
Alvine meaning

: friend of the elves.

Alvine Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a-lvi-ne, al-vine\
Number of People 👶 122
Rate in 2021 5686
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 English
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Alvine Name Meaning

The name Alvine, often used as a feminine name, holds an enchanting aura. Deriving from Old English elements "Aelfwine", it literally means "friend of the elves". In a broader context, "elves" embody wisdom, magic, and nature in folklore, so someone who is a "friend of the elves" might be considered wise, attuned to supernatural elements, or close to nature.

Alvine Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Alvine
Additional description of the name Alvine

The name Alvine, a variation of the Old English name Aelfwine, can trace its roots back to the Anglo-Saxon period in England. Elf-based names, such as Alvine, were quite popular during this era due to the prominent belief in supernatural elves in the society. However, with the advent of Christianity, these names saw decline, only to revive during the 19th-century Gothic revival.

Cool Info About Name Alvine

Additional name description Alvine
Additional name description Alvine

While the name Alvine is not commonplace, its uniqueness contributes to its charm. The name is unisex but leans more towards feminine usage, and it hasn't had higher popularity registers. Nevertheless, it's a distinctive choice for parents in search of a unique name steeped in historical and supernatural charm.

On the personality front, individuals named Alvine might be perceived as wise, intuitive, and lover of nature, embodying traits associated with elves whom they are named as friends. They might be seen as individuals who possess a deep understanding of life's mysteries and showcase a natural affinity towards all living beings.

Conclusively, Alvine, with its classic charm and beautifully unique meaning, remains a timeless option ideal for those desiring a name with a touch of mythical allure and whisper of wisdom and friendship. While not in the mainstream, its rarity only adds to the depth of this historical gem, making it an intriguing choice for the modern, discerning parent.

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Alvine FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Alvine?
The origin of the name Alvine is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Alvine?
friend of the elves.
*️⃣ How many people are named Alvine?
Almost 122 people are named Alvine.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Alvine?
The names of Alan, Alina, Alaina, Alana, Alayna