
Mac meaning

: Son of.

Mac Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \mac\
Number of People 👶 9,000
Rate in 2021 1948
Numerology 🔢 8
Name origin 🌍 Scottish
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Mac Name Meaning

The name Mac, of Gaelic origin, carries the full meaning of "son of." It is a prefix that was traditionally used in Scotland and Ireland to denote patrilineal descent. The name Mac signifies a strong familial bond and heritage, reflecting the importance of lineage and ancestry in these cultures.

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Comments on the name Mac
01/14/2024 00:00:00

I had a good buddy named Mac (actually McAuley, and that was his middle name'so acutally Patrick.) It's a cool name, very Irish.

01/12/2024 13:55:00

Mac is a very Lame name... unless used for a hamburger with special sauce....

11/14/2023 21:00:48

My real name is Mackenzie but everyone calls me Mac. I love the name but everyone always puts a K on the end! That drives me nutz.

10/26/2023 21:29:08

If I had a boy I would name him Mac. It'sounds cool.

10/17/2023 05:01:10

Naming our son Mac (not short for anything) and am proud! Love it and think It's a strong name :) We have a longer last name'so it also evens out :)

09/01/2023 03:59:50

I love this name but we spelled it Mack. Great boys name my son is Mack Andrew.

06/12/2023 09:12:44

My son is Macgregor. We call him Mac. Yes we have had problems with them pronouncing his name wrong. ( been called Matt before) and they have spelled it wrong to M A C K. I have to tell them M a c and then make sure they understand that there is no K on the end.

05/31/2023 23:00:50

Only heard it once, short for Mackenzie because its more boyish than girly ;ike Mackenzie is.

05/02/2023 00:44:58

My name is McKenna (Girl) but almost everyone calls me Mac

05/01/2023 22:59:10

My Dad's middle name is Mac...i've always loved this name

04/25/2023 04:27:56

My brother is Thomas McCarthy, and we call him Mac. I think It's such a cool name.

04/23/2023 23:39:52

Thought it was hideous and weird as a child, (in the 60s - all Kathy/Cindy/Mary Lee/Debbie/Patty etc.) I gave myself nicknames as an adolescent, eventually grew to love it and feel It'suits me very well indeed. I was named for a great-aunt and it is pronounced "like Delia or Celia."

04/22/2023 01:49:04

I like the name Mac as a nickname for Malcom. I think It's very cute:)

02/20/2023 06:21:56

I know two boys named Mac and I personally LOVE that name. When I have a boy, I'm going to name him Mac!

02/07/2023 02:08:28

I KNOW A MAC! Actually her name's Sarah. She drives me nutz too.

01/21/2023 08:06:04

Have a son named MacArthur, but goes by Mac. While it is not the most popular name, Mac just fits the boy perfectly.

12/25/2022 02:11:54

I think i will name my son Mac, he is due Feb, 2021.

09/28/2022 06:08:00

Sounds like a form of address for any man anywhere in the United States (sometimes Canada and Australia too).

05/31/2022 04:48:18

My dog is called Mac lol but I still love it as a boy's name!

03/07/2022 11:40:30

We named our son Mackenzie and he's 14 now and still likes his name. It hasn't been a problem; anyone can look up the name and see that it is indeed a male name. Definitely don't like Mac- names for girls..seems odd. Great for boys :)

02/21/2022 16:26:42

my name is Mac, my dad being a computer geek named me after macintosh. but my name Isn't macintosh its just mac

02/12/2022 12:50:42

We named our son Mac, and love it. I think it is a strong and handsome name. Yes, some people were not sure about it at first, but most said they loved it. I like it because it Isn't a trendy name too. He will most likely be the only one in his class to share his name. Mac is short and sweet! Great name!!

02/08/2022 15:30:54

what is a good middle name to go with Quinton❤️ any suggestions❤️❤️ thanks will be appreciated

10/08/2021 09:19:12

We named our son "Seth" in 1991. I love it. It is really a unique name, altho i've noticed it has become more popular as time goes by. It goes good with our last name which is a long one.

09/03/2021 21:14:42

Also have a son named MacArthur that we call Mac. I understand that'some may not like it as it had to grow on me and I picked that name. Not everyone can pull off being a Mac but my guy can.

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Mac FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Mac?
The origin of the name Mac is Scottish.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Mac?
Son of.
*️⃣ How many people are named Mac?
Almost 9000 people are named Mac.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Mac?
The names of Mila, Milo, Molly, Millie, Malia