have my name too I thought I was the only one who had this name.

09/30/2023 20:05:24

i've never met anyone with my name. Before now I never knew there were so many othe's out there with there names spelt the'same way "Leisa." I Love my name. Most people think it is unique and so do I. Yes, sometimes people get it wrong, but this gives me the joy of correcting them. The response is always the fun part. O, that's so different, they'd say. I would just smile and say "thank you." I clearly reflect what my name means "consecrated to God" or another one "bright," an American English translation. I really do love my name. If that's your name You'really should love it too.

09/22/2023 01:39:56

My name is Leisa. I can relate to many of the comments made by other Leisas. I too was disappointed as a kid when I couldn't have a bicycle license plate with my name on it. I always dreaded the first day of school role call. I knew the teacher had come to my name by the awkward pause and then'then inevitable mispronunciation. This is ironic as the reason my mother gives for this spelling of my name was to avoid having it mispronounced as Liza. Well she got her wish as it is usually not mispronounced with the long i sound but more often as a long a sound. I guess the i before e rule suggests this as a likely possibility. One day when I was about 15 I walked into a little boutique and was thrilled to see a whole wall of adorable girl's hair bows and barrettes for sale. Each was displayed on a shiny white card with LEISA in big bold beautiful black letters As I have gotten older I have met a handful of othe's who share my name. It is nice to see I am not alone.

08/25/2023 08:53:20

Leisa and Leusa were also short forms of the name Elizabeth in Wales, and depending on location either'spelling can be pronounced Liza or Lay-suh. My great-great grandmother's married name was officially Elizabeth Jones, but she was called Leusa (Lay-suh) Penrhiw, as Penrhiw was the name of the house she lived in after'she was married. She also had a daughter-in-law called Leusa, so there were at least two of them in the'same tiny village in West Wales, and this would have been in the late 1800's.

08/25/2023 05:57:00

Leisa is my name too. My father'spelled that it that way. Like othe's they always seem to miss spell or pronounce it wrong. When people see It'spelled, they tell they like how It's spelled. I didn't when I was a kid but I do now. It's different and we should be different some how in life. I thank my parents for choosing that name for me. I always like Elizabeth better but there are to many these days. Leisa rocks, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

08/23/2023 00:45:22

This is my name. Many people pronounce it wrong and ask me the origin. I love it, its unique. I have never met anyone with the'same name

08/09/2023 17:53:12

My name is leisa too! Wow! I only met one Leisa in my life who spelled and pronouced her name like mine and thought we were the only Leisa's. It's so cool how many Leisa's there are. People sometimes pronounce my name wrong like Liesa or Leesha, and I always have to correct them, Its Leisa with the E sound.

08/09/2023 14:56:52

My name is Leisa as well and i can't beli've that their are so many other Leisa's out there...

07/08/2023 04:26:10

A true Leisa who loves her name. I too beli've in GOD and am thankful that it has meaning. I named my daughter Elisa. I pronounce it "lisa" but agree I am too unique to have a boring name like Lisa. Much love to all the Lisas

06/26/2023 05:53:40

My mother didn't know how to spell "Lisa" so she used the name Leila, and changed the "l" to and "s." I thought I was the only one who spelled Leisa that way, then quite a while back,with the help of the internet, I found that there are many of us out there! I was born in 1973. For some reason many try to pronounce it La-ee-sha. Weird.

06/13/2023 22:14:32

This is my name. I have not met anyone else with the'same spelling. It does get frustrated as my name is usually pronounced Kuh-San-Druh but I just correct people.

06/12/2023 14:47:46

my name is leisa maree sounds like lay(sah) mah(ree).... I love it.

06/07/2023 11:39:24

i was born on valentine's day 2006 i never knew there so many person's name are spelt like mine. I know 1 person with spelling

04/24/2023 04:57:16

My name is Leisa pronounced "Lee-sa" with a strong emphases on the 'e' sound. The'spelling of Lisa is pronounced Lie-sa as in "Lie down", "like" etc with an emphases on the 'i' sound. I am always having to correct people in the pronounceation and the'spelling and at times it does get annoying, but then I call them by a different pronounceation and they soon get the hint

04/04/2023 04:26:46

Hi I'm Leisa. also born 1975 in England. the first Leisa that I'met had the'same date and month of birth and the'same maiden name. we had both been nurses too. The only difference she was born 50 years earlier than me in 1915. She reckoned she was the original Leisa. I love my name. i love the'slight pause and momentary panic when someone has to announce me and are not quite sure how It'sounds. sounds silly but not every name gets that!! Hello to all other Leisa's. I hope you all have wonderful lives but do listen next time someone reads your name from a list for the first time and see what I'mean.

04/02/2023 04:14:54

I'm very glad I'm Leisa and not Lisa- that's just too bland for me! People sometimes don't know how to say it, and I always have to spell it- in fact i've learned to spell it instead of saying it first on the phone, because otherwise people just automatically start to spell it the other way & then have to go back and correct it. I don't think of myself as a Lisa at all. Now just because I like it doesn't mean I think you should spell your kid's name this way- It's great because It's unusual- don't mess that up for me!

03/29/2023 11:29:38

My mom made it up and you pronounce it Lay-ee-sa...people say it wrong all the time and i think It's also an alternative spelling for lisa and that's why. i've never met anyone with my name either.

03/27/2023 07:46:10

Hi, my name is also Leisa and my middle name is Lyn. I have always loved the unique spelling of my name. I was born in July of 1971 and didn't meet another Leisa until I was well into adulthood!

03/16/2023 10:12:30

Hello! My name is Leisa and I was born in 1975. I never have met anybody with the'same spelling until 2007 when I'moved to Missouri. My new hairdresser had the'same spelling and was born in the'same month of the'same year and her husband worked at the'same place mine did!! Well, yes, I love my name because it is unique and I think it looks very beautiful in writing--not the ordinary. I love God, so the meaning of the origin is very special to me!! It means, "Consecrated To God". Hello to all the other "Leisa's" out there in the world! I never knew there were so many of us!!

03/14/2023 07:21:56

I'm curious as to why It'so suddenly appeared. I'm a Leisa and know a few othe's about my age (born 1972s) with the'same spelling. People often ask me how It's pronounced and frequently mis-spell it (the worst is when It's converted to Leslie!).

03/03/2023 12:09:20

I love -Leisa - my beautiful wife is one and if all you girls are anything like her you are all wonderful / beautiful / sexy / fun / exciting / precious / loving / strong willed / and some one that I always love being with - well that's my Leisa ❤️

01/28/2023 05:51:16

I beli've I was the very first to be legally named Leisa in 1976. My Parents decided on that name together at the time of my birth in Massachusetts. It is pronounced Lee~sa (if you are old enough to remember 'two vowels go a walking, the first one does the talking') I am very happy they were bold enough to take a risk and I have always been happy with their choice.

11/25/2022 18:37:42

My name is Leisa, born 1970! The only people that pronounced it properly ( Lay say) were my English teache's, lol. I am of German decent, so my parents chose to spell it properly. My first husband loved my name'so much that we also named our daughter Leisa(1994). I'm very proud of my name and make people VERY clear on its spelling and pronunciation.

11/11/2022 15:46:28

My name is Leisa and I now love my spelling. I wasn't so keen on it when younger as I couldn't get trinkets and such with my spelling on them. Also all my teache's insisted on calling me Lee-i-sa as if they knew better then me!. My mother chose my spelling over Lisa as she didn't want my name pronounced with the 'i' as in 'eye' and phonetically Leisa is correct. Lets enjoy our uniqueness. X

10/27/2022 07:14:16

I am also Leisa. Pronounced (Lee-sah). I was born in 1980 in Oklahoma. My middle name is Meachell. My mother'said I was born in a Catholic hospital and the nurses were Nuns. She'said they were French origins and not entirely sure how to spell either name. Lolol. I love my name and have only met one other Leisa in my life and remarkably she attended High School with me in South Florida. I too have learned to spell my name first before saying it over the phone. People often mispronounce it and say "Leesha or Liza".

10/14/2022 21:14:04

I was named for my mother's friend from France in 1979. She named me and pronounced the name as "Lay-a-suh" Like a double long "A" sound. This was the way it was meant to be pronounced. I was never intended to be "Lisa." I have never been called by my intended name. I grew up in South Texas; there are not a lot of French speakers there, apparently. My mother gave up. I have always been called "Lisa." I am an RN, and my name (Leisa) appears on my name tag. I would say about 95% of my (ER) patients ask me "How do you pronounce your name❤️ " Followed by "Thats pretty/uique." I have grown to appreciate being "unique."

Leisa C
Leisa C
05/03/2023 16:13:06

My name is Leisa. It's pronounced (Lay-sa) I saw only one other comment so far that pronounced it the same. My Grandmas middle name was the same. I don't know where it came from.

09/19/2022 19:03:22

HI IM LEISA !! Im the only girl in this school with this name AND ITS SO COOL! The only down side of it is that my teache's always mispronounce my name and its really embarrassing AHAHHA But i like this name, cause i always get comments like "you have a really pretty name" HAHAH It's pronounce like lay-sa :))

07/30/2022 10:30:18

It's my name. I wasn't entirely sure until now that it was even a "real" name! I love it though. Everyone always mis-spells and mis-pronounces it though. One of my teache's called me "Leisha" all the time and after 3 years, I finally discovered she actually thought there was an "h" in my name! I love it though, much more fun than "Lisa"

07/29/2022 18:57:00

I too am Leisa. My mother'spelled it with an extra ❤️e❤️ so it would be pronounced with an ❤️e❤️ sound. I too am wanted a necklace with my name on it. Then one day I came across an advert in a magazine for a name bracket with Leisa written on it. I was amazed I truely thought I was the only one! The trouble with correcting the'spelling is then people always seem to have trouble putting the ❤️e❤️ in the right place - usually ends up being Liesa. My middle name is Maree. Mum was always asked was she an Elvis fan - she wasn't she had no idea! It is a dated name and i've never truely felt a Leisa but nice to know there are more around!

06/25/2022 19:41:06

I still can't convince some of my inlaws my name is NOT Leisha, and I get phone calls and mail for Layeesha and Lakeisha all the time. My whole childhood I was called Liza or Leisel. I don't love the'sound of the name anyway; but could my parents at least not have made me constantly correct people as well❤️ I like having a unique name, and the'spelling is visually pretty, but I spend so much time having to "explain" my name or make corrections that it becomes a professional nuisance!

06/01/2022 19:14:06

My name is Leisa I was born in Sydney Australia in 1965 my second name is Marie, I love the name Leisa now but hated it way back when I was in primary school. I was the only Leisa and one Nun in particular kept calling me Leischa ❤️ due to feeling so different to all the other girls names I started calling myself Barbara ❤️ today there are many Lisa type spelling of this name but I am still very rare with the'spelling of Leisa, I love my name today because it is still very uncommon. ❤️ to all you Ladies with the great different and still some what unique spelling of Leisa enjoy it ❤️

04/26/2022 13:59:06

Hellooo, my name is also Leisa (pronounced Lisa). I was born in 2010 and I know no one with my name! I used to hate It'since teache's, substitutes and many othe's both mis-pronounce and mis-spell my name, its unique and fun and really fits who I am. I'm happy to see ther's many more out there with this name! I have lots of fun nicknames and my friends all like my name. I'm somewhat named after an Elizabeth. I love the meaning of my name and its fun to have something unique.

11/19/2021 21:32:42

I'm a Leisa, too! Pronounced Lee-sah, like the other'spelling. I LOVE my name and don't mentally associate my name with the other'spelling at all. It's an entirely different name altogether! I was born in 1984 and was named after our family babysitter, so I know that I am not alone with this name. I'met one other Leisa in my town a few years back, too. Since I tell people my name is "Lisa-with-an-E", this has become a common nickname from friends, and differentiates me from other "Lisa's". Othe's are just plain Lisa, but I am Lisa-with-an-E! :-)

08/08/2021 21:12:54

Hello.I am also called Leisa second name Mary born in the central west of NSW in Australia in 1975.very uncommon always had to spell but love it...

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Leisa FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Leisa?
The origin of the name Leisa is Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Leisa?
God's promise.
*️⃣ How many people are named Leisa?
Almost 5000 people are named Leisa.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Leisa?
The names of Lucas, Lukas, Lexi, Lexie, Lux