
Greta meaning

: pearl.

Greta Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \g-re-ta\
Number of People 👶 26,000
Rate in 2021 1416
Numerology 🔢 6
Name origin 🌍 German
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Greta Name Meaning

The name Greta, derived from the German name Margareta, carries the beautiful and symbolic meaning of "pearl." In the metaphorical sense, pearls are considered precious and unique, just like the individual bearing the name. The name Greta embodies qualities of purity, elegance, and rarity, much like a pearl.

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Comments on the name Greta
01/14/2024 00:00:00

I think it is awesome! However, everyone always spells it Gretta, even'though it is Greta.

11/09/2023 15:31:22

Hellooo my name is greta too sometimes people call me greta Thunberg I kinda hate that hahah see yaa

09/20/2023 00:35:10

meh.. know a bully called greta. i guess its hard to like the name of someone whos can be mean. sounds cute on a kid i guess.

08/19/2023 23:52:18

My 3 year old daughter's name is Greta and I love it. It's very unique & we get lots of comments on it, especially from little old ladies. Very rarely It's pronounced as Gr-EE-ta, which drives me nuts. It's often misspelled as Gretta. We know of 2 other Greta's within our general area. Her given name is actually Margaret.

08/19/2023 06:49:34

THis is my name :D and i love it, but its not common where i live at all. In fact my first day of high school my teacher'said to me "madison❤️ your the first girl in the'school i think ever to be called this" and he had worked in the'school for like 50 yrs (he retired soon after). My friends call me Maddie sometimes but I'mostely get Madison.

08/02/2023 01:19:28

Greta is my name and people ALWAYS spell it with two ts

07/15/2023 16:53:02

My daughter Greta May was born in 2013. It is a shortened version of Margreta, my great grandma from Germany. No one around these parts is named Greta except for an elderly lady I have known for a long time.

07/01/2023 11:40:44

My name is Greta, and I'm so glad to see other people with this name.Nobody I know is named Greta, and the 1 person I used to know, her given name was Margreat.I hate when people spell it Gretta

06/24/2023 07:27:36

We named our daughter Greta as well and I'm so glad! I love that her name will be age appropriate as she grows into a young lady and a woman. It makes me sad when people give little girls names that are really only appropriate for toddlers. A name has to travel with you for life, and Greta is a great choice for that!

06/11/2023 01:10:42

We had a baby boy on 1st April2018 and named him Cameron. We absolutely love the name and did so from the moment we decided on it.

05/04/2023 12:42:10

I love Greta, thinking of using it if i have a girl. Classic european sounding and stylish. I know a Greta in her 30's who is stylish and sexy but modest.

04/16/2023 11:13:00

Greta is my name and it is pronounced with a long e sound. I was born in England in 1939 and that is the way the Brits pronounced it. As a child I came to Canada and have had it mispronounced and misspelled ever'since. Most of the time I correct people but sometimes I let It'slip by. I prefer the'soft sound of the e in Greta. There are a very few other women who pronounce and spell their name the'same as mine. :))

03/15/2023 04:31:32

Hi. My name is Greta too. People always call me Gretel. And once I was called Gretchen. how amusing! lol.

03/14/2023 22:38:52

Just thought you'd like to kno: Greta can be and is more often'than NOT spelled 'Grete' and the last e is sounded but you pronounce as uh. So It's prounced 'Great- uh' in most of the world, that is, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany and all the German speaking countries-- and in Greenland & Iceland. And is usually spelled Grete. The 't' is smore like a 'd'.

01/23/2023 05:56:52

We named our daughter Gretchen! We love her name, it fits her perfect. Whenever we tell people her name, they love it. Very few people share her name!

12/21/2022 05:37:24

My name is Gretta and i love the name. As a child i was the only one and i hated it because i thought it made me stand out now i love it because i stand out. You dont want to have You're name called and 10 other kids ask huh❤️ I know when someone is talking to me and I'm not just one of the crowd.

11/30/2022 13:14:42

I'm called Greta and I love it! G stands for glorious, r for rockin', e for exciting, t for tantalising and a for amazing. Wouldn't want to be called anything else!

11/28/2022 10:06:30

My name is Greta and I am superior. I have an aquaintance named Emma and I am seriously considering that I stop talking to her. Should I❤️ I'mean her name is EMMA. Her parents didn't even'try. I think I'm gonna drop that ho.

10/22/2022 18:12:18

Such a simple, sweet, old-fasioned name. This is my 4 year old's name and it is unique, but easy to speak and say.

09/14/2022 06:13:06

My sister's name is Greta and I really like it! My name is Zelda, and I think that Zelda and Greta or Greta and Zelda rolls easily and nicely off the tongue, so we're a perfect match of sister names!

08/20/2022 03:21:00

My name is Gretta Mae. I don't know if it is the most feminine/elegant name (I think It'sounds like a cough or something), but I would much rather be unique then have a boring name. It is a thumbs up for sure though.

07/13/2022 01:15:54

Greta was my middle name, after my Nana, who pronounced it with a long e (she was Irish). But in my generation (b. 1971) there were so many girls with my first name, which was Cathy, that in college, I dropped Cathy and just went with Greta. I pronounce it like Garbo. People always comment on what a cool name I have. They think It'sounds mysterious and European. I love being Greta!

07/04/2022 04:04:12

My names Greta and no one knows how to spell it everyone spells it with two "t" I only know one person named Greta but her real name is Margretta

06/14/2022 09:11:06

My 21 month daughter is Greta, we love it!! I am yet to meet another and I get lots of lovely comments. I do get Gr-EE-at said a few times (must be my accent).

09/19/2021 00:30:00

OMG! I love my name...It is the BEST name in the world, it means Pearl, and that Is wat I am...I know, so modest! But being fourteen does that to you!

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Greta FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Greta?
The origin of the name Greta is German.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Greta?
*️⃣ How many people are named Greta?
Almost 26000 people are named Greta.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Greta?
The names of Hailey, Hallie, Holly, Haley, Hayley