Gender | 👩 Girl |
Pronunciation | 📣 \a-bbi-gail\ |
Number of People | 👶 12,000 |
Rate in 2021 | 3602 |
Numerology | 🔢 7 |
Name origin | 🌍 Hebrew |
Emerging from its Hebrew origins, the name Abbigail is further elaborated as 'My father is joy', a tribute to an inherent paternal happiness. This expression embraces an endearing affection, right at its core and conveys a deep-seated relationship between a parent and child.
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My name is Abbigail! I love the name! It's just a cute name!
my name is abbigail and everyone speel it with one B
In the fI'm "Halloween'town" the grandma of the girl is called Abbigail Crownwell and I think that this name is cool. I liked! and you can say "Abbigail" or "Abbi" or "Abbie"... Is a very usefull and pretty name in my opinion
We named our daughter Adelaide and have gotten'tONS of compliments on it. Unique without being weird, and everyone says how much they like it. We also use Addie, which is so girly!
this is my baby girl's name, often people says pronounce wrong like hailey but and they have hard time to understand it, since we wanted to sound like HI'Lee. not Hai'lee I havent come acroos with someone that has the'same name
I love this name. I am going to have my first child in october, a baby girl. My entire time I was in school, I only knew one abbigail. And, I have not heard of another one since. It's a very beautiful name and I love the meaning.
My name is Abbigail. My friends know me as Abbi. I was born on 14 June 1988 (I'm 33 years old) and I live in the England, in the county of Hampshire. My father gave me this name and added the extra 'b' by 'mistake' although I'm not sure this is true he always strived to be unique, he'simply was an extrovert and liked to be different - this makes more sense if you had ever known him!
i just recently had a baby. shes 6 weeks old today and her name is Abbigail. yes with the two b's. it just made more sense to spell it with 2 b's. there is not "wrong" way to spell a name. in fact my name is brittany. i cannot even'tell you how many ways to spell my name. people say my way is the right way some say britney is right. so whats wrong with Abbigail❤️ i love it. my husband is a huge beatles fan and likes to use Abbey as her nickname. yes we add the e and the y but the 2 b's are perfect! its not Abi. you always see Abby, Abbi, Abbie or Abbey... why not Abbigail! i love it and it fits her!
my name's Abbigail :) and I shorten it to Abbi. how can it cause misspellings❤️ It is a name, you have been named that, so that is how it is spelt. there is no right or wrong way to spell it. and i was born in 2004. and it is not a lack of education!
I have a daugther that was born May 7, 2021 and her name is Abbigail. My husband thought I was crazy adding the extra b, i've always like to be unique, so it just fit!! I didn't know anyone else had done the'same!! I love the way it looks with two b's. It makes sense to me cause alot of time we call her "Abbi", it looks better than "Abi". Her middle name is May, I chose May over Mae cause 1, I like to be unique and 2, that was the month she was cute is "AbbI'may"❤️❤️❤️
seems a misspelling of 'abigail' and a sign of a lack of education.
Who cares if It's a common name❤️ I love Eric the'same with other common names, like let's say 'Mike'. I hate when people say common names are boring.
My name is Abbigail, I go by Abbi. I have many people tell me that I spelled it wrong and for a long time I thought that any girl who spelled it any other way was wrong. I finally have come to the conclusion that the name Abbigail is so unique, that no spelling could possibly be wrong. The name is original and every girl and woman that has the name is destined to shine in this crazy world we live in!
My name is Abbigail, and people always spell it wrong. I have to constantly stand up to employers, school, and even extended family who insist It's "no big deal" if my name is spelled right or not! I think it is cute, and unique, and I don't understand why people with the name Abigail shorten'their name to "abby"-adding letters that aren't even'there. I'm an Abbi and I'm proud!
my name is abbigail it gets mis spelt all the time,i get called abagale abygale i hate it as a name and im from perth western aust
my daughter is named Abbigail, I never thought spelling it any other way, I liked the way it looked on paper and don't care what anyone else thinks!
i love this name...i spelled my daughters name w two b' make it different.
er boddii effin spells my name wrong. it makes me so mad all the time.but they are just hatin because they are slow and they cant spell at leats i have che'sea i love her
my lil sis's name i abbigail she was born 2 days after christmas!! love her'so much i call her abbie or abby idk i dont write her name much
My husband and I named our daughter "Abbigail" this past April We both have college educations and we made a conscious decision to spell her name this way. Even if we hadn't it is still a beautiful way to spell Abbigail. I have met othe's who've named their daughters Abbigail and they love it too. Family members have poked fun at the'spelling but we don't get offended or make much of it at all. It was our choice to spell it like that as it is their choice to pick on us. People have always spelled my name wrong and it has a very traditional spelling. I never get upset or think less of people who spell my name incorrectly. That's just life and I plan to instruct Abbi with have the'same understanding. Once the name is on a birth certificate, it becomes the correct way to spell that child's name.
My daughter is ABBIGALE...we love the name and so does she...everyone tells me that I spelled it wrong theough...then I explain to the that we spelled it this was NOT to be different but so they SHE would have an easier time shortening her name to Abbi by just dropping the ending.
Abbigail is the name I have picked out for my baby girl, when I have one.(I keep having boys!) Everyone spells it wrong, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I love this name!
This is my daughter's name (she's 2). I think It's beautiful, elegant and simple. I don't think we could have picked a better name for her --- It's unlikely she will ever have another Geneva in her class, yet It's not so weird or usual that no one's ever heard it before. i've never had anyone mispronounce it. We've never met another Geneva in person, but It's not uncommon to run into someone who says it is/was there grandmothe's/great aunts, etc. name. I had a young man recently tell me it was "old school" in a good way. I won't be surprised if it re-surges in popularity in the next decade.
My daughter is planning on naming her daughter Abbigail. I am imploring her to just use one 'b'. I say it may be cute now, but it will just cause a lifetime of spelling errors and anxiety for her daughter.
You prononce it May-see.i've never had any problems with the name.And,I love it!
I think Abbigail with two b's is perfect. Why should everyone spell the name the'same way. Aren't we all suppose to be unique!
My friend naming her baby girl Abbigail after her mother. I think It's adorable!!!
My granddaughter is Abbigail, and its rare to find things spelled that way so we just have them made for her, we call her Abby or Crabby Abby, or Gabby Abby, shes now 16 months old....
I love my name It Abbigail too (y) Not many people have it with 2 "b" anymore but there isnt that many Abbigail's ... so its unique
I named my daughter Abbigail in 2013 (Abbie). When I wrote the name out, I felt that the 2 b's made It'stand out more. I actually found a little girl named Abbigail who lives near by. My great grandmother was Abigail. I just thought one b wasn't enough!
People always assume that it is spelt with only one 'b'. I have never met anyone else with this spelling of 'Abbigail'.
I love my name. Im 27 and my name is Abbigail. I read the negative comments and they are a bit mean. My father is wonderful with his spelling and actually teaches English. He gave me 2 b's because he wanted "a unique spelling for a unique girl" he wanted the name its self because of its meaning. I know this spelling has become more common now but it is still rare ❤️
People mostly spell it Abigail. Abbigail is the only one whith the name Abbgiail.
We named our daughter Abbigail, after browsing different ways to spell it, I couldn't make up my mind, so I asked my husband how we should spell it, he'spelled with the 2 b's, thinking that was the normal way (though I knew it wasn't) and thought it was the most beautiful way to spell the name, and determined Abbi was also the best- it looked very upper class and sophisticated. My daughter is now 21 months and I am very proud of her name and hopefully she will be too.
I'd love to own this name, then I could be Abbie. But I'm Abbygail. :(
A name I would expect from someone who can't spell.
People usually spell it wrong, they only like to use one "b." I'meet people with the'same name but different spellings. Pronounce it Abigail. An I shorten for Abby different to its spelled ABBI.
I named my daughter Abbigail and everyone wants to only spell it with one "B", drives me crazy.
We are thinking of naming our first born son Kale - but are also looking for a nice middle name too.
I am 27 weeks pregnant with a baby girl and my husband and I have decided to call her Abbigail. I chose to spell it this way because I think it will be easier to shorten it to Abbi without confusing her by having to add and extra "b". My name is Tricia and it drives me crazy when people write Trish or Patricia on my cards and documents. I beli've that even'the'spelling of a person's name will have a bearing on their personality. I am not Trisha, I am Tricia. And my daughter will be Abbigail Lynn.
Why has "Caden" taken off so much in popularity recently❤️ I know 3 kids in Hawaii named after me. I'm 33, and I think I'm one of the oldest Caden's around.
My wife and I named our daughter Abbigail first because it looks correct but probably more because her last name'starts with a B and some day some boy will come along ask for her hand and marry her changing her last initial but he will never get rid of the'second B!
Hi, my name is Abbigail. I do love my name, but some people seem to like to criticise me for something that wasn't up to me. I am not mad at my mother for giving me this name, nor will I ever despise it. It's a beautiful, and quite elegant name, and It'suits me well. I was very disappointed with the negative comments on this page. I can spell and read anything of any level if difficulty like other people. I'm glad to be different and have a "unique" name (although there's only an extra "b") and will proudly introduce myself as Abbigail!
In doing research I recently discovered my great grandmother was Abbigail. I thought the'second b was a typo, but it was not. By "coincidence" my 2 year old grand daughter is also Abbigail. Guess my daughter'spelled it "right".
The'surname Mackenzie in Scottish Gaelic is MacCoinneach which means son of the fair one.The Mackenzies are beli'ved to have the'same ancestry as the Clan Matheson and Clan Anrias. All three are said to be descended from Gilleoin of the Aird, a Gaelic dynast who lived in the early 12th century. Another theory is that all three are descended from the thirteenth century Kermac Macmaghan.The chiefs of the Clan Mackenzie are said to have been settled at their great stronghold on Eilean Donan by 1297. All of the earliest traditional Clan Mackenzie histories claim descent from a Fitzgerald progen'tor. These histories include those by John Mackenzie of Applecross (died c.1684/5), George Mackenzie first Earl of Cromarty (died 1714) and the unpublished Letterfearn, Ardintoul and Allangrange manuscripts.[8] It is beli'ved that all of these histories ultimately derive from a single manuscript created by WillI'm MacQueen, Parson of Assynt in 1576, now lost. Alexander Mackenzie followed the Fitzgerald scheme for the first edition of his History of the Mackenzies in 1879, but abandoned it in his later 1894 edition based on the intervening publication of genealogies contained in MS 1467.MS 1476 was compiled 200 years before the earliest surviving Mackenzie traditional history. The Mackenzie and Matheson genealogies in MS 1467, which end c.1400, both derive from a Gilleoin of the Aird, but make no mention of Fitzgerald. The genealogies in MS 1467 have been interpreted as in part a census of the military resources available to Domhnall lord of the Isles in a period when he was seeking to make good his wife's claims to the earldom of Ross, culminating in the battle of Harlaw in 1411. Based on MS 1467 and a series of charters associated with Beauly Priory, it has been suggested that the Mackenzies and Mathesons were junior branches of the Del Ard family, heirs to Gilleoin of the Aird.The'senior line of this family, prominent in the 13th and 14th centuries, terminated in the heiress Margaret del Ard, the Lady of Erchless, who married Alexander Chisolm of Cromer c.1350. In the 14th century during the Wars of Scottish Independence the Clan Mackenzie is said to have been among the clans who fought on the'side of Robert the Bruce at the Battle of i'verurie (1308) against the forces of the Clan Comyn who were rivals to the throne. Chief Iain Mac Coinnich is said to have led a force of five hundred Mackenzies at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 where the English were defeated. Later in the 14th century the Mackenzies are said to have become involved in battles against their powerful neighbour the Earl of Ross and his allies. This resulted in the capture and subsequent execution of chief Kenneth Mackenzie in 1346.Soon after this it appears that his successor as chief of the clan Mackenzie was living in an island castle in Loch Kinellan near Strathpeffer in Easter Ross and it was from this base that the clan was to advance westward once again to Kintail.
Hi All! We having our first baby now in November 2021. We have decided to call our little girl ABBI-GAIL. We decided to put in the - just to be different and that our girl can be her own little individual and unique as she will be! Well I hope you all have a good day and keep well! Mommy2be Sandra
My name is Abbigail and I love it. My mom gave the name to me thinking it was an old Irish way of spelling it, but I don't actually think it is.
My name is Abbigail and I love it. My mom actually did spell it wrong when I was born. She meant to spell it as Abigail but accidentally added an extra "B". It's no big deal to me when people spell it wrong. I also don't care when people spell my nickname "Abbi", "Abby", "Abbie", etc.. i've seen It'so many different ways. If It's a nickname, why does it matter❤️ It's weird that other people have this name besides me. I always thought I was the only one.. It's awesome to see that I'm not. Although, It's not as unique..
It's a great name! my dad was drunk when he'spelt it on my birth certificate, but i still think he made the right choice. i love it when he calls me 'a-buh-buh-gail'.
I have a baby that is 7 weeks old today. I named my baby Abbigail Jean so I could call her Abbi Jean. I noticed there were numerous ways to spell the name and I liked Abbi the best. It fits her.
Hey:) My name is, Abbigail and I grew up around a lot of other people that have the name, "Abigail" It made me feel special to have my name a different spelling then'them. I like my name and I'm sorry that people think It's spelled wrong because It's not... it is how my name is and forever will be. Hope you all have a nice day:)