
Sabrina meaning

: From The River Severn

Sabrina Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \s(a)-bri-na, sab-rina\
Number of People 👶 138,000
Rate in 2021 789
Numerology 🔢 10
Name origin 🌍 Celtic
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Sabrina Name Meaning

The name Sabrina holds a deep and captivating meaning that has intrigued individuals for generations. Derived from Celtic origins, Sabrina is said to mean "from the border" or "boundary." This name carries a sense of mystery and allure, evoking images of strength and resilience.

In literature and folklore, Sabrina is often associated with mythical rivers and enchanting landscapes. It symbolizes a connection to nature, embodying the spirit of flowing waters and untamed beauty. Just like a river that navigates through various terrains, those named Sabrina are believed to possess adaptability and the ability to overcome obstacles.

Furthermore, the name Sabrina exudes elegance and sophistication. It has an air of sophistication that resonates with individuals who bear this name. With its melodious sound and graceful presence, it leaves a lasting impression on those who hear it.

Whether you have been given the name Sabrina or are simply curious about its meaning, embrace its rich heritage and let it inspire you to embody its qualities of strength, resilience, adaptability, elegance, and sophistication. Let the name Sabrina be your guiding light as you navigate life's boundaries with grace and confidence.

Sabrina Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Sabrina
Additional description of the name Sabrina

This striking translation has to do with the legend of the death of an unfortunate young daughter of a king of Scotland, whose name was Sabrina. She and her mother were thrown to die in a Celtic river that today bears the same name.


Cool Info About Name Sabrina

Additional name description Sabrina
Additional name description Sabrina

The popularity of the name Sabrina

The name Sabrina is the 101st most common baby girl’s name in New York based on the data from reliable resources in America in the year 1986. For instance, imagine that only 160 babies were given the name “ Sabrina “ in the year 1986 in the United States of America. 

From the year 1880 to the year 2017, the highest recorded use of this name was in the hear 1997 with a total of 5000 babies. From the year 1880 to the year 2018, the name “ Sabrina “ was recorded 147000 times in the SSA public database. 

This name first appeared in the year 1916 and 5 newborn babies were named “ Sabrina “. The name “ Sabrina “ became a common name in the hear 1977 with a rank of 63 nationwide and was registered 4000 times as a baby’s name. This name became a popular girl name in the state of Rhoda Island in the year 1997. This name ranked 24 with 42 babies.

The all-time high record for this name was in the year 1996 in the state of California with 1000 newborn babies. For the past 70 years, the given name was recorded 137000 times in the SSA public database. This name is a consistent top-ranking girl’s name in the state of Florida for 36 consecutive years. 


The personality of the name Sabrina

S is for special, you are, you know

A is for admirable, you certainly are

B is for beacon, you extend your friendly hand

R is for refreshing, the sparkling you

I am for ideas, that you bring to life

N is for noble, your regal bearing 

A is for altruism, the unselfish you

The name “ Sabrina “ is a unique one that can be selected for girls all around the world. If you are considering a nickname for the name “ Sabrina “, you can select the reversed form of the name as your baby’s nickname. For instance, you can select “ Anirbas “ as a nickname for your baby named “ Sabrina “. Also, this name has a secret behind its meaning that the meaning can not be described in just a few sentences. 

Famous people named Sabrina

Sabrina Agresti who is a French politician 

Sabrina Le Beauf is an American actress 

Sabrina Benaim who is a Canadian writer 

Sabrina Brazzo is an Italian Ballerina


Diminutives and variations of the name Sabrina
Let's see some of the variations and diminutives of the name Sabrina:
Sabri, Savrina, Sabrena, Sabir, Brina, Abri, Sabrinita, Sabrin

The name Sabrina in other languages
Sabrina is spelled the same in almost all known languages. However, this is how it is written in other languages:
Japanese: サブリナ
German: Sascha
Fines: Sabina

Sabrina's Saint's Day
The Catholic saints give August 29 as Sabrina's day. Although the church also celebrates the day of Santa Sabrina on January 29.

Numerology of the name Sabrina
The name Sabrina is associated, according to numerology, with the digit 1, since it defines energetic, charismatic, and cheerful people.


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Comments on the name Sabrina
01/14/2024 00:00:00

Yes my name is samantha and I love it and I think every samantha should love their name!!! Yes, some people may spell it wrong. But no one has ever pronounced it wrong unless they dont speak clear english. the correct was to say it, is just like It'sounds when you sound it out sa-man-tha, easy huh. i've only met two other people with the name'samantha and thats good cause its special!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I'm a 42-year old Sabrina that'struggled with hating then accepting and finally loving my name. I never cease to be amazed at people's reaction to it. When'they ask you for your name to put on the'starbuck's cup or place a to-go order....someone always makes a comment. My last name is pretty unusual too and some people have comment my entire name'sounds like a stage name. Kinda funny really. I have had lots of the'same nicknames as the other'sabrina's posted here. My mom always called me Bri, most of my friends in school did as well. My sisters (I have 2) each have a different name for me...."Brini" and "Beensie"....I know weird. My husband called me Brina when we first met but soon adopted a very lovely, even shorter I am just "Sweet B". I have met over the years probably about 15-20 Sabrinas....but I have traveled across most of the country. I am always delighted to see how beautiful and full of spontaneity most of us are!!! I think our name is a REAL GIFT! Enjoy...

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Well.. i do like my name but sometimes it gets annoying having to correct people. At times i would love to change my name to jaclyn but then again. I have never met anyone with same i guess i can't complain...

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Sabrina and my mother named me after the Audrey Hepburn movie 'Sabrina'. My name does get shortened which is annoying as I love the name'sabrina.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is frns call me Sab or Sabby..i love my name, i think it gorgeous..

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is sabrina and i need help thinking of a poem about it.. like i luv my name, but idk wat to talk about.. help if u can...

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I was named after the first movie "Sabrina" in 1966. I was three days old before my father finally named me. Thank God because my mother wanted to name me Debbie or Franchesca. Nickname of Frannie - Yuck.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

When I was born my mother named me Anjanette with no middle name and then I was adopted and my parents kepted my name and still no middle name. My nickname was Angie. No one can pronounce it correctly but they like it. I would like to know what middle names are out there❤️ I cant even find where Anjanette Comer had a middle name. I love the name as an adult.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Sabrina too and I love this name because it is popular through out the world (but still not common). You can find a girl named Sabrina in virtually any country, and its one of the few names that transcends different cultures!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is sabrina and i get the teenage witch thing on the occasion but coz ive had tht so any times its gettin old haha!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Well of corse ma name is Macie...alot of people call me Marcie...which really annoys me...i aslo i get alot of different spellinds of ma name...such as Masey, Maisie, Macy, Macey and much more....

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I love my name! Throughout school, high school and uni, noone had the'same name. It is a very pretty elegant name to have I'must say. Too bad its origin consists of a drown princess : ( People call me Sabreen, Sabi, Breen, Bree and most popular is Brini. And babies pronounce my name as Bee...I guess they can't sound it all out but I think its cute : )

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Hey my name is Sabrina too and my middle name is Chanell. I absolutly LOVE name and miidle name too!!! I always get compliments on it and its nice that its such a unique name!!! My friends often call me "Rini, Reenie, or Sobrina)!!!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Another'sabrina here from down under..absolutely love the unique and different..usually get called sabs, sabby, brina, rina, sabiz, bambrina the list goes on..hate being called the witch tho and being accused of "taking" the name from the'sabrina movie before the 2002's i think..ive only known one other' not having the exact same name as everyone in school! :) thumbs up x a billion! XD

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I am named Sabrina after the Audrey Hepburn movie. I think that the name'sabrina is very pretty, and am proud to be named Sabrina.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Sabrina. To me it means "Magical". It has a magical quality to it. I do get called "Sab" once in a while but I had never heard the abbreviation "Bree". I quite like that. I think that I'll suggest they use "Bree" instead of "Sab" although neither really bother me. People sure do love to abbreviate names.....

01/14/2024 00:00:00

hI'my name is Sabrina and people call me subu sabi sab5 sabina its really cool having a name like sabrina

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Heyy im Sabrina and OMG i love my name. some nicknames i get called are: 1. Subraham 2. Subby 3.Subway 4.idiot Thankyou for your time. ps: I love my name

01/14/2024 00:00:00

not many people have the name'sabrina and its my name. im not fond of it i like my middle name haley better but some people call me sabre-bre, sab, sabby, breeny, sa bay bay, reeny, sabster

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Hello,my name is sabrina... I love my name becoz in my country its very different name .all people in my country listen first time my name .i have more name like sabry,saby,sabz,sab,sabu etc hahaaha ...i love my name becoz its very beautiful name...

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Even after 20 years of carrying it, I'm not sure whether or not I really like my name'sabrina. My parents got the name-idea from Charlie's Angel Sabrina Duncan and I think that's cool, but most people I'mediately associate with Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Either htat or they ask, "What❤️" It is extremely annoying that people find It'so hard to pronounce or spell my name correctly; It's Sabrine, Sabina, Sabine... ugh. A nickname I absolutely hate that I was called as a child was Sap. My brother calls me Breen. Many lazy people say Sabreen.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

hey my name is sabrina I'm also in 7th grade and am the only one with this name it' weird too because i also want to be a vet. lol i love my name

01/12/2024 14:47:54

Hi! Another'sabrina, and just like everyone else, I'e had the dumb people call me a witch. I don't watch that'show just because people have made me hate it. :) Anyway, there is one girl two grades ahead of me with my name, and one or two that i've met before. I like my name because It's not very common but not entirely weird. One kind of silly guy spelled my name'sobrena. I just looked at him. Anywho, hello fellow Sabrina's!

01/07/2024 09:00:50

Hi I'm Sabrina. Pplz call me Sabby and sometimes Sardines. (I perfer'sabby) and one time on MY birthday card,at my Birthday Party, It'said 'Sabriena'!!! That drove me nuts!!! But ya know what would i say to the person ya know! Well that what i have to put up with!!Oh well!! Bye!!!

01/02/2024 12:55:40

my name is sabrina i also get the whole teenage witch thing . im 15 and all the time people are commenting on my name and ask me how i got it. and thats also how i got my nickname beaner or bina and i love it.

12/24/2023 19:40:44

My name is 'sabrina' and i love to hear people call me that (correctly), also a PakistanI'muslim, born in 78, my mom had read the name in some novel and it was quite rare in our part of the world. People have difficulty pronouncing and most common mistake is calling me sambreena!

12/23/2023 13:42:08

My daughter's name. I love it. I call her Bree alot.i've met many Sabrina's. All different races. I think the name is as beautiful as my daughter is.

12/21/2023 20:15:50

My name is brother calls me Beans!!! I love it...I was named Sabrina because of Samantha from Bewitched. Samantha was my dads xgirlfriend, so Sabrina was it! Wouldnt have it any other way...even'though I get the occasional 'Sabrina the teenage witch'...!

12/12/2023 15:15:34

Hi People! My mom name is Sabrina. I Love it how its spelld. Her Friends call her'sab oor sabby

12/12/2023 04:40:46

Hey my name is Sabrina!! I was just looking this up for homeowrk..:( Anyway I love the name'sabrina.I dont really have a nickname for it but...To another person who commented my Nickname is Bean to! Usuually beanie..but isnt that wierd❤️❤️

12/10/2023 04:11:16

hey guys,Sabrina here too,i was born 1998 & I'm from jamaica i think my name is or our name is the best name ever,i love It'so much most people call me bre or brina,all i can say is its unique,so cute & i love it.

12/09/2023 17:36:28

My name is Sabrina and I am often called: Sab, Sab Sab, Sabbsy, Sabby It was supposed to be my middle name but it made life easier in America to not have a completely asain first name, so my mom swapped my first and middle name around. :)

12/07/2023 20:56:12

My eldest child is named Sabrina. When'the other kids were born, they could not pronounce Sabrina, so they called her Peanut. :")

12/06/2023 16:43:24

my name is sabrina from ny.people call me a witch and say i have powers.i like the name.i like that it is celtic.

12/04/2023 08:53:04

Lol yehhh am SABZ aswel n i know wat u mean by SAAB, SABZ, SABREEEEN, yh luvin ma name man, am Sabrina, 20, from England n am Pakistani n quite a few Pakistani gals got da name, had some black mates in skool hu had da name aswel, neva met a white gal wiv da name, but neway big up 2 all da sabrinas out there xD

11/28/2023 14:27:46

Hey guyZ! iTSz aBs0LuteLy 0Bv. Da NaMeSz SabriNa! & I So like... LuBbSz iT! & yeSz iMoSz certaiNtLy h8t SabriNa the teeNage witch, she def. Help meSs up 1Sz impreSsi0Nz i've ever acc0untered w/ Ne-wuN except thiSz wuN yuNger gRl (90'Sz BaBi). She ad0red the name'sabriNa & that it wASz juSz x2 Cute. Ps: guySz sAy it x2! They love how giggly & cute I'm that iWear tha name well (whatever that meaNs❤️) LolSz , but iTSz realli coOl 2c all U sabriNa's and iWish u guys tha beSz! NickName : BRiBRi | BriNa BiNa | B. | Boopsy | Sibby | SaBz | BriNa B0o | etc. iLove eM all ( ! ) My MoSz fav is : "AuNtie BiNa" babies can never pronounce the R ... I love BiNa ... L8tRz !

11/26/2023 17:47:30

HI'my name'sabrina and i come from Wales, Personaly i think Sabrina is a nice modern name even'though nobody calls me that, It's either Bri, Sab, Sabby. And anyone that dosn't like the name'sabrina because i's a little diffrent is quite ignnorant in my eyes!

11/21/2023 13:10:58

hI'my name is sabrina and i love my name i have so much nicknames such as sabi,brina,breebree,and much much more

11/17/2023 04:15:52

Sabrina is a very pretty name! Its so beautiful and it has a nice ring to it. It's my mom's name and she loves it as well. Everyone calls her Brina for short.

11/16/2023 03:17:02

I am a pakistanI'muslim, also with the name'sabrina. I have met a few people with this name- however they are also pakistani. i've only met one other'sabrina and she was chinese! Other then'that I love my name! However- its not as 'unique' as it used to be. Sabrina the teenage witch is to blame!

11/14/2023 10:26:00

So like everyone else on here, my name is Sabrina. My nickname is Bean and has been forever, however my mom was hoping it would be Bree. When I was younger people would call me Sab and I didn't like it. Most people try to spell it like this "Sabrena" or "Sabina". I have never met another'sabrina, but have heard them when'they call into the radio. Anyways I think my name rocks and I love the meaning of my name, although there seems to be a few variations.

11/14/2023 00:08:50

i also hate it when people call me sabrina the teenage witch but i just laugh at it. i do like my name i wish i had an awesome middle name though cause their always nice (: my family call me bina, sabrines(suh-breeeeens), bam-bina and my friends call me brina, mclovin, bina. ive met 4 other'sabrinas, i like meeting other'sabrinas somehow i feel connected to them XD HAHAHAH uhmm people dont usually pronounce my name wrong.

11/13/2023 16:30:22

its actually my name and i love it . It's nice too hear people say it because It'sounds so beautiful i love my name

11/13/2023 02:06:20

I also have a Pakistani cousin and her name is Sabrina also, i think it is a beautiful name

11/12/2023 08:10:42

I love my name (Sabrina) because It's not too common and people rarely ever'spell or pronounce it wrong. Everybody always says It's such a pretty name. I have some nicknames mainly "Bree" "Brina" "Sab" "Beeny" "Nina" and when my little brother was a baby he called me "ZaZas" baby's can never'say my name, my little sister when she was a baby is who started "Nina" and that one stuck. Only one I hate is "Sabrina the teenage witch" UGH I'm pretty sure everyone who has the name'sabrina has heard it at least 50 times. Other then'that I love being a Sabrina :)

11/12/2023 07:17:48

hey my name is sabrina too....someone said earlier that their nickname was Bean....thats all i get for a nickname and i think its so i have twin sister and her name is Samantha....i definatley am SO happy i got Sabrina for a name though:)

11/06/2023 09:03:16

Hardly meet anyone with this name but hear it often. Correct way of saying this name is sa-bree-na. I once met a chinese girl with this name which is rare. I'myself am a pakistanI'muslim and have come across only 5 othe's with the'same name- that beleive it or not- is alot!!!

11/04/2023 10:19:34

I'm irish and my name is Sabrina the name is not that popular over here as it is over in the'states, I have only met one girl with the'same name as me, but i do love my name as it is very beutiful when ya pronouce it. But wouldn't change it for the world, the only thing i don't like is when kids have been watching to much tv and call you sabrina the teenage witch, but you get used to it,,,,

11/03/2023 17:34:28

HI'my name is Sabrina too.I love it.It also means princess.Nicknames:Bree,Sabs,Sabby,Sabri,Brina...I often get compliments for my name!

11/02/2023 17:46:10

I'm also a Sabrina! I didn't know this was such a popular name as I only know of 2 othe's in my province with the name! Lol! And I definetaly recognise most of the nicknames!

10/26/2023 07:40:22

sabrinaaaa`s my name and i think is one of the most prettiest names out there!eveyone tells me what a nice name iv got and i think its quite original!

10/23/2023 10:01:16

My sister'sabrina is a firey, energetic, and gorgeuous red head who loves her name because she knows it is very special.

10/19/2023 05:48:18

BOyy u be trippin SABrina is like Thee BEstt name OUT THerrrr notjust because its my name but its suchh a SEXY NAMEEE like myself =) call me loser'ss #- 567 234 5901 =) hit the cell hehee =)

10/15/2023 10:06:42

HI'my name is Sabrina.I love my name lots of people call me diferent names like bina,beaner,binsa,suby,bree,sardina those kind of things but anyways im 10 yrs old im short have medI'm dirty blone hair and I im very keen about animals (which I love)!and art I never have met 1 person with the name'sabrina.

10/13/2023 19:19:06

yip, that's my name, i was the only one spelled mandi that i knew, and who wasn't named amanda on my birth certificate.

10/13/2023 13:08:48

Sabrina in Babylonia (aramaic--language of Christ)means Hope "savrena"! There's also a great poem called "Sabrina Fair". I always get a lot of complements on my name.

10/12/2023 05:42:02

No they prnounce it right all the time with no proplem although i am often called shelby or samantha because they cant remember my name. i have only met a couple of sabrina's in my life although there is a T.V show with my name about the Teenage witch.

10/10/2023 06:05:26

hi I'm sabrina i lovve my name It'so preety im gonna name my daughter'sabrina the 2nd lol i love it im from london town woohoo

10/08/2023 20:52:52

My name is not sadly not Sabrina... But my best friend's name IS Sabrina! Her name means princess but she is more like a drama QUEEN. She can make a smile on ANYONE's face and I love it how she can make me smile whenever I'm maddest :) Her nicknames are usually Sab, Sabs, Sabby, Sabreezy, Bri, Brina, Bree, Rina, and thats all I can'think of right now.

10/06/2023 02:10:06

I love the name'sabrina! I named my daughter'sabrina Elisabeth - she was born 1/7/06. We get lots of compliments on her name. We started collecting original old Audrey Hepburn "Sabrina" movie posters for her - we have several now from different countries.

09/28/2023 23:42:46

yah look seiously MacKenzie is a totally hot name i luv it dont agree or i will saw ur teeth off with a plastic fork

09/28/2023 21:04:04

Sabrina, here!I love it or eiter hate It'so...I guess i love it! For the past years in school, I'm usually called either'sabby or sabs or sub sub. I was originally supposed to be named Suzy, but thank god my parents changed it!

09/25/2023 08:25:40

This is a really nice name. It's definately a girls name (unlike Alexis). I don't know any Alexia's but I would seriously consider calling a daughter this.

09/24/2023 12:08:58

My name is Sabrina and I was born in 1978. In High School, there were 4 other people with this name and growing up I hated it because it was a 'common' name......

09/24/2023 10:58:26

Sabrina = best name ever! :) typical nicknames for me are Sabby, Sab, Sabs, Jelly Bean (yeah I don't know why really :)), sabri, bena and the list goes on. When I am in a bad mood my friends call me "Crabby Sabby" haha.

09/20/2023 08:31:16

I'm fourteen years old and my name is sabrina. i find it odd that people say that they often get called samantha, because that is my sister's name. haha, well my full name is sabrina lauren, and most people spell and pronounce my first name right but not my middle, which is pronounced "la-ren". I'm fairly happy with my name and nicknames that i have accumulated include: brina, bree-bree, sab, sabrenna, and anirbas tron (like a transformer). lol(:

09/05/2023 07:37:32

I'm a Sabrina too! My nicknames are: Sab, Sabby, Sabster, Sabri, Brina. I used to have a friend that called me 'Sassabee' for Sassy Sabrina. I have one friend that calls me Sababa, but only he's allowed to call me that. I also use 'Sab is Rad' a lot for screennames. i've only met a few people named 'Sabrina'. I know one little girl who spells it 'Sabryna'. Everyone loves my name and I love it too. Whenever'someone calls me 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch', I just tell them to be more original.

09/02/2023 12:01:52

my name is sabrina I'm a graduate i love my name though It'sounds muslim and I'm christian but thinking of becoming hindu this name is very lucky for me. people say sabina i feel bad. I'm loved a lot.

09/02/2023 00:51:48

Meanings for the name are varied depending on the'source of research. There are those that'say the origin is Celtic, referring to the River'severn - or, in some versions, to a goddess who lived in the river; alternately a princess who drowned he'self in the river. Other'sources indicate the origin of the name as Latin, indicating that it means "from the boundary line" (from a fellow Sabrina).

08/30/2023 21:08:20

hey I'm sabrina i am making an email and ALL THE NAMES ON HERE IS WHAT MY FRIENDS CALL ME!! i love it they call me: brina sabrini, sabster, sabby, soBRINA FROM MY BESTIE ZOE soooo my parents alson call me fic super fic and " she's super fic super fic she is super ficcy yaaaa"

08/29/2023 03:06:46

i love my name i wounldn't change it for the world. It'sounds so delicate and fragile, i also love to hear people call me it just makes me feel lucky to have this name.

08/26/2023 10:45:04

Heyah, my name is also sabrina, I'm english and i have onli ever met one person with the'same name as me on holidai. my nik names are big sabz, Sabbie < my name i use =P. i dont reli liek being called sabrina any more evri1 noes me as sabbie. i alwia sused to get called sabrina the teenage *itch lmao. not witch, haha. didn't realy bover me tho. x

08/19/2023 14:45:40

My name is not sabrina, but my girlfriends name is. My name is Kara and my girlfriend sabrina in bisexual and loves me with a passion. She is faithfun fun loving caring and so sweet. She makes me smile every day! <3 She is my world and i care about her'so much :)

08/18/2023 14:57:22

I never knew people got bean from Sabrina...I'm a Sabrina of course--As a kid I was called "Sub", and I call myself "Sab" or "Sabs" sometimes, and i've been called "Sabrinie" "Sub-zero" and "Submariane Sandwich" at various times..:D "Sabrina" I beli've is a name for brunettes and dark-haired gals. So forgive me if You're a blondie or red-head but I go by the original famous "Sabrina"--played by Audrey Hepburn. That's what I was named for, and It's great movie for a GORGEOUS name. :D

08/17/2023 03:06:06

Hi I'm Sabrina and I'm Guyanese. I love my name! My nicknames are bri bri, brina, benie, and sabs. Does anyone knows what Sabrina mean❤️

08/16/2023 22:41:36

Hey, fellow people named Sabrina!(: People call me Sab, (or Saaaaaaaaaaaab when'they're complaining about something) Sabby, Bri, Brina, or Anirbas (which is Sabrina backwards!)

08/10/2023 09:45:24

My name is also Sabrina...When I was a child i used to hate my name...but now ve grow to love it and be proud of it!

08/07/2023 16:13:10

My name's Sabrina too, and everyone calls me Sabri. Also, my friends calls me Sab, Sa. I don't have much nicknames. I like my name cuz It's not very typical. lml

08/05/2023 05:08:52

My name's sabrina. People call me Sabby, Sab Sab Sab ( I have a friend with the'same name and they call her'sab sab so, I'm the 3rd one lol) and Nina. Mostly Nina. So my name's kinda cool :p

08/04/2023 05:55:50

Hey there my name is Sabrina also! I was born 1978, when I was growing up kids would call me the teenage witch....but I didn't mind. Just wish I could have done the'stuff she did. Nicknames I have had are Bri, Sab, Beannie, but people that have known me all my life call me Brina or Brina Gail. I have known and worked with other'sabrinas. Love the movie Sabrina!

08/02/2023 08:40:18

my name is sabrina and i love that name people often cal me other names like sabs which i dont mind coz i love that name as well. some people call me sabrina the teenage witch that i hate but i tell them to stop, but now i have got used to be called that.

08/01/2023 15:19:56

Hey my name is sabrina and i think it is awsome. It's not very common, so i don't get mixed up with anyone else. All i can say is that i want to be a vet and have a family.

07/31/2023 10:31:52

hey my name is sabrina too i love my name and im so glad i have it i get called a lot of nicknames and her are some of them:bri, saby, sebastian, sabaybay, sabster, sab, brina, sabrina the teenage witch, sabrin, ummm can't think of anyother ones right now.

07/28/2023 03:10:52

I love my name, everyone says that its such a awesome name because its popular, yet rare and its so mystical in a strange way xD growing up i was called 'Sub' in school and at home 'brini' now my in my band my stage name is 'Sabs' over all i think the name rocks ^__^

07/27/2023 08:39:58

I'm a Sabrina too and have had MANY nicknames throughout my 27 years such as Bri, Bina, Subaru (by that pesky boy back in elementary school who had a secret crush on me... LOL), Sabrini, Saboni, and my favorite because it was first said my by now hubby... Sab. Sab is pretty simple enough but, surprisingly, not one person called me "Sab" until I'met my future hubby back in Jan 2012. I love my name and othe's named "Sabrina" should be proud to have this beautiful and quite desirable name.

07/26/2023 21:47:32

Another dark haired Bina here and was named for the movie with Audrey Hepburn, WillI'm Holden, and Bogart. I have the movie poster framed in my house, the original and remake of the movie. Never met anyone my age born in 60 with the name but since the popularity with the teen witch lots of younger crowd. Its a great name and as an artist people tend to remember me!

07/24/2023 00:26:04

hey hey my name is sabrina! XD love love love the name but i swear if some1 calls me witch one more time.... o_O people calls me sabby, rihanna, sabwina, and sab. its a really unique name but once in a while you see a sabrina here and there. :3

07/17/2023 08:51:10

Hey there! I to am named Sabrina. I'm actually from Australia though and its not so well known here. Obviously everyone knows 'Sabrina the teenage witch' but its not so common for an actual person to have the name'so when I'm meeting new people i get the compI'ments like "wow, thats different" "gee, thats unusual. Very nice though" "what a pretty name". Good to know im not the only one. I'm also very brunette and proud of it!!!

07/15/2023 21:17:32

When I 1st meet people, usually guys actually they say things like are you a stripper❤️ Or do I'make u randyy❤️ And other'stupid inappropriate things

07/15/2023 18:03:34

I'm Sabrina. and I'm fifteen, and people always call me Samantha. I don't usually answer back. But I also dislike when people say "Sabrina❤️ from the teenage witch.." It's like I HAVen't GOTTen'tHAT A MILLION TIMES." yeah ;) Just sharing. I'm another'sabrina in the world <3

07/13/2023 03:10:02

I am adopted and just recently learned my birth mother named me Sabrina. I did not know I was even held, let alone named before being given up for adoption. I am always curious about my birth family and always will be. It was inter'sting how my husband had been dating a "Sabrina" before we were set up on a blind date and he knew she was not a potential for the future and prayed to God that he would finally meet someone he could love and years after we were married and I discovered I was named Sabrina he told me I was the real Sabrina he was to be with.

07/12/2023 23:20:48

my name is Sabrina and i luv it!!! bday is on the 21st and i deff get da sabrina the teenage witch thing 2!!...its corny but i still luv nick names r sabri brina bribri saby na and dimples[that doesnt have n e thing 2 do eIt'sabrina but dey call me that]...i luv mah name and wont change it at all!!..its kool 2 cuz mah last name begins with s so my initaials are S.S

07/11/2023 10:01:22

My name's Sabrinah with an h and I love it :) I was born in 2007

07/09/2023 08:03:42

Hello to all the'sABRINA!:-):..... I love my name and I was name after Audrey Hepburn movie when'the movie frist came out. I love the movie and its me in a lots of way. Long Island is my born home and the frist Sabrina I'met was in my 20's and we all are princess and queens. Yes I been call the nickname and now as a woman its Ladybrina and Ms.Sabrina I love it...thank you God for my beautiful name!

07/08/2023 14:43:20

I get the "Sabrina, the teenage witch" thing all the time and it gets on my nerves... otherwise i really like the name'sabrina (it is my name), i also get a lot of compliments on it.

07/05/2023 14:25:32

seriously, hi-5 to all of yous! cuz i love metal music, my bf calls me sabreebree :P

07/04/2023 20:47:32

haha heyy , my name is Sabrina too okay ! my full name is Sara Sabrina , oh gosh , im very happy because my name is unique than the othe's . lol xDD friends do call me sara , but the pronouncesation is 'serra' . andd , sab , sabby , and rina . and know what ❤️ i im from Malaysia ^^

07/03/2023 23:20:18

I like the name 'Sabrina'! Im asian and I decided that name a few month ago for live in US. it is so pretty name and sounds very sweet too. and very girly :). not common also. but i really hate that people think sabrina the teenage with when'they heard my name. :( btw, my friends called me 'sab, sabby, sherri' so cute and its my fave xD

07/03/2023 18:38:10

Yes Caden is an unusual name, ive never quite come across it. Although Fedja is the one of the unique names ive come across. I love it. Imagine him everytime a new person'trys to read his name on paper. I bet your studdling now!

06/30/2023 01:52:54

my name also and i have the many nick names bree,brina, beena only one gets away with that, and so on but i like to be called just Sabrina , im older and still get the'same teenage witch stuff and all but i love my name

06/29/2023 12:57:02

I love the name'sabrina, personally, It'sounds such a cool name! It's also part of my internet name... I think I'might name my daughter that'someday- if I ever get around to it- but I'm only in senior High!

06/29/2023 09:07:48

People say that my name is very original and that they want to know where my mom came up with that name. It has so many different meanings.

06/25/2023 00:30:20

My name is Sabrina people call me Bri Bri which i have no problem with i love my name i would never change it! I recomend my name to everyone cause its so great!!

06/23/2023 14:07:14

My name's Sabrina. There's probably a bunch of "Sabrinas" in this message thingy. I'm 14 and I'm so happy that i was given'this name.

06/18/2023 00:06:26

My name is Sabrina too and I was also born in 2005. I get a lot of sabs, beenie, brina, and more unique ones such as sabrinaand sabooby

06/13/2023 17:50:02

Hi, I am also Sabrina! I am from New Jersey and I am 6 years old. I only know of one other'sabrina in this area. I love my name, it rocks and It's fabulous. My uncle calls me Bree-ners. I have red hair and blue eyes. I do wear glasses. My name is spectacular and I love it! Sabrinas rule!!!

06/07/2023 09:18:20

I'm a sabrina! I never used to like it much though when i was younger... my friends called me "Sabrina the teenage witch", and as i grew older- in grade 9 boys called me sabrina the teeange b----." so yih, you can imagine. But I'm 17 now, off to univer'sty and i love my name, my boyfriend does too:) I get complimented on it a lot. I have a neighbour named Sabrina- same age as me. Other than that I haven't met a lot of Sabrinas. But when I do, i find it to be a certain thrill. It's a beautiful name, and it fits me well. i've read that Sabrina means between'the border. At birth I nearly died, so my parents called me Sabrina "between'the border..." of life and death basically. Ne ways, enough chit chat:D big upz to all the 'brinas!

06/04/2023 23:06:56

my sister in laws namr is Sabryna. I think its cool I'met alot of Sabrinas But none spelles As Sabryna

06/02/2023 23:47:58

My name is friends and familylike to call me Bree or Brina and...I Love It!! Its just such a beautiful name...and Im proud to have it...

06/01/2023 16:38:50

Hey my name is also sabrina I did think sabrina is a common name beacause I am the only person in my school named sabrina. That is what makes me unique starting with my name obviously. And sabrina is the coolest name I ever thought of I am so happy my mom gave me the name' told me that'she wanted to stop the generation of rosa because going down the line she is like the 5th generation of rosa and she wanted her kid to have a unique name'so that is partof why she named me sabrina. When I introduce myself to people they always call me sabrina the teenage witch and it is so annoying. I remember when I just started 1st grade that whole year was pretty miserable because the whole class always called me sabrina the teenage witch

05/30/2023 15:34:04

hey im another'sabrina:) Its cool because anyones name can be sabrina that are from different origins...I'm Indian so yeah.

05/26/2023 10:28:12

my name is sabrina and i thnk its the best name ever

05/25/2023 05:22:30

my name is sabrina and i think this name'sounds great

05/24/2023 11:26:52

I absolutly love being a Sabrina! I don't know any other, only meet like 2 othe's. Heard the witch thing more than you can imagine, like I never heard it before, I always said if I was I wouldnt be here, that usually shut them up. Old men always called me Samatha. Tons of nick names bri, bri-bri, bee-bee, bean, beana. I always ask to be called Sabrina! Why not, It's so nice to hear!

05/21/2023 17:19:22

My name is also Sabrina... as I was growing up I got teased so much about the name because the'show "sabrina the teenage wich" came out but as I have got older I have grown to love the name because not many have it and it makes me feel special. My friends have come up with many names sabrian is there favorite but my family calls me brina... or breene lol. There are so many meanings to this name all of which are amazing... I hope many more get to experience the beauty of this name.

05/21/2023 14:05:24

Hey my name is Sabrina too! You know one of them is called beans for a nickname well my nickname is beany. But only my mom and grandpa call me that! My younger cousin calls me Brina for some weird reason though!WEll I got to go now Sabrinas.

05/21/2023 12:37:14

Heyy my names Sabrina toooo and i love it :>:> i hate the teenage witch program thou.. cz as soon as i introduce myself.. the other person ALWAYS comments on the fact tht thurs a show and am like dont u think i alreadi know❤️❤️ but hey hu cares i love my name it rules and im so glad to be called sabrina.. SABRINAS RULE WOOO :>

05/18/2023 22:18:58

SABRINA HERE! I never really liked my name growing up because I nver thought it fit me, I tried having people calling me Alexis (my middle name) or Alex, but in the end Sabrina stuck. I love that name now, no nicknames for me thanks! Although, my best friend calls be Bri, and my parents and bf call me Sabby. All in all, if I HAD to choose a nickname it would be Sabs, that's what they called me at my old job, and It's not as annoying as Bri and not as kid sounding as Sabby.

05/18/2023 08:12:34

MY name is sabri a i love this nam eit was givin gto me by my dad whom i dont know so im glad he gave me such a nam e, and everyon ethat finds out my name tells me they like it, and i think they are right.

05/17/2023 14:16:56

My name's Sabrina. In the Netherland's It's pronounced rather awkwardly; so I never really liked it. Especially cuz over here everyone goes like "WHAT's your name❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!" and I should add "like the teenage witch..." moreover; many, many people go: "sabina" or "sabine" or "sabrine" and It's so ANNOYING!!! so I'm looking for a nice abbreviation --- but that's all just in the Netherlands --- in English It's fine.

05/11/2023 13:23:42

people love my name my whole family calls me bibin and my freinds callme sabe brina bre bre and more it is great to have a name like sabrina

05/09/2023 23:11:22

Hell My name is Sabirna too!I live in Poland. This name is very, very rarely. i've never meet anyone called like me. I born in 1983. My mother'saw the movie with Audrey Hepburn and decided that her daughter will have had this name. My nicknames: Sabri, Sab, Bro, Bri, Bra, Sabrinka, Sabru. I glad meet us by net.

05/08/2023 01:20:34

SO.. I am another'sabrina!! My full name is Sabrina Ashley. There are so many people in my school named Sabrina (5 :/) so i once tried to go by Ashley, but that never worked out. Everyone calls me Sabrina, except some of my band friends who call me Sabby. Old people (grandparents, gparent's friends, etc.) call me Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Sabrina is an okay name, but I'd really prefer it to be spelled differently- Maybe "Sabrinna" or "Sebrina". My asian friend always spells my name'sabriena, which I actually kind of like. When I tell people my name, I pronounce it "Sa-brin-uh" because I feel like It'sounds more gentle. I like the nickname Brin a lot, too. However, I am not too fond of the name Ashley, and I am planning on changing it to Kathleen when I come of age. After telling my friends this, they have started to call me "Sabby-Kat" which I think is cute :) Anyway- rock on Sabrinas!!!

05/01/2023 06:14:04

Im a pakistani girl whos named sabrina too!!It really is a wonderful name because its accepted in many different places.I had a friend who was called Sabrina too,so to all the'sabrinas out there be proud of your name!

04/27/2023 07:53:46

My new baby girl is Sabrina...she was born in Nov-10, 2018..Just read this web site and love to see many people like this name... Does anybody know the origin of Sabrina❤️ :)

04/27/2023 06:43:14

i love my name and ya people alway ssay and spell it wrong... i never have met another girl named sabrina and people always say how pretty MY name is and they give me the usualnick name for sabrina and it definitaly differs to who im talkin to wit the nick ame most people call me brina brini and bree so ya enbrase out gorgious name ladys enbrase it!!!....

04/23/2023 02:12:38

my name is also Sabrina, and although i hated it as a child ive grown to absolutely adore it. Most people find it exotic and mysterious...and i think its simply a beautiful name. Yea for our names! I had no clue othe's got called the'same nicknames....ive gotten beaner, brina, brin, sabs, and even just b!

04/23/2023 01:37:22

My name is Sabrina-Amanda. I love the name and how it flows together. I go by just sabrina though because its such a long name. Its a unique name and I don't meet many peopl with the'same name. I have quite a few nicknames but my favorite that my family has all called me since a baby is Brina. Other nicknames: Bri, Bee, Sabreezy, Sabs, Sabie, Stabbs (lol), Sabrini, Sabsters

04/20/2023 13:40:10

Hai I am sabrina,I am 16teen .I am a Indian so allmost no girls have my name.i am so happy about that my name is unique and prettiest name amoung othe's not only me all my friends like my name.I am and my name is so famose because movie sabrina and sabrina the teenage witch.many spell wrong as sabreena and i don't like that. i am proud to sabrina ,love my

04/15/2023 06:24:56

my name is sabryna and i love my name. most people usually spell it wrong because the original spelling is "sabrina". when i was little people use to call me "Sabrina the teenage witch. but now that i am older (14)people always say it is so beautiful and it reminds them of the movie sabrina.

04/13/2023 22:22:54

S-sexi A-awesome B-beautiful R-reall kool I-idk N-nice sometimes A-at times can be annoying

04/13/2023 17:40:46

I love the name'sabrina. i've named my daughter'sabrina and she is 6 years old. I think it is so beautiful. I was looking for a name that will go with both cultures. I am american and her dad is Pakistani, so the name is familiar in both of the'sides, whether'she is in Pakistan or in America she will fit in.

04/12/2023 11:42:10

my name is sabrina. ive only meet one other'sabrina in my life.

04/10/2023 11:30:18

My name is Sabrina and I love my name!My dad fancied one of the Charlie's Angels who's real name was Sabrina, thats where I got my name!Most people don't have a problem spelling it. I don't like It'shortened however'sab is ok but I hate being called Bree sounds che'sy!

04/09/2023 18:09:56

My name is sabrina. i love having that name because there not that many people with that name and my name is so beautiful.

04/07/2023 00:02:26

My name is Sabrina and I absolutely love having that name. People constantly compliment my name and tell me how pretty it is. I also love that, while It's not all that common (i've never met someone with my name), It's not considered weird either.

04/04/2023 02:05:42

My name is Sabrina and I am pakistani and muslim. Anyway I'met my best friend at a wedding and her name is Sabreena. Amazingly she is the only other'sabrina I have ever met. I love my name because you don't she people with the name often.

04/03/2023 11:41:40

I love this nam since I heard it, and I am planning on naming my daughther that on June 06

04/03/2023 08:10:04

I never really liked the name'sabrina but once i grew up with it, i learnd to love it! All my friends either call me Sab, Saby or Saboo. I dont have any trouble with people pronouncing or spelling my name wrong but what i hate is that many people at my school have the'same name as me, its pretty rotten but oh well. Im proud of my name! :)

03/24/2023 01:35:42

My name is also Sabrina. I loved being the ONLY Sabrina from the time I started Elementary School until the time I graduated High School. I was very sad to get out into a world larger than my hometown and hear othe's called Sabrina. In school, my close friends called me "Brina" or "Bre" but now the only one that does that is my baby'sis whose name is "Cavenna", rhymes with mine. How's that for a name❤️❤️❤️

03/13/2023 03:44:24

I too am a Sabrina and I live in North Carolina. My middle name is Star, my last name also starts with a S. Yep that's right, SSS. I'm Simple Something Special! All my life I have been called Brina,Beanie, Be-Be, Sab, Rina, Samantha, and Sabrina the teenage witch & (B*t*h.) I have only met two other'sabrinas. I was in Walmart the other day when a lady was yelling Sabrina over and over. I kept looking at her like do I know you and she kept looking at me like I had a problem or something. After our stare down her little girl came running down the aile. Funny way to meet another'sabrina in Walmart of all places!

03/11/2023 01:29:06

My Name is Sabrina. I love the name. I was named after one of the girls in the old episodes of "Charlie's Angels". It's a nice, elegant name! I have actually met many other'sabrina's in my life. It's very common in the Italian Community that I live in!!

03/10/2023 19:18:48

My name is Sabrina, and I love it. My family & friends call me Beanie. Yes I get the'sABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCH, and I just laugh it off. But I love my name its beutiful, and fits me perfect. :) SRP

03/10/2023 08:44:00

My name is sabrina as well im the middle child out of 3 and i live in New jersey, how i got my name is quite sad lol but here's how it goes my mom didn't really wanna have a girl so she just opened the baby names book and picked the fist name'she'saw which was Sabrina! While i was growing up my family started calling me Suki as a nickname of some sort, i really love that nick name but they don't call me it any more now its stuff like Saby,Sabri, and in school my S.S. teacher calls me Brina. when i was in kindergarden kids didn't really like me i don't know why but they always teased me by calling my Sabrina the magic. =/ lol it always used to make me cry but now they sometimes call me Sabrina the teenage B!%$# which gets me really mad but i ignore it all.

03/09/2023 23:19:44

my name is sabrina i love it i think ther's only speical girls that have this name and ever1 calls me brina

03/07/2023 16:22:18

Yeah, It's my name and I think It's pretty boring to be honest. I get people to call me Tash instead because It's a bit better then Natasha.

03/06/2023 05:23:56

My name is Sabrina i think It's gorgeous and have often heard it means princess in Gaelic which adds a special meaning to the name !

03/02/2023 01:46:14

MY NAME IS SABRINA, I love my name! I do get the'sabrina the teenage witch thing, but i dont care. My nicknames are: beanie, saby, sabri...that's it. Best name in the world

02/28/2023 00:23:50

Hi, Another'sabrina here...currently studying in Aberdeen, Scotland. People keep praising my name and they say it is quite exotic he he !...I have never met any Sabrina here for the last 2 years. And yeah I love my name :)

02/24/2023 11:45:26

my name is Sabrina also! i was also named after the Audrey Hepburn movie, and my common nick names are Sab,sabs, Sab Sab, Sabby, brina, and rina

02/23/2023 03:43:24

My name is Sabrena, I am arabic and an Arabic it means Patience. I have met many girls with this name that have come from many different cultures and religions, I love it!! It's a normal different name.

02/21/2023 23:12:58

I lovingly named my daughter'sabrina after my great-grandmother who was named after her grandmother. Yes, our Sabrinas go back into the early 1800's. We call my daughter Bina, Beans, and variations of that. Bean Dip is my favorite!

02/15/2023 21:44:28

My daughter's name'sabrina.I LOVE IT....She is the best.

02/15/2023 05:52:16

im sabrina and people call me brina or saby i love my name an i really hope some one will be named after me

02/15/2023 01:27:46

Im 18 And muhh name is Sabrina, I Would say that i have met about 4 Sabrina's so far, Muhh family usually calls me Sabrina Muhh nephew was the first to start calling me Bree n muhh friends call me brina, I hate being called sabrina nuts or sabrenie, Its so annoying but other then'that i Love muhh name n muhh nick names! =) Also, I hate when people refer to me as Sabrina the teenage which or B!tch, Either one ITS NOT MUHH NAME!

02/14/2023 04:18:10

Hello:) my name is Sabrina, too! People call me Brie, Bean, Bina, and My baby'sister calls me Bia. I like the name, and when I get older, I'm totally getting a cat to name'salem xD

02/12/2023 19:23:14

My name is also sabrina I love my name i've only meet three other'sabrinas in my life and I'm 31 people usually spell it right I don't know what it is but alot of people call me samantha I could never figure that out anyway my parents named me from the'show charlies angels one of the main characters real name was sabrina. People usually call me bre, brina, brin. And yeah i've heard the witch thing a million times LOL

02/12/2023 09:06:04

I don't like it only because It's my evil stepmother's name. :(

02/11/2023 04:18:00

hey my names sabrina toooo! People call me Sabby brina sbas sab attack:) I love my name

02/07/2023 10:57:28

We named our 5 month old son Kai because it is such a cool and hip name. It's somewhat exotic sounding too! Just a great name all around. eh

02/04/2023 07:25:42

Hey sabrina here! People call me sabri or Brina or the nine year old witch (cuz ima witch) bri bri or sab

01/29/2023 16:32:00

I don't get it. People are always bugging me about it and it makes me want to die. I am not a witch and I do not care what you think about me having the name'sabrina.

01/27/2023 22:48:04

Love the name. I have 2 daughters and that is my oldest's name. The only nickname I can'think ok that we call her is Tabrina, haha I don't kno how that'started either. Sometimes I say Sabrina-na, but I wouldn't say it is an actual nickname. She likes her name too, so that is good =)

01/24/2023 15:27:04

Heyy, my name is Sabrina too! I love it because its not really popular in my area but very unique. I'm the only Sabrina in the 7th grade! This is how I feel I dont have many nicknames exept for BriiNa(how i spell it). I got many more idea's for a Nik name now. Thankz!

01/22/2023 02:19:20

my name is Sabrina and i adore it. No one has my name its so unique. my friends call me sabsy. haven't seen'that one up there. : )

01/17/2023 20:38:12

My name is Sabrina and I love having the name. I can count on one hand the other'sabrina's I have met and I am 25 years old and get comments on my name all the time.

01/15/2023 15:44:12

my name is Sabrina.some people make fun of my name and make me feel sad,mad,and depresed.I'm only 11 and i feel like I'm the only one named Sabrina.people call me brina,sab,beany,the bean

01/13/2023 20:32:06

There was a HOT chick in high school named Anya. Such an unfortunate name for her though because she got many "I'd like to be On Ya'" comments.

01/12/2023 18:05:06

People call me some of the'same nicknames on here...B, sabri, bina, beanie...I never really liked my name much i thought it was weird but now im starting to like it much more :)

01/12/2023 10:09:00

my name is sabrina as well, my family calls me bree or brina but my friends call me sabs.. havent herd that nickname yet so i guess thats pretty cool, but yeah i always get the'sabrina the teenage witch thing but whatev i love my name,

01/11/2023 01:49:20

My name is Sebrina..yes with an 'e' I have been'told my dad misspelled my name on my birth certificate (thanks dad..LOL)nobody seems to have the'same spelling..i have been called: Seb..Brina..Bree..Rarely do I hear the name & when I do it is a mom talking to her young daughter & my head always turns...

01/09/2023 04:51:26

well my name is sade and people often pronounce it wrongly. but i love my name for my whole 16 years of my life i hav lived.feb 25 2018 was my birthday

01/08/2023 01:49:10

Heyy fellow sabrinas!!! i love the name'sabrina it freakin rocks....people still tease me about sabrina the teenage witch, its so annoying I'mean im almost 21 so im not even a teenager already that joke is overplayed they need to find a new 1.... love our name though!!! most used nickname: brina my mom calls me brina when shes being nice if im in trouble i get the whole name lol

01/06/2023 17:11:52

My name is Sabrina. I'm 13 at this very moment. I like my name, because It's not very common, and in my school, I'm the only Sabrina, which is ace, 'cause mostly everyone else have the'same name as each other. I often get called "Sabi" or "Bree". The guys also seem attracted to the name'sabrina! They say it brings out the beauty and divine-ness in me, even'though I'm Goth. :)

01/06/2023 15:43:42

Hai I am sabrina,i am a Indian so allmost no girls have my name.i am so happy about that my name is unique and prettiest name amoung othe's not only me all my friends like my name.I am and my name is so famose because movie sabrina and sabrina the teenage witch.many spell wrong as sabreena and i don't like that. i am proud to sabrina ,love my

01/05/2023 04:10:04

I called my now 4 month old baby'sabrina, I chose it quickly because evey other name I chose people hated, after getting sick and tired of listening to other people, me and my husband chose Sabrina. I think its a pretty name and you don't hear it much at all. I didnt wanto have a COMMON name, so I chose something with style.

01/02/2023 12:06:00

I named my daughter'sabrina and we call her brina bear and bri for short. I love the name and It'suits my daughter because she is a very sunny girl with red hair, who reminds me of the river'sprite in the original poem.

01/01/2023 04:56:52

My name is Sabrina too! I kind of like my name,but I never thought it would be so popular. I have never'seen anyone in my life called Sabrina! I like my name because whenever people talk about Sabrina the teenage witch I always say I am famous because I am on TV. I don't like my name because you can't get drink bottles with the name'sabrina on them. All my friends and family call me Sabe! :-D

12/17/2022 23:44:34

My name is Sabrina and I love it. My friends ask me if i were to change my name what would it be but i can't choose because I love my name. A kindergarten child spelt me name'sbrena.

12/12/2022 19:08:02

Hey I'm Sabrina! People who dislike me have called me "Sabrina the teenage witch" but it doesn't really get to me, because I think Sabrina the teenage witch is cool anyway! I LOVE ballet and its soo awesome because my name rhymes with Ballerina! My nicknames are Brina, Ballerina and Sabri. Cya!

12/06/2022 22:21:40

My daughter's name is Sabrina too and she was named by my mother after'she watched the 2007 movie "Sabrina"

12/05/2022 09:02:14

My name is SaBrina with a capital "B" so... I feel pretty special! But, I'm sure lower case "b" people are cool too!

12/01/2022 14:48:48

Well, my name is Samantha (of course) and I beli've the name is very "frilly" and "colourful" I am often refered to as: Sam, Sammy, Samuel, Sampson, Sam I am, Shamamanantha, and Sammy-Lammy. I prefer being called Sammy by my best friend who lives in Texas. Oh by the way "Slammin' Sammy" Is pretty awesome

11/30/2022 12:04:10

my name is sabrina,I'm 17 and i was named after the move sabrina with audrey hepburn in it. i like it because not many people have this name but would have never thought of this as a baby name. when i was little i loved watching sabrins the teenage witch to hear my name lol....still do. my family calls me brina, and I'm called saby and sabri also

11/27/2022 06:11:20

Brini is my daughter's nickname also Brini Bop and Brini Bop a Roni. Love her name'soooooo much

11/25/2022 13:55:34

i love my name. people always find cute nicknames for me (sabby,sab,sabwina,ect). i feel like its a very unique name. i think It'suits me very well and i would never change it. my middle name is bella. and in my opinion sabrina bella sounds beautiful. i havent really met many sabrina's, which makes me stand out even more. i usually get a lot of compliments on my name, which is always nice <3.

11/24/2022 03:50:06

I think It's a creative personality for the person who has this name. I get called a witch a lot. I don't care, I have that personality. It's right up there with the'samanthas and Tabithas. It takes a certain kind of person to have the name'sabrina.

11/21/2022 21:45:34

i love my name and a love to see it in print or just to be said. Its simple and sweet and not too many people have that name. "Sabrina" only for the classy!

11/18/2022 20:52:30

Yup, my names Dakota. I'm a guy, and 20 years old. I agree with one of the comments below- girls love it! Im n't kidding. Eveytime I tell a girl my name its always the'same reaction- "Oh wow, that's so cute!" So if your having a boy then go for it. Of course when I was born it was nowhere near as popular as it is now, and I am a little dissapointed about how popular it is becoming but its a great name and I love it!

11/17/2022 06:40:10

My name is Sabrina, everyone I have met said it was a lovely name and I agree. Though I Did used to get called sabrina the teenage witch in primary school. I am nearly 15 and haven't met anyone with the'same name as me yet... and I don't think i will.

11/16/2022 02:09:44

hI'my name is sabrina and evryone calls me sabrina the teenage witch but i aint bothered i love my name i think it is a sweet and lovely name luv yaz all sabrina (aka sabby, sab, bina)

11/14/2022 01:22:36

My name's Sabrina and I think It's a very pretty name. I also get the'sabrina the teenage witch line. And apparently there was an old calandar girl called Sabrina. That'seems to come up every now and again by older people.

11/14/2022 00:29:42

Hey! My name is Sabrinna! Yes two n's. I love my name(: all my friends have so many nicknames for me. Some are: Sabby, Sabby-Kat, Brinna, Brinna-Bre, Bre-Bre, Sabritta, Sabradley, Sabrinna The Teenage Witch(I hate that one). I have many more lol. I'm the only Sabrinna where I live and its kinda cool being the only one with that name(:

11/10/2022 11:51:18

Hi I'm Sabrina and i hate when people miss out the R in my name.

11/09/2022 09:59:34

my name is sabrina and i am called brina by my family...

11/09/2022 06:45:36

Yayyy my name caitlyn 2!!! i love it cuz its suchhh a pretty name

11/08/2022 06:04:24

Hello, my name is also Sabrina, and I am 23. I'must say that I love my name, even'though people tend to spell it wrong. It is rather memorable though, and I have gotten many compliments on my name. I also like that it has celtic origins, but it is strange how when I see it on sIt's it is also said to have Hebrew and English origins.

11/02/2022 06:21:42

My daughter is almost 8 and was born on Halloween. HOW COOL IS THAT!! (The name was picked well before her due date of 10/26/03) Hence, she is a Sabrina. And yes, she does think she is a good witch. We call her Ree for short.

10/31/2022 09:06:10

I have to admit the name is very rare. Japanese people love the name because of the variance in pitch required to say it. I'm in the military, and even with all the people in the'service, I have only met one other'sabrina. The only downfall is that half of the time I'mention my name, the other person says " Like the teenage witch❤️" That's so unoriginal. I just ignore them. One time someone said, "Like the Charlie's Angel❤️" I'm not sure if there was an old Charlie's Angel named Sabrina, but it was nice not being compared to the teenage witch. All in all, I luv my name!

10/28/2022 20:16:04

My name is Sabrina and i am looking for a cool nickname. Mine so far, are, beside the common "Sab": brinette, brin's, brounsi . They are quite original and all come from my crazy sister. (yes, she has a LOT of imagination) The one I hate the most is "sabroute". haha

10/25/2022 05:51:52

This is my name. I love it now for 41 years, born in 1981. My parents choice it for being the author of a book my oldest sister was reading, Zane Grey. I never been'to Zanesville, Oh, but will get there some day.

10/24/2022 02:14:20

My name is Sabrina, I was born in the late 60's, and I was also named after Audrey Hepburn's character in the movie Sabrina. The movie was playing in the waiting room of the hospital where I was born and my father was watching it and gave me the name. I love my name, It's classy, elegant and beautifully pronounced. Just for fun

10/20/2022 23:35:28

My name is Sabrina..I love it..and I don't care that even after all these years gone..people still call me "Sabrina the teenage witch" especially cause I'm 34..LMAO!!

10/19/2022 06:09:10

It is my name and I love it...I don't think it is that common of a name and it can't really be shortened. So for that reason I love it. I have heard a couple people who have the'same name...but not many.

10/16/2022 17:01:26

my name is Sabrina and i think it is great eventhough people where i live think it is a wierd name my freinds call me sabi well everyone calls me sabi .. But still, i don't like what happend to princessa Sabrina :((

10/14/2022 13:35:36

my cousins name is sabrina and i always wanted to cahnge my name to that and i think it is very lovely and beli've it or not it is y favorite name i would even go back and time and change my name to it.

10/11/2022 12:42:32

My daughter's name is Sabrina. We picked it because, like somebody else on here said, It's different but not weird. I think It's such a pretty name. I call her Brina (she's only a baby'so she can't tell me not to yet). Her babysitter calls her "Sabby". I don't like it, but I'm not there to hear It'so I let it go. I'm glad to here from all the other'sabrina's that you all like your name. I hope my Sabrina appreciates it one day too!!!

10/05/2022 06:14:16

I named my daughter'sabrina when she was born in 2012. I loved the original movie "Sabrina" starring Audrey Hepburn. It's a very classy name -- I think.

10/03/2022 16:37:12 sabrina lynn.i love my name.i always get called sabrina the teenage witch.i almost became a nicole.thank god they went with sabrina.i only know 2 other'sabrina's.i was born in 2005.i get called sabz,sabby,sab and when i was little i was called beanie.i like sabz as a nickname but my friends call my sabby anyways:ppeople ask me how to spell my name,is it really that hard❤️well last year wen i first met my friend kelly,she'spelled It'sabrena but watevs:) im happy that its italian too because im italian and last name is german. shout out to all my sabrina's in the house lol:p

10/02/2022 03:00:08

My name is Sabrina too. As a child at school i didn't like my name as it was so different to what any of my friends were called and i felt it made me stand out too much. I was VERY shy at school. Now I'm an adult i love my name for the very same reason i used to dislike it. It is unusual but It's beautiful as well, and noone can say its common! Well not as common as say Sarah!

09/30/2022 16:54:40

My sister's name is Abrina...My mom wanted the name to start with an "A" but really like "Sabrina" so she removed the's. You never'see "Abrina" in any name book. There are people who exist with the name'so It'should be added to baby books!

09/25/2022 15:32:06

IM talkin to her on the fone... yeah... ok.... ok...yeah... on the fone... right now... on the fone...

09/22/2022 11:25:04

My name is "Sabrina." I go by the Nicknames, "Bree" , "Breezy" and "Sabre", and "Bee." My nephew calls me "Bree-Bree." I dislike when people call me "Sa(beana)" , "Sab" or "Brina". I think the names are childish. I love my name'sabrina. It is becoming a uncommon name and not many of us are around!

09/18/2022 20:43:14

i love the name'sabrina because it is b eutiful like me

09/14/2022 02:23:52

My name is also Sabrina. Some people call me Sub or Sabby.I love my name and have sisters names sound a like. -Sub

09/09/2022 01:54:12

my name is sbarina I LOVE MY NAME..coinsidently my best friend and i have the'same NAME!well i hav many nicknames like brina,bre,sablibli ha and thats all i can'think of now

09/08/2022 23:50:46


09/06/2022 08:04:20

My name is Sabrina I am 40 years old and how I became Sabrina is my mother dreamed the name and when I looked just like the baby in the dream she was too scared to not name me Sabrina. Many years later We discovered Sabrina was a family name dating back to the 1790's. So I am very proud to be a Sabrina and I love all the nick names I think it makes life more inter'sting.

09/06/2022 03:39:50

My name is Sabrina and I'm 15. Often people tend to forget my name, they either call me "Samantha", "Selena", or even "Stefanie". I like how unique my name is. It's such a pretty name, I'm surprised there aren't more people named Sabrina

09/01/2022 00:49:48

My name is Sabrina and i love the name'since it was thr only name my parents could decide on. i've never ever met a person with the'same name as me. Maybe one day i will! And i've never heard anyone pronounce it wrong!

08/20/2022 13:24:54

I also am a Sabrina - probably one of the first born in 1971 - My mom named me after the Hepburn movie- But unusual as it is - there were 3 of us in my graduting class. After that I did not meet another one for years and that one had my last name also - caused me a lot of problems, she did not pay bills. LOL Kids can never'say It'so I was alway beenie to my siblings and cuzs. Sab to my friends, but I like the whole thing. Glad to share the name with all of you. By the way the brown hairs turns gray LOL

08/01/2022 07:20:24

sometimes people spell it wrong. but i LOVE my name. It's so beautiful

07/18/2022 08:27:00

I am a Sabrina born in 1983 and I knew 4 othe's with my name in my same age range so It'sorta sucked for a while until I realized that it was a fluke and not the norm. While visiting Europe I discovered that my name is very popular and found lots of items with my name on it to buy which is difficult to do in the US, normally one has to custom order.Its cool 2 see we all use the'same nicks.

07/17/2022 19:38:24

HI'my name is also sabrina ,i am in 6th grade and i am 11 .I am from the philippines .I love my name .My friends used to call me sabrina the teenage witch .My nicknames are sab,brina,brin,sabrin,and my sis likes to call me brianna .I love my name because i cant find find that many people with my name .

07/07/2022 08:00:54

I don't find the name'sabrina terribly pretty. Possibly because when I was younger, my mother only ever used it when she was angry, or said it in a very bizzare sing-song voice that really sounded like a donkey braying. Lots of emphasis on the 'r'. Sabrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrina. Othe's seem to like it though. i've always felt the name was ill-suited to me because most Sabrina's in literature are petite and blonde and fair. I'm sturdy, brunette, and brown. Nicknames: Primarily Bini (beanie, but from German Bienchen), Sab (Sabsab, Sabs), Sabaleebabalee, Bean, Beanzers, Beano, Sabinipoo

07/06/2022 16:27:36

My teacher one year pronounced it with a "y" sound...and he never got it right. But I get a lot of compliments from Italian men about my name. :)

06/19/2022 11:47:42

a lot of people hve the'same name as we have alot of the'same nick names..woot woot..tramp please

05/31/2022 00:13:48

ayee to all the'sUH-BREE-NUH'ss! haha i looove my name too! iwas gonna be tabitha[ "/ ] or samantha which is way too common haha i definitely give props to my moms lol but yeah i dono jus sayin how siick our name is i love it!! :D -sabrina g haha

05/26/2022 00:21:54

Sabrina's my name. I also get referred to as The Teenage Witch, but generally only one person I know calls me that :P i've been alive almost 17 years, and have yet to actually meet someone with the'same name. It's very origional. I like that It's mostly of Celtic origin too.

05/12/2022 12:27:18

My name is Sabrina and don't get me wrong I love it but if I get called a witch one more time... REALLY! My friends call me Scabs(I'm clumsy), Bri, Brina, Beanie, Bina, Sab. Um, when my mom gets mad at me she calls me Sabrina Anne lol. I think the first time I really started to not like my name was when it was my school pictures in the third grade and the photographer told me to "smile little witch" nice right❤️❤️❤️ %D

05/12/2022 09:42:36

hi! my name's Sabrina and all the people in my class call me the witch! i tell them to get a life. i think It's a beautiful name! whoever's got that name is LUCKY!

05/12/2022 06:57:54

My daughter's name is Sabrina. We call her bean or sometimes beana. I don't know any othe's with the name'sabrina. I picked it because my name is Samantha and I am also a witch....

05/06/2022 20:07:12

Hey everyone my one is pronounced as sabrina but its spelling is "subrina".Now even'though there might be people named sabrina I don't think anyone has such unique name as subrina.It'sort of stands out(lol i should be modest).Like most of us even i hear sabrina the teanage witch and i enjoy it quite.To all the'sabrina there have a happy vacation.

04/23/2022 01:48:18

My name is SABRINA. I am still kinda mad about the teenage witch show. But I am very proud of my name. I know It's the name of a cartoon and that is kind of annoying at times. At the end of the day it is the best name possible to have. I hope I can grow up to be a veternarion with my lucky name to be Dr.Bri or maybe Dr.Bee!

04/11/2022 10:43:48

My name is Sabrina as well. I have always received compliments about how pretty my name is. Growing up I was called breenie,brina, beanie, brina-boo. Some people have called me serena, samantha and selena as well. I have only ever met 4 other'sabrina's. Great name, not so common and very feminine.

03/23/2022 11:03:36

Heyy my name is ALSO Sabrina haha...uhmm some nicknames i have are Bean, Beanie, Beanster, Sabby,Brena` thats all i can'think of but i love my name and i think i have only met 2 or 3 other'sabrinas. I am a german blonde and the name'sabrina describes me perfectly!! WEll i Love OUR names haha!!

03/23/2022 02:49:30

i love my name'sabrina and i also get some of the'same nick names sabeners bina binabopper bopper'sab brina and absolutly love my wonderful unique beautiful name :) =>

03/21/2022 11:28:48

My name is Sabrina and it rocks! Sabrina people rock this world. PEACE

03/20/2022 19:00:36 name iz subrina but spelled with a u not an a.I'm from trinidad an tobago.since my name'starts with sub my frenz call me subway..lolz .I also get called biena,briena,bria,biene.I love my name..:) (i sound so girly )

03/18/2022 15:46:12

HI'my name is SABRINA aswell,im 22 Great Britain. My friends call me SABRIN, SABZ, SAB, SABBA,SAAB etc........ all you SABRINA'S out there no wat im talkin about with all the many nick names we have. The cool thing i like about my name is that It's sounds really out of this world, some people say the name itself makes you sound like a princess which feels really speacial aswell as making you feel like royalty, I'may evenconsider of nameing my 1st daughter after me as it is a beautiful name with amazing meanings like the border of Latin

03/03/2022 00:37:12

heyhey my names obvi sabrina. my friends call me sab, sabs, sabber, bri, brina, and breezy. when i was little kids would call me sabrina the teenage witch and i hated it with all of me and i still do. i love the name because its so unique, ive only met a handful of sabrinas and i like it that way.

02/10/2022 04:06:54

Haha, my name is Sabrina, and usually my friends call me Sabri, Sabi (Sabby), and Bri :)

02/08/2022 19:10:30

I LOVE IT GOES GUESS WHAT!❤️ MY NAME IS SABRINA! Many people says It's a wonderful cause It'sounds so old and unoriginal. I read on the internet that,the name came from a princess named sabrina in the middle ages. My friends call me sab, or saby. And my sister'sassa. >_< anyways It's a wonderful name and even'the people here love it! so take it! 10/10!

02/03/2022 19:18:36

The name'sally is not as common as I thought it was. But I love It'so much now. But I think it means somethign bad in a different language.

01/31/2022 03:28:12

hey my name is sabrina and really i do not think that it is a common name really no one that iknow has this name.

01/29/2022 19:26:42

This is my name, and i like it! how many people can say they like their name❤️ Its not common, ive not met another female jaden. Ive only met one Male Jaden

01/28/2022 05:00:54

My name is sabrina. And the name ahs so many beautiful meanings i Love it

01/26/2022 19:09:36

hI'my name is also sabrina,i love my name.people sat "oh like sabrina the teenage witch" and i say yes.i love my name. when i looked it up It'said it meant a welsh river name.i didn't understand this but It's ok because i love my name.

01/21/2022 22:02:24

I love my name, although I didn't when I was younger! I definitely get the teenage witch thing, especially from guys who seem to think It's a great pick-up line...but I still think It's beautiful and unusual :)

01/14/2022 01:33:00

hey my name is ssabrina people.. yes i do love my name.. except back in the days i didnt like it because they use to call sabrina the teenage witch... but ya.. people call me bina,bean,brina bear,bean,saby, or my favorite sunshine .. i love my name <33... its all about sabrina baby [[not u sabrina, me sabrina ]]

12/28/2021 08:46:48

I don't like my name! Every time I tell people my name they automatically say "the teenage witch" I just tell people my name is Bri now. Other nicknames i've used in the past are Beanie, Sabby, and Marina...(cause my middle name is Marie...Sabrina + Marie = Marina) So that's just my opinion...don't name your child Sabrina or else she'll be called a witch all her life

12/19/2021 20:44:06

my mum named me sabrina because there was this person she loved so much and then she died and she was named sabrina so she named me sabrina while she was giving birth to me she was thinking about that person then when she got me she'said "sabrina" i love you mum and dad and you too are the only people that i will care about and always will love even if they get angry with me i know that thel love me and i love them too xxx your daughter'sabrina ahmed

12/14/2021 03:29:06

I love my name but i also use the abbreviation 'bri' as i keep hearing my name everywhere. I used to think it was a unique name, once apon a time. lol, the teenage witch shout outs are a real bore now.

11/30/2021 16:29:24

When my daughter was born in Washington State, in 1997, I named her Kaleigh. I liked the'sound of KayLee. It was a bit different from the ubiquitous Katie. I came up with the'spelling from a Raleigh bicycle. The top part of the 'R' was scratched off, and when I first glanced at it, it looked like Kaleigh.

11/30/2021 08:15:18

I llllluv havin the name'sabrina<3, it is awesome, im nutha hot brunette sabrina an my friends call me Bree, Brina, Bri Bre, Sbree Sbree, Sabree Sabeany baby, beany, and a TON more cut nicknames, SABRINA ROCKS :)

11/29/2021 15:47:06

Never knew that there was so many Sabrina's Mines Sabrina Lynn ..its weird reading through everyones and seeing all the nice names i have been called...Brina, Bri,Brat,Breezy, and Bean... I to have also got the Witch comment alot while growing up but im pretty phased to it now I'mean gosh our names that great they named a show after us! lol... well its really cool seeing how many people have the'same name... and hello to all of you!

11/29/2021 13:57:18

My friend used to call me "Saab" as in the car brand.

11/25/2021 21:12:00

I love my name!! I always comments like.. oh.. that's a beautiful name! I too, am named after Charlies Angels! most people think It's after'sabrina the witch from "bewitched.. ;o)" But, I have learned that many shows, movies .. etc.. have the name.. My mother chose it because she needed a name you can say in both German and English.. Because those are the languages my family speak! A lot of my friends have shortened it to Brina, but many don't because they think It's just a really nice name and shortening it doesn't do it justice! I too love hearing movies with the name, It's just differnt.. but not so awkward that people can't say it!

11/23/2021 11:33:18

Well, I used to be called "Rebecca" but by the time people finished saying "Rebecca" I was long gone. SO my name got to be "Becky"

11/20/2021 13:06:00

Heyy my name is Sabrina also and there is a lot of people catching on to the right spelling these days, but the worst besides Sabrina the teenage witch lol.. I have been called saprina!! Seriously n by my father n law for years!!! I just go along with but I go by nicknames also: brina, bree, bree-zy, beena, brat brina( uncle from military) lol! LOVE my name it is unique n is Italian but was from a kings daughter that was a princess n was drowned... That's my biggest fear as well ;( they were from United Kingdom love all my SABRINA'S!! =)

11/07/2021 23:09:00

My names is Sabrina and I absolutely love it. I like it because It's not that common. I wouldn't change my name for anything.

10/29/2021 00:20:06

BrrrRaaAp my namez sabrina iz not tha unique but is a nice name big up all the'sabrinaz lol one luv

10/25/2021 14:54:00

I have never met another'sabrina that'spelled her name like mine. The most often remark I get is "Sabrina, the teenage witch"

10/24/2021 17:51:18

i think that the name'sabrina is alright. i have also had all the nick names but it is us which has the'seld esteem to ignore it

10/13/2021 11:00:54

My names sabrina loads of my my mates call me beany or bri! I LOVE IT!

10/08/2021 23:02:42

Hay! My name is Sabrina and everywhere i have been no one has had the'same name as me! Although this is a good thing it can also be bad at times i wish i wasnt the only sabrina so when im in trouble there is someone else to take the blame im young hot and i love my cowboy boyfriend!!!

10/08/2021 20:18:00

I love my name i like looking it up on the internet to see what it mean my name is spelled Sabrina

09/30/2021 07:20:24

this website is so cool! i love my name (which is kailee) and yeah people can never pronounce it or spell it and i cant find stuff w/ my name on it, but its pretty cool anyway!!

09/29/2021 08:27:54

I was named after the older version of the movie "Sabrina". Of course, I am much older than most of you that have posted here. There were very few Sabrinas when I was growing up. After I got into high school, I noticed more and more girls were named Sabrina. Now, I know if I hear my name, it may or may not be someone calling me...before when I was a girl...I knew it was me!

09/28/2021 10:30:18

my names sabrinaa too, :) i looooooove ittt! i hate when people call me sabrina the teenage witch! especially teache's D:

09/28/2021 05:00:54

I love the name'sabrina! My gorgeous eight month old is called Sabrina Louise. I chose the name because I love Audrey Hepburn in the fI'm 'Sabrina'. She is so beautiful and elegant

08/27/2021 00:45:18

My name is Sabrina and I am really happy with it. It is common enough that people know how to spell and pronounce it but not so common that I know other'sabrinas. I get a lot of compliments on it.

08/18/2021 16:22:12

My name is Sabrina and I think thisname is WONDERFULL, I find its very inter'sting tht there was a girl named sabirna ( a celtic princess) and I wsh to find more infromation about this beautifull name;)

08/15/2021 04:11:24

All of us named Sabrina have to love the magical conversion of the name, but hey were great people

08/12/2021 15:48:00

my name is sabrina but most my friends and family call me brina or bri bri. im 14 nd yea always have and always will be called sabrina the teenage witch. but i love my name nd i think its very beautiful. i onlii know about 4 or 5 other people with the name'sabrina. but i alwayts get compliments on how beautiful it is.:)

07/30/2021 00:13:48

Hello fello Sabrinas! I have lots of nicknames too. I go by Brina mostly (even have it on my license plate), and Beanie, Bri, Saba, Beaner...i've always like my name. It's inter'sting to hear of othe's with my name and to see what nicknames you go by. i've only met one other'sabrina in my life. (Definitely sick of the "teenage witch" jokes) :)

07/27/2021 06:21:00

im sabrina & im 12! and my friends call me sabii. sabs,the'sabster, saab , bri bri, they also call me sabrina the teenage witch, but i thinkk its cool :)

07/25/2021 02:11:42

I named my daughter'sabrina. Unique but not so unique that it is odd. Love to say it! :)

07/11/2021 17:56:42

my name is sabrina and i get called sab ,sabraybray , sub , sab sab


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Sabrina FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Sabrina?
The origin of the name Sabrina is Celtic.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Sabrina?
From The River Severn
*️⃣ How many people are named Sabrina?
Almost 138000 people are named Sabrina.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Sabrina?
The names of Sarah, Sara, Zara, Zuri, Zariah