
Brent meaning

: high place or hill.

Brent Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \b-re-nt\
Number of People 👶 140,000
Rate in 2021 2687
Numerology 🔢 5
Name origin 🌍 English
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Brent Name Meaning

The name Brent is of Old English and Old Norse origin. It means "high place" or "hill," symbolizing strength and stability. The name evokes an image of a tall, solid hill standing firm against the elements, a metaphor for a person who is reliable, steadfast, and strong.

Hear the Meaning Brent

Brent Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Brent
Additional description of the name Brent

Brent has roots in Old English and Old Norse, where it originally meant "high place" or "hill." It was often used as a topographical surname for individuals who lived near a hill. Over time, Brent became used as a first name, especially in English-speaking countries.

In addition to its English origins, Brent is also a place name. The Brent River in London and the Borough of Brent, as well as the town of Brent, Alabama in the United States, all carry the name.

Cool Info About Name Brent

Additional name description Brent
Additional name description Brent

Brent has been used by several notable individuals, adding to its appeal:
Brent Spiner: An American actor known for his role as Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Brent Seabrook: A Canadian professional ice hockey defenseman who played for the Chicago Blackhawks in the National Hockey League.

In terms of popularity, Brent was most popular in the United States from the 1960s through to the 1980s. Though its popularity has declined somewhat since then, it remains a solid, classic choice.

The name Brent is often associated with qualities of strength, reliability, and steadfastness, reflecting its meaning of "high place" or "hill." It's a name that suggests resilience and firmness, characteristics many parents might wish for their children.

In conclusion, Brent is a name with a rich history and a strong, appealing sound. Its associations with high places reflect qualities of strength and stability, making it a solid choice for a boy's name. Whether you're drawn to its historical roots, its geographical connections, or its simple, cool sound, Brent is a name that stands the test of time.

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Comments on the name Brent
01/14/2024 00:00:00

yo dogs. my name is GENEVi'veVE YEAH WHOOO YEAHH<33333

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I like my name, it is n't common, it cann't be shortened, and it is strong. The only nickname I received in school was Burnt, which still gets under my skin when my wife teases me with the name. But she is adorable and named Shasta.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My husband (24 years old) is named Brent, and it has proved to be a good, solid name. Really strong sounding without being boring, yet it is respectable. Plus, it is short, which is a benefIt'since it is n't a mouthful to say. It is a lively name.

12/08/2023 02:48:52

I love my name! It's great because It's bold. Nobody really pronounces it wrong but some people call me Brett or Brint.

12/03/2023 15:50:20

teehee.. this is my ex-boyfriend's name & I LOVE it! i think its so cute & adorable!

08/28/2023 04:11:22

my name is brent and my father is and we are under 50

05/31/2023 13:36:34

I named my son Brent in 2002. I had a friend with the last name Brents and I thought it would make a great first name. People do often mistake it for Brett, but my Brent doesn't mind, he likes his name.

05/24/2023 06:09:28

I gave my firstborn'the name Brent as it is my number 1 choice among the names that'start with B.Many of my friends like this name as it is short and uncommon.I'm a proud mom here to have chosen such a beautiful name for a son.

05/22/2023 12:07:54

Brent is an awesome name it belongs to my hubby and my little brother. My husband LOVES his name, he does get called Brint once in a while.

02/26/2023 19:00:30

I like it! I like it! But my husband doesn't which is a shame because we are expecting baby boy #3 and we are running out of options!

02/05/2023 15:45:22

my friends name is brent and he is so cool so 2 thumbs way way name ur kid this and he will be a smart computer dude rightouse

01/08/2023 17:41:22

My name is Brent and I love it. I think the name is bold and strong. I have never met anyone who has pronounced my name wrong. One of the problems with the name is that when I tell people it they usually think I said Brett or Brint. I have only met a few people with the name Brent over the years.

11/22/2022 05:41:40

My son's name is Brent he is intelligent,kind,sweet and probably the most gorgeous young man i've ever'seen. Brent was chosen by my husband, it is a very strong name and I love it! It is n't a popular name,but my son likes that. Most people like his name and him as well!

10/15/2022 12:31:00

This is my brother's name...he's 5. Somtimes people spell his name wrong but we don't mind at all. He loves his name very much & so do we.

10/14/2022 03:36:04

Brent is a neat name because the dictionary defin'tion of Brent is " a steep hill", but the brent I know is a "cheap thrill"!!

10/12/2022 18:23:30

Love this name! My son was born 2000 and we named him Brent! He is the'smartest and gorgeous and most kind young man you'll ever meet! Can you tell I Love him❤️!

10/05/2022 12:24:34

My name is Brent - i've always been pretty neutral regarding it, but it works, and I am actually reli'ved my folks gave me this name - It's what everybody keeps calling me. :-)

05/07/2022 19:54:36

My name is Brent Ive never been'the biggest fan of my name this post is starting to make me appreciate my name a little bit more

04/07/2022 09:44:24

well im called ashley and i really like my name i never used to but now i like it alot i hav always thought about changing the'spelling to ashlee though coz i really like it that way. also alot of people r saying ashley is a very common name but i supose the populartity of the name depends on where u come from coz apart from me i only no about 2 ashleys but i think its a really nice name that aparintally u can spell 16 different way! and i so argee when people say "actually" i always turn round! they sound very similar!

10/16/2021 04:53:42

When I first heard of the name Bailey, it was on a very cute little boy. I named my gorgeous son Bailey Chance. I love his name, it really suits him. he's the cutest Bailey boy in'the world!!---Josie

09/22/2021 03:31:48

My partner's name is Brent. he's almost 33 and is the first Brent i've ever met. To me It's unique, but it annoys me when people call him Brett lol I love his name!

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Brent FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Brent?
The origin of the name Brent is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Brent?
high place or hill.
*️⃣ How many people are named Brent?
Almost 140000 people are named Brent.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Brent?
The names of John, Brianna, Bryan, Brian, Brynn