
Abbie meaning

: joy of my father.

Abbie Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a(b)-bie\
Number of People 👶 22,000
Rate in 2021 3789
Numerology 🔢 10
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Abbie Name Meaning

Abbie, a diminutive and playful form of Abigail, carries meaning deeply rooted in joy and parental pride. The full meaning signifies one who is a "joy of my father," indicating a beloved child who is a source of happiness and pride for their family, particularly their father.

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Comments on the name Abbie
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Abbie, and I love it. People tend to think I'm a quiet person. It is pronounced Ab-ee. People most often spell my name wrong thinking its "Abby". I don't meet many people with the'same name. Infact, I never have.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Everyone spells my name wrong,.. I am called Abbie, and my mum's name is gail Abbie and gail :)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is abigail, but i like abby better. A lot of people spell it with ie, but i was taught to end it with a y. i like it better that way, because it makes me different.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

hI'my name is abbie and people do spell my name wrong alot i love my name bacause in the bible it means peace maker and that is exacly what i am well i love my name what about your name do you like your name❤️❤️❤️❤️ p.s.i found this website by mistake❤️ =-)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Abbie i love my name the'spelling is rare around here. but people always ask me if my reel name is abigale but it is'nt. but its a rilly cool name lol.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is abbie. i love it. its plain and simple like me, not some long drawn out name like abigail (which if u say It'slow enough, It'sounds like 'a big ale'...kind of unatractive) anyway no one i know spells it the'same way and everyone thinks itsthe coolest name'spelling ever. so i love it and everyone tells me its beautiful so if you are thinking of naming your girl abbie i say do it!! :)

12/13/2023 15:39:08

It's unique, and I like that. I think there should be more originality in names. Don't go with the name Abby because It's 'in', go with Abbie because it fits your daughter's original selves. My name is Abby but I wish I was Abbie.

12/10/2023 19:28:12

My names Abbie and it is the best name in the world so I fell sorry for the people who aren't named Abbie!!

12/10/2023 16:14:14

My names abbie too, It annoys me when people spell it wrong, but ill get over it, Its quite a nice name x

11/17/2023 02:30:04

Hello, My name is Abbie, And LOADS of people call me Ab's or spell my name Abbey, Abbi, And Abby. My dad even Wanted to call me Abby! But anyway, I love my name because it means Father's Joy/Father's Rejoice/Gives joy. This is Simple amazing, because Many people admire me. Good Luck to all you non-Abbie's out there!

11/09/2023 01:24:58

Hello! ageekkd inter'sting ageekkd site! I'm really like it! Very, very ageekkd good!

10/25/2023 01:41:46

some people spell my name aby ,abbiye,abby and lods more

10/22/2023 01:41:36

Im Abbie and I think It's the best name in the world! And I only have this one thing that buggs me. And that's when people called abigail, spell their name Abbie so then everyone calls them abbie. This girl in my class is called Abbie and all i hear is people calling her name :( when she is actually called abigail And I like the fact you can spell abbie loads of different ways:- ABI ABBIE ABY ABBY ABBI ABBEY ABBIY<---not sure..

10/19/2023 09:37:32

my name is Abbie, and its annoying everyone mistakes it for Abigail when my name is Just Abbie

10/18/2023 06:35:16

My name is Abbie and I like it, whenever i went on holiday i like to get soverniors with my name on but when i looked it was spelt differently, the way i spell it is more common now so I'manage 2 get some !!!

10/09/2023 19:13:00

my name is abbie, and i like it. i get christmas and birthday cards even off my family members where it is often spelt abi or abby or even aby.

10/08/2023 05:18:18

hello there my best friend is called abbie and its a great name ... i always call her abbie gail to wind her up . but there you go there is a good and bad side to everything. abbie is a nice cute name. go on call your child it. haleigh xx

09/19/2023 20:45:56

hI'my name is abbie i lovemy name it one of the best names in the world xxx

09/15/2023 00:23:08

My names Abigail, but people call me abbiee. i spell it with an extra e because alot of people have that name at my school. and i wanted to be diffent than the other ones. and also, my name is constantly mispelled. its annoying actually.

08/31/2023 03:18:38

My name is Abbie. Abbie Rose, after the Beatles Abbey Road, but obviously my parents changed Road to Rose. My mom fought my dad on the'spelling, he wanted it to stay Abbey, but my mom won. It's ironic because the majority of people assume It's spelled -ey so I'm always correcting them.

08/08/2023 05:44:18

i christened my daughter Abbie because i loved the name although i didnt like abigail so i am delighted it is a stand alone name and not just a shortened version. plus she really is dsddy pet so fathe's joy is the perfect meaning for her name

07/29/2023 05:02:36

Fee, I am in love with your website! You are a true dosemtic and garden goddess, and I am very jealous!Found this via your facebook link about Jon's One Star bread. I will n't be telling Matt, as he will want to know why I cann't cook like a Fee Kempton!Loving the photos of Abbie too. So grown up to be starting school where has the time gone❤️ Do come and visit us would love to see you all. Joseph is walking now, and is a whirling dervish and loves visitors (new people to show off in front of just like his Dad!). We'd love to have you .Love Kat xx

07/29/2023 02:41:32

Im called Abbie and i fricken hated it its so common and one of the most boring names on the planet.

07/16/2023 04:03:06

Guys are weird that way, mine ran everytime I took the book out. I ended up mainkg a list of about 20 names that I liked and I gave it to him. He was forced to pick which ones were his favorite. Needless to say, he actually went through the list and had comments about every single one! Just an idea. Was this answer helpful❤️

07/12/2023 19:13:56

I Luv My Name , Abbie, but i think i wud prefer abbi it luukz better in weirdmaker :P

07/03/2023 03:03:36

I love this name. My name is Abbie but a lot of people spell it Abby or Abbey. I also have a nickname it is Abigail and Abbiesue. But my middle name is Lorene. I know two people named Abby but no one like mine - Abbie.

06/14/2023 18:13:36

my name is abbey and people always forget the e in my name it makes me mad i never meet anyone by the'same name but i love my name

06/14/2023 17:38:20

My daughter's name is Abilene but we call her Abbie. She is named after Abilene, Kansas. NOT Abilene, Texas. Everyone spells it Abby, or Abbi.... but It's ABBIE!

06/02/2023 10:34:28

my name is abbie and i think its a really good name cause a am popular and pretty :)

05/13/2023 15:56:38

My name is Abbie and I couldn't ask for a better name!!! :) My real name is Abigail but I go by Abbie because I like it much better. It's annoying though when people spell my name wrong such as Abby or Abbey! I'make sure to tell them that I spell my name with an "-ie" and I like it that way! :) So mother's name your daughter Abbie!

05/11/2023 19:16:22

My name is often spelled differently (i spell it Abbie, but when people spell it Abby, Abbey, ect, i never mind. Its still pronounced the'same way (my sister gets quite bothered though) Everyone always says they like my name'so that is good, and when you say it, you have to smile!

05/02/2023 06:02:22

It's a very common name but i don't mind it... i get bullied by my so called friend aislinn mooreeeeeee so i guess It's alright

04/19/2023 02:41:48

My name is Abbie, and people always confuse me for Abigail, or spell my name completly wrong!

04/17/2023 15:43:26

The's this boy named baliey in my class and im in'the 4th grade and if You'read this baliey thene i like you Bye i love you baliey and if you do read this thene talk to me monday please to let me know if You'read this Bye and put a comen't on here about you ohh and i go to certral elenentary Bye

04/15/2023 12:52:52

My Name Is Abbie And This Boy Keeps Calling Me Abigail And Thats Not My Name Its Abbie Its Even On My Birth Certificate, Its So Annoing. Grr

04/15/2023 10:49:26

My names Abigail but i shorten it to abbey as i think it looks prettier, ther's not that many people i know with the'same name as me :) which is good as you dont see it very often. its taken me a while to like my name, when i was growing up i wanted to be a becky or a sophie like evrybody else but know i think its better to be unique and rare! :)

03/10/2023 07:51:06

I'm looking for the name of my daughter to be born! I think this is the one!

02/21/2023 09:59:28

My names Abbie At My School In London There Are 12 People In My Year With The'same Name & Thats Only My Year ! Its So COmmon !

01/31/2023 19:40:12

my name is abigail but i prefer abbie, most people spell my name rong they spell abigail: abbigail and spell abbie: aby, abby, abi or abbey. ther's only 1 more person in school named abigail.

01/28/2023 21:08:12

my names sasha but my best friend is called abbie im just looking on google asking what my friends names mean mine means defendor of man

01/20/2023 11:31:44

Daughter looking for differant way to spell Abby...I recommended Abei or Abbi. Problem is she'll probably have the nickname "Abs"!

01/20/2023 09:10:40

I named my daughter Abigail Lucy, but we always call her Abbie. I gave her the name Abigail on her birth certificate incase she wanted the choice when she was older of a more professional type name. But I dont really like Abigail and everyone except her great grandparents call her by her chosen name.... Abbie. She'suits her name. Its a cute fememine name. Abbie is good natured, funny, lively and clever!

01/04/2023 12:17:52

My name is Abigail, but I hate being called that, so I go by Abi. The one thing that I HATE about my name is that people always spell it wrong. Like Abby, Abbie, Abbey, and even Abe or Abbe, etc. They can just never guess that it would be spelled Abi.

12/30/2022 23:33:32

My name is Abbie and i think its ok but i hate being called Abigail.In my year at school there is 6 Abbies and it is soon common!

12/27/2022 07:23:32

my sisters name is abigail but she likes 2 be called abi :)

12/16/2022 18:03:36

We called our 1st born son Wyatt; we saw it in a baby name book, and we knew about the legend of Wyatt Earp. We love it, as it is a bit different. Most of our family and friends like it too. He certainly isnt Quiet Wyatt!

12/10/2022 20:24:20

This is my fiancee's name. I think It's unique, if a bit too American (I am BrIt'sh). He gets sick of people calling him Wesley Snipes though, and tends to shorten it to Wes. Tend to pronounce it Wezley or Wez but his mother'still calls him Wesssley :o)

12/09/2022 20:53:40

my name is Abbie and i like it for It's originality, I'm the only girl in my school with the name and i like it that way. My Friends have common names like Jack and Emma and they like the uniqueness of my name

12/09/2022 04:08:34

I named my daughter Abbie. My name is also "different"-Aimee. Therefore we share an initial and an unusual spelling. It fits her. She has made it her own!

12/04/2022 01:00:12

My name is abbie, and i quite like it. however it is common so if you want to call your baby'something unique - dont call her abbie! :)

11/24/2022 05:00:38

Its my name and i love It'some people call me Abigail but most call me Abbie

11/16/2022 18:19:34

How fun, and I hope it went well !I can imagine that there must be both the fusnient and perhaps the greatest challenge to work with children at a fotoshot. Men most likely just fun! Yes, imagine that we are already in progress making plans for Christmas. Time passes too quickly, it feels like it was just Spring.Friendly, Aina

11/05/2022 08:42:56

Don't get me wrong, I like being called Abbie but sometimes I wish my name was different. There are 3 other Abbie's in my School and It's annoying because I don't know whether they are referring to me or one of the other Abbie's. My friends call me loads of different nicknames which is quite cool. I hate it when people call me Abigail though. Overall, though, I think Abbie is a cute name I'd recommend calling your daughter. x

10/08/2022 22:06:38

I named my daughter Abbie, although people do spell it wrong alot. Ive also the'same problem with my sons name Aaron... But I love their names... Abbie and Aaron :)

10/08/2022 01:32:18

My name is abbie i hate it when people spell it wrong. My real name is abigail but i prefer abbie that what i like about my name i can spell It'so many different ways. Its a simple but unique name.

08/20/2022 20:44:06

My name is Abbie, and I love this particular way of spelling Abbie. It fits me, and I wouldn't have it any other way : ) So, momma's name your babie's Abbie with an i-e, and forget about those y's!

07/01/2022 11:06:18

my little sisters name is abbie..and i think its cute!

05/29/2022 17:07:12

I love the meaning of the name Abbie (Father's Joy) I also love the fact that it will carry my daughter right through her life, when she is young, through her teenage years and as she gets older, I spell my daughter's name Abbie, and I didnt call her Abigail because I knew she would never be called that.

05/04/2022 18:42:36

i like the name abbie because it is my nieces name

04/16/2022 04:11:24

Hello! cfcakcd inter'sting cfcakcd site! I'm really like it! Very, very cfcakcd good!

04/07/2022 17:58:30

I think the name Abbie is sooooo common but It's a pretty name for a young girl xoxoxox

04/04/2022 15:51:36

My nick name is Abbie and i hate it when people call me Abigail. Its pronounced ab-ee. And lots of people spelll my name abi or abby but i dont realy mind. I also get bullied because i get called scabby Abbie, so thats why im not all for the name. Other than that its pretty good name x

03/15/2022 13:39:18

I like my name, Abbie no one in my school Has it! All my teache's call me Abagail, so i just ignore them!(: But i love my name(; But don't name your kids that!(:

03/13/2022 13:09:36

Abbie is my name i like it very much but a lot of people spell it wrong im lucky to have this name as my mum nearlly called me something else Abbie xxx

03/07/2022 05:16:12

I am called Abii and it is the best name eva Advice for parents if you are unsure about what to call your baby girl call her Abii!!

03/04/2022 23:17:06

my name is abbie and i think its pretty alright, i like it. sometimes i wish it was a real pretty and rare name but then i realize abbie fits me perfect

02/10/2022 23:19:48

People sometimes spell my name abby or abbey or even abi. it is shortened to the nickname'shabsta or abiola by my best freinds. i used to be bullied by people calling me scabby abbie but the name is pretty and feminine

07/13/2021 21:11:06

Hi im abbie but my friends call me abs and i hate people spell my name wrong because then you have to tell them but i do recommend for little girls to be called abbie as it a lovely name

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Abbie FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Abbie?
The origin of the name Abbie is Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Abbie?
joy of my father.
*️⃣ How many people are named Abbie?
Almost 22000 people are named Abbie.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Abbie?
The names of Michael, John, Abigail, Hannah, Sarah