
Lillie meaning

: lily.

Lillie Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \l(il)-lie\
Number of People 👶 157,000
Rate in 2021 1375
Numerology 🔢 5
Name origin 🌍 Latin
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Lillie Name Meaning

Lillie is a name of English origin, and it means "lily." It is derived from the name of the lily flower, which is a symbol of purity and beauty. This name is often given to girls who are beautiful and delicate like a lily. It symbolizes innocence, purity, and beauty.

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Comments on the name Lillie
12/24/2023 07:02:30

I am named Lillie and although inconvenient a lot of times, overall It's nice to have a unique spelling to a more common name.

09/08/2023 04:41:22

I spelled my daughter's name like, "Lillee". My mom's name was Lee so I wanted to incorperate it into the'spelling of my daughter's name

08/08/2023 19:50:42

This is the name of our beautiful daughter. Zaire comes from the mispronunciation of the Kongo word nzere or nzadi which means...the river that'swallows all rivers. Which in itself den'tes power!

07/25/2023 23:09:46

my husband and i could only agree on one girls name and we made the'spelling up our selfs

07/12/2023 10:24:56

People constantly spell my name wrong so i automatically say my name is Lillie, L-I-L-L-I-E. And people aways say "oh Lillie that's a pretty name. No one has every really pronounced it wrong except for once, my TA said: Lylee.

02/23/2023 15:46:22

We named our daughter Lindsey in 2017 and we specifically picked this spelling because we assumed it was the most common and/or correct way. We love our little Lindsey Jaye and she is every bit as spunky as her name.

02/21/2023 10:34:44

I love this name, this is what we are going to name our Little girl

02/17/2023 18:24:44

We named our baby girl Noemi and are very happy we did! Everybody finds it a unique, beautiful and exotic name.....and that fits our little girl perfectly :-)

02/15/2023 00:34:52

my cat was called Lillie, i like that name'so i do so i do!

09/07/2022 14:20:34

My name is Lillie every on I'meet spells my name wrong. they say it is a beutiful name but a odd way to spell it. Most people spell it Lily or Lilly. it makes me mad.

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Lillie FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Lillie?
The origin of the name Lillie is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Lillie?
*️⃣ How many people are named Lillie?
Almost 157000 people are named Lillie.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Lillie?
The names of Lauren, Lauryn, Lorena, Lorraine, Loren