Gender | 👩 Girl |
Pronunciation | 📣 \s(a)-de\ |
Number of People | 👶 10,000 |
Rate in 2021 | 4278 |
Numerology | 🔢 11 |
Name origin | 🌍 American |
Derived from various languages, Sade carries a varied interpretation. It can be seen as a short form or variant of names such as Sarah, Sadie, or Isabeau. In some cultures, it embodies a regal connotation, meaning "princess" or "noble." It also encapsulates qualities of honor, confidence, and grace.
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Yes there are boy reegans out there ,my name is reegan and I'm a boy .reegan/reagan is a unisex name
My name is Sade. I love my name but people do say it wrong...a lot. Some of my friends have accents, so the call me (shar-day), but I'm ok with that.
My wife has constant problems with people pronouncing her name'sade or saide it gets to the point when we get sales calls that we denie all knowledge of that person ever living there
my friend is named sade pronounced shaday she was named after the'singer'sade
My name is Sade and no it is not pronounced 'Shaw-day!' I have been with my GP for 17 years and he'still calls me Sadie. It can get very annoying but It's sometimes funny. Please get it right people!!! lol
hi im from ghana my husband is from nigeria and i was heavily pregnant with our first child.. and i was a bIt'stuck on names so we was name throwing at each other and then he'said this name'sade) i never heard b4 It'sounded so adorible and cute i just loved it as soon as he'said it but her real african name is folasade and i just love it....however people often pronounce it wrong like sadie... and i hate it 2...
My daughters name is Sade spelt with an apostrophe above the 'E', pronounced shar-day or shah-day, named after the nigerian singer, we also like to affectionately call her'shar, shar-shar, shard or shardi, she will answer to any of those. People usually get her name right but she has been called sayde and sadie before now. We also surpisingly have another little girl named Sade on our street who is good friends with our sade.
My name's Sade. (No, duh) and pronounced "Shah-Day" as well. My nickname is Day, which I'mostly i'vented because, It's easier to say, It's still somewhat unique, and I don't like hearing my name being mangled beyond recognition. i've heard: Sadie, Shade (Really❤️ Shade❤️ Yes.), Sahdiay, Sah-day, SHAR-day (That one irritates me), and Suh-day. i've learned to appreciate the uniqueness of my name, and the inevitability of its mispronunciation. On the plus side, I didn't realize so many people had the'same name. It's an incredible relief to see people have the'same experiences with the name I have, and strange to see my name written so many times, since I hardly see it in real life.
The correct pronunciation of the name Aaliyah is AH-lee-yah. This is the Hebrew, Arabic and, I beli've, the'swahili pronunciation. There is many ways this Semitic name is transliterated into English, but the most often is 'Aaliyah.' There are many ways it is pronounced in Western cultures due to a lack of knowledge in the language sound patter's of Semitic languages. When'transliterated 'a' is pronounced 'ah,' 'i' is pronounced 'ee,' and 'u' is pronounced 'oo.' Hope this helps to correct all the confusion and 'I think ... because so and so said' that is out there.
My daughter name is sad❤️ pronounced shaday people always tell her that'she has a beautiful name.
My name is Sharde' my mom named me after the'singer :D People sometimes think its pronounced as Shar-dee. It quite annoying. But I love my name!
I named my daughter'sade and love it. The book I chose the name from said it meant Direct from God. People mispronounce the name all the time which can be annoying but oh well what can you do. I love the name and have no regrets.
My middle name is Sade after the'singer, mother chose it because she'says that'she is one of the most beautiful women in the world. I feel an identity with my name now, it always was who i am, but now i see that Sade is what makes me the individual that i am. - Tamara Sade
my name is sade [shade]. people have been asking me about my name, and i never new what was behind it till know. its been misspelled as sadie and it would realy frusterate me but its been 17 years of mis pronouncing my name but know people are more informed in the name'so thats great. i love my name
Mwen kontan fe konesans, people say, and i say je'mappele Sade. and they say how to spell❤️ and i say S-A-D-E. then'they say, Sade❤️, like jade❤️, but i say no SHAR-DAY!!
my name is Sade and people always says it wrong sometimes they say Sadie, Shade and all kinds of stupid stuff,but i like my name and take pride in telling people how to say it right. PS. Sade is an awesome name
HI'my name is Sade and its pronounced as "shahday". Many people have called me sadie, sade, or sharday (which super annoys me since there is no 'r' in the name)! sometimes i feel annoyed but it reminds me that my name is truly unique. I remember my mom arguing with my first grade teacher on how to pronounce my name! He kept saying it as "sade" with the long 'a' sound and silent 'e'! Lol! I'm just happy I have a classy name with a beautiful meaning!
My name is Sade and i was named after the'singer'sade as well. I have been called Shade, Sharde, Sarde, SUH DAY, Sadie and Sawday. But my name is pronounced Sade (Sah-day. Many people argue with me and say that my mother didnt name me after the'singer because she doesnt pronounce her name that way but she did in fact. I looked up on the internet and Folasade can be pronouce sha day or sah day.
im Naming My Daughter'sade(Sha-day) after the'singer, dont care for the'sHARDAY or sadie enterpretations, so original and unique
MY friends name is Sade prounounced Shaw-day I think It's cool (ps she's 10)
I think It'sounds pretty, I think it would be better to spell it Chardae than Sade.
danngggg i didnt even kno there were soooo many Sade's out there im shocked!. i have a cousin whos name is sade 2 she is a year older then me. we both get annoyed when people say out name wrong. its simply pronounced SHAH-DAY...ppl tend to call me sade, sadie, shawday, sharday and other WRONG
my name is sade but my parents chose to spell it "shardaı" because they didnt want anyone 2 call sadie! i love my name, i always have! i was born in '85... when'the'singer'sade was around, so that's where my parents got the name from. many people get confused as im not nigerian but have a nigerian name! lol
my name is Sade and it is spelled the correct way. After all this time my mom figured people should know how to prononce it. And it gets fun correcting people especially cute boys, because it gives you something to talk about.
My parents are nigerian and named me Folasade, but i go by Sade (shaw-day). Everyone says it wrong the first time they see it. i love the name lot because its different and everyone has their own way of saying it.i have never met anyone with the'same name as me.
my name is sade. my mum called me it because she is nigerian and i love because its so unique and when people ask there like wow or beautiful or some really nice comment. i really hate it when'the'say sadie or said. i wish they learn how to say.
My name is Sada (pronounced as Say-duh), but It's an Americanize version of a Hungarian name'sada (Sharda). Sade(pronounced Shar-de) is also an Hungarian pronunciation. I just wanted to throw out there that there is no "correct" way of pronouncing this name. It depends on your background! ^_^
my name is sharday and i spell it that way to the way its ment to be pronounced.MY MUM named me after the'singer'sade..i todally love my name its so unique and means honor earns a crown and also softly singing.
My name is Sade and upon looking up the meaning of it and discovering It's origins the name is actually supposed to be pronounced "Sa-day". It comes from a part of Africa that was in Spanish control. If you've taken Spanish and know how to pronounce Spanish words then just pretend that that its another'spanish word.
Most of the people commenting to the pronunciation on Sade's name were not old enough or born when she'started her career in the 80's. If you are old enough to remember her in the 80's & actually owned her albums on vinyl, then you will know that the record company printed pronounced (Shar-day) on the album cover. It'sounds like Sha-day when she'says it because of her your research especially if You're named after her.
HI'my name is Sade. I do not pronounce it like the'singers or like sadie. The 'A' is long and the 'E' is silent. I pronounce it like 'MADE' only with an 'S' in front like you were going to 'SNAKE' or 'SILLY'
My name is Sade'. We pronounce It'sadie. Sharday is pretty. And so is Shawday.
I am privileged to actually have the name'sade and I have had it pronounced: Sade, Sadee, Shardee, and numerous other names which I cant possibly remember!
I'm Nigerian and I can say categorically that the name'sade is pronounced SHA-DAY. It is a common Yoruba name and if you said it any other way to a Nigerian, they won't know what you were talking about. Although individuals do have a right to decide how they'll like their names to be pronounced. Sade the'singer is Nigerian but I guess just wanted her name to be pronounced SHAR-DAY.
Hello my name is Sade; pronounced Sayd (The 'a' is long and the 'e' is silent) I have never met anyone with my name or heard of anyone with my exact pronunciation. Most people think its Sadie, Shaw-day, Shar-Day or even Sad-ee. I find it really difficult to get people to call me by the right name but I love it anyways!
I'm calling my daughter'sade but want a different spelling....
My name is Sade and I, too, also get my name mispronounced as Sadie, Shade, Sad, etc. LOL! I didn't realize how beautiful and unique my name was until I got older. It's short for Folasade which is nigerian and means "honor confers a crowns." I just love it and may even give it to my daughter as her middle name. :)
my name is sade. and its pronounced sharday. its spelt like that because its nigerian - so you cant expect it to have an english spelling - when its an afrivcan name. but i love my name, i think its great.
Our daughter from Nigeria is named "Sade" after the Nigerian Singer.Her name has to be pronounced "Shaday". A lot of people say Saadıe.......
I named my son Sade with the long a sound and silent e. I came across the name in The Rolling Stone magazine not realising it was pronounced Sharday or Shawday which all sound beautiful to me. My son had a very hard time with the name because everyone made an issue of It'saying It'should be pronounced Suhday. Just saying because of that issue it made me feel very stupid. I still love the name'sade as i pronounced it but it also took the joy of the name to a different level.
hI'my names Sade too, im 14 and all through school everyone has mispronounced my name'so It's got to the point on some things i spell my name how its said. I love my name as It's different.
well my name is salome am I'meet people with the'same name actually everyone around me pronounce well my name i really like being with people named salome
my name is sade and i love it however people often pronounce it as sadie but my name is pronounce as sharday. BIG UP 2 ALL THOSE PEOPLE WITH The'sAME NAMR AS MINE! and yes it is negerian well so i've been'told.
I named my daughter'sade pronounced Shah-day.People tend to pronounce her name'sadie.I expected that before I named her because people can be so rude and not even'take the time to pronounce a name the correct way.They don't even care when you correct them.And I can't beli've that there are people out there that have never heard of the'singer'sade.
My name is Sade. Most people pronounce it "Shaw-day" or "Shah-day". After researching my name I discovered that its Nigerian with possible influence from the Portuguese. Taking that into effect, all previous pronounciations seem wrong (though if It's your name, you should pronounce it how you want). For me, Sade is pronounced like "Sa-day" or "Sa-dee" or even "Su-day" or "Su-dee" according to Portuguese. I prefer "Sa-day".
I gave birth 2 my 8mnths baby girl, her name is SADE. Everytime when people ask her name then i respond, they turn 2 say "WOW", what a prety name i love the name with all my heart
i have just named my new born daughter rasia-sade and my partner thought it was pronounced "sade" and i have to prove to him it was shar-day and this site has done that for me thank you .Its an amzing name and siuts my daughter perfectly.
i've heard just about every pronunciation of my name. my mother'spelled It'sade' with the accent over the e but It'still gets mispronounced or misspelled. Shah-day. that's how its done. period. my mom talks funny and even she'says it oddly sometimes, she'says Suh-day and i usually tell people that either of those 2 are fine as long as It's not sadie, shade(i am not that dark skinned, lol), sada, or sharda(i)/e. as funny and irritating as It'sounds. i like my name though and It's meaning makes me feel a little bit conceited. lol.
I named my daughter this name after a little girl in a child care centre where I worked, I loved the name for 10 years. I spelt It'shardai to save confusion on pronunciation and she gets Shards as a nickname. I have only met one other person in Australia with this name.
I am currently expecting. The father of my child is nigerian, and I am italian-canadian. I decided that if it is a girl, I am going to name her'sade, but I am not going to pronounce it like it is typically made to be pronounced "sha-day". I'm going to pronounce it like the word "made", or the name "Jade". For some reason I just like it a lot better that way.
I'm a Sade too but its spelled Shadai because like someone else wrote my mother wanted it to be pronounced Sha-day. It gets annoying correcting people at times and when'the add extra letter'sounds it makes me very upset.
My is Sade and i pronouced It'shar-day . Many people have often pronounced my name wrong when'they see it, they say "Sadie" or just ask me how it is said. i dont think there is a wrong or right way 2 pronounce, it just which ever one u like the'sound of 2 choose 4 your baby- "shar-day", "shah-day" or "shaw-day"
My name is Sade (sha-day) some people say my name'should be spelled with an h or pronounce it wrong, but I don't care because I love it and it doesn't matter if they say it wrong because I love being name after a wonderful singer because I love to sing too.
Ma mono sthn dikh sou ekklhsia ginotnai ayta re provato... sthn dikia mas xtes mia aplh lipothymia kai tipota...pffffff... xenera....:))))))KALH ANASTASH... AGAPH... POLY POLY AGAPH!!!
I 've known a few people with the name'sade and i think that name is really pretty. I noticed that people that are unfamiliar with the name often pronounce it as "Sade", the actual pronounciation is "Shaw-day".
While I'may not have any children, I am a professional blue American Pitbull Terrier breeder who chooses human names for my dogs. We whelped a litter in October of 2019 and our number 3 to be born was a striking solid blue girl! My husband wanted to call her 'Cali' after California, his favorite place in the world, but the'spelling seemed a little plain for this unique girl. I chose "Caleigh" (say like Cally) for her because I had never'seen'that'spelling before and it was different, like she is. I found out via this website site that "Caleigh" is in fact an Irish name for a celebration....My husband just happens to be VERY Irish!!! The name fits this little girl so well! She is very much a Caleigh and indeed a reason to celebrate!!!
Sade is pronounce "sharday" like the'singer...It is pronounce "sharday"
My name is Sade most people get it wrong except for those whom have heard of Sade(the'singer) so thats it and i love my name!
i named my daughter "Sade" and people pronounce it as "sade" all the time.
My name'sade and i was named after the'singer im so lucky 2 have sucha nice name:)
OMG....I never imagined that'so many people had my name (Sade')!!! I absolutely love my name and just like many of you guys I was named after the'singer. She was my dad's favorite. People jack up my name all the time as well so often'times if I am ordering take out or something and they ask my name I always give them my last name'so I don't have to hear their horrific pronunciation. I have heard many pronunciations of my name'such as: Saide, Shada, Sahdae, Suhdae, Shudae and Sadie just to name a few. I hate having to correct people, but I hate when people mess up my name. Overall, I love my name and It's spelling!
Hello my name is Sada' (like the'singers but with an "a" instead of "e") Sada' Mone't (government) to be exact lol...anyway although my birth certificate says Sada' my mom had me spelling my name as Sharde' in elementary school and I followed suit until my senior year in highschool where I figured, I better do it the right way now that I am enterning into the "real world" (college adulthood etc lol) and I refused to have the wrong girl walking across the'stage @ graduation lol ...ironically throughout college I reverted back to Sharde and use it in the'social network scene, for branding purposes etc, so I guess it was the right Sharde who walked across the'stage all along ;) either way spelled, I LOVE MY name's!!! remember Miss Sharde' Monet , I promise you haven't heard the last of her ;)
Spelling a name totally different than it is pronounced Isn't cute, or special, it is simply arrogant. Your parents simply wanted to put a big chip on their (and your) shoulder, and dare people to knock it off. If you want people to pronounce something a certain way in the USA, then spell it that way. How it might be written or spelled in some other country or ancient culture is irrelevant. It is no different than if an oriental person insisted that their name be written only in the original symbols, and feign irritation when people looking at it didn't know how to pronounce it.
I spell my name'sadı. But It's also pronouced "shaw-day". I always have the problem of people saying it wrong. Most people I know pronouce it "shar-day" or "shee_day"
I didn't realize how unique my name was until I got to be a senior in my High School. Sade as a name just totally make me more unique and different than i already am and i love it! i even have a unique middle name, andria. there`s an "i" instead of an "e". at first, i thought i was literally the only person (besides the'singer) in the whole world to have this name. and i hated it coz i wanted to have a normal name. but now i love it! lol it kinda bums now finding out there are a lot of sade's out there. i get SO ANNOYED when people mispronounce my name even if i already tell them how to pronounce it. which is "SHARDAY" =)
Some people..all they ever have is a name that is let them have it..and learn how to say it right. Everyone's name is unique to each is their soul and personality.
yes this is my name. many spell it wrong and even some sIt's spell it wrong. it is a scottish name and corretly spelled it is Kayleigh. But i have had many good experiences with this name and am glad am only one i know who is almost 21 with this name in my area.i love this name.
it is so awesome this name came up, we are having a baby and we are trying to create a name from both our names which are Sasha (SA) and Deshawn (DE). Now we have the perfect name for our little girl.
my name is sade, with the accent over the e. people tend to mis pronounce my name'saydee, shade, sayd, shadie or shawday, i only go by the name'sade, shard or char because i cannot stand it when people mis pronounce it cause i figure they should know. i love my name because people tell me how beautiful it is and it makes me unique as i am from england, west yorkshire
Hello my name is Shauday pronounced the'same as everyone else, people mispronounce my name all the time because It's spelled different and not Sade. I love my name and what it means!! Anyone else spell it like me❤️❤️
My daughter's name is Sade just like the'singer. We call her Day or Day Day for short. People pronounce it wrong all the time. We have heard so many compliments about how beautiful her name is and i agree...It's a beatiful name for my beautiful daughter.
This is my namw to, I love my name but hate it when people ask me what my name is and when i tell them they still call me Sarah. Get it right please, cause it totally drives me crazy having it miss-spelled or miss-pronounced all the time. It's SARA, you say It'sa-ra.
My name is also sade and i lived in my parents country for a while (Honduras) i felt like i was the only one with my name over there (i was.lo0ol) but people pronunced It'soo baddd sometimes i just gave them another name like an i'vented one it was so hard for me because my name being so unique in that country it was something totally diferent so it was a shame that almost everybody except my parents and my closes friend (which i taught them how to say it over and over again) couldnt psay my name correctly SHA-DAY sometimes i would spell it like SHADEI so they could get an idea.. it was fun though I LOVE MY NAME and thats the only one i got and its just perrrrfect....
well i really dont care if i would name my son after a vegtable you are really stupid and i pretty much hate whoever you are you dont write something like that on a baby name website and my son will take your son any day and i heard the name on distubia and i love love love it
My mother was a lover of Sade's music so when I was born, she named me after her, only she'spelled it the way It's pronounced. My name is Shardaye. Most people have a hard time spelling my name and pronouncing it. I really don't see why because It's a very easy yet elegant name.
My name is Sade. As I have got older I learned to love my name, it is soft, pretty and unique. The only problem is that nobody can pronounce it once they see how it is spelled. It is simple if people don't look at how it is spelled. It's just two syllables (Shah-Day).
im cuban but a lot of our culture is traced back to the yoruba which was the original tribe that lives in present day nigeria. the yoruba were a great people that basically are many of the ancestors of people on this side of the atlantic today. i want to name my daughter'sade or sadia (which is a form of sade) but i like it better pronounced sahdia or sahde which is how is looks in spanish. i would like to incorporated both cultures this way. there's no 'right' way to spell your fact you can make up your own spelling or pronunciation because a name'should be unique. whether It's pronounced shaday or sahday...sade is a beautiful name that means 'crowned' and basically refers to royalty or a yoruban queen. a very unique name you should be proud of.
My name's Sade' pronounced Shar-day. I get many substitute teache's calling me saide or sadie. My nicknames are: Shards, Chardonnay, Shampagne, Sardines, Shadow, Sadie, Shade and Shorty, (even'though I'm tall!) I love my name!!! i've never met another'sade'!
My name is folasade for short It's sade and somtimes people say sadie and my entire class has to say sade correctly.❤️❤️❤️❤️
The correct pronounciation is to first start with the Egyptian Sun god's name "Rah" and end with the "saan" (sun or sawn) sound. This name is very popular and the correct pronounciation of it is important; especially since there are two men, that I know of who are famous artist/jazz musicians in their field: Rahsaan Roland Kirk and Rahsaan Patterson. Now, including myself, I know two other men who are members of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. who carry such a prestigous name; spelled differently but pronounced the'same. Much love to all Rahsaan(s) in the world!
My name is Sade and my mother pronounces it the'same as its spelt. i love my name :)
I realy like the name although it is not mine it gets on my nerves when people pronounce it wrong.
yes people spell it wrong but its fun havingsuch an unfamiliar spelling and prunuciation, makes me fell unique=)
my name is sade and alot of people forget the ifen on the top of the (e) however my name is still pronounce "sharday" and i love it.
My name is sad'e, my mother added an apostrophe to help with the pronounciation but to no avail .Everyone I'meet thinks it is a nice name and kids at school love the way it is spelled. People mispronounce my name alot, i've heard everything in the book. My name is pronounced shaday. But i respond to sharday too, because some kids like to obnoxiously yell out SHAAAADAY ( kind of like shawty), so i rather have them call me sharday. I have never meet anyone with the'same name though.
My name is Sade. I was named after the'singer, but all of my teache's at my school would say my name wrong. Only a couple people would know I was named after the'singer after I corrected them. It gets annoying sometimes, but I like knowing that my name Isn't a common name, like Hannah or Sarah. It's...Unique.
Hello my name is sade And within my 17 years of living people have always made fun of my name and made jokes and tried to tell me how to spell it. But I'm over it NOW........
This is my son's name and we always get very positive comments on his name.
Nickname of Folasade. Named after'sade, as well. The pronunciation always gets screwed over, which is a shame as It's such a gorgeous name. (:
hI'my name is Sade. I just found out that it means 'honour confers acrown" People often'tell me I have a beautiful name. my nickname is Dykie pronounced "daykee". so glad there are othe's with similiar experiences
my name is folasade but people call me sade for short.and it is often pronounce correctly.i really love the name and i like people bearing it with me.i guess this the favorite name of the yoruba people.
i've heard it pronounced "Shar-day," "Shah-day" and now "Shaw-day." And, of course, there's the idiots who think It's pronounced literally, "sade."
My name is CHAWDAY, im native american, italian/german and mexican. I pronounce it "CHAW-DAY"... i was named after the'singer my mom just decided to put a twist on the'spelling.... but i love my name i never knew what it meant though❤️
My name is Sade (short for Folasade). All of you saying there is an accent over the e are actually incorrect. The Yourba spelling has a dot below the's, but no accent over the e.
my name is sade but its spelled like "Chadae" people mispronounce it lyk "sharday" or "chad-day" but its pronounced "sha-day"
i love this name its not mines but when i have a daughter that will definitely be her name i first heard it when i was a teacher's aid it was a preschooler's name loved it the'second i heard it an that was 3 years ago and i found out a singer made the name more known she pronounced it as "Shar-day" but the little girl said he's as "Sha-day" they say both is right