
Adria meaning

: From Hadria

Adria Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a-dria, ad-ria\
Number of People 👶 6,000
Rate in 2021 4547
Numerology 🔢 6
Name origin 🌍 Latin
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Adria Name Meaning

Adria, a variant of the name Adriana, carries the beautiful meaning of 'rich, dark'. This not just implies material richness, but also richness in depth of character, expressing the multi-faceted nature of individuals bearing this name.

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Comments on the name Adria
01/14/2024 00:00:00

Never met another Adria in my 54 years. Have had to deal with being called either Andria or Adrian. But it is unique and I get lots of compliments on it. It is pretty.

12/11/2023 18:58:52

I know one other Adria (Ah-dri-ah), and we both have Lithuanian heritage. I am half Lithuanian, and from what I understand, It's fairly popular to the Lithuanian-Americans around Cleveland. It's odd though, because Lithuania is bordered by the Baltic Sea, not the Adriatic Sea. And Yes, it is always pronounced wrong, but I don't really care. My friends call me Adi (Ah-dee). Lithuanians don't say it with the long A, like Adrian or cake. It's totally different - ❤️Ahh-dree-ahh❤️ People love my name and always ask for the origin and pronunciation. It's an easy conversation starter.

12/11/2023 18:41:14

My daughter is also named Adria (Adriana). She loves it. Everyone compliments her. It's sounds vaguely exotic, beautiful, dark and mysterious. I feel like one day it❤️ll pop up on a new tv series lol.

10/11/2023 03:50:18

I named my daughter Adriana and I call her Adria. It's so beautiful and unique, but not a "franken-name."

09/14/2023 22:19:42

My name is Adria and I used to hate it because I wanted a more popular name like "Sarah" but now I love it! ( Fun fact, Adria is the most popular name in Italy than any other place!)

08/30/2023 10:51:10

I am usually called Andrea, Adrian or Ah-dree-uh, but I still LOVE my name, Adria. It is very uncommon. I have met only a handful of Adrias in my 34 years. I would much rather put up with mispronunciations than to have a very common name.

06/13/2023 02:15:28

I'm blessed with twin granddaughters, Adria and Ava. My daughter was going to name them Adrian and Ava. While I liked Adrian, I thought it was a very common name, so I'mentioned leaving off the N and just calling her A-dree-uh. (long A sound like in hay.) My daughter loved the idea, and that's how Adria got her unique name. She has already been called Ah-dree-uh and Add-ree-uh. That's the only drawback, but I think It's worth it in the end. I beli've Adria is special even among unique names because there's different ways people pronounce it, so even'though she'shares the'same spelling as 1458 girls like the chart says, a lot of them might be pronounced differently than he's. Like the comments above- Ah-dree-uh. I wonder how many of those 1458 names are supposed to be pronounced like my granddarlings❤️ Very special indeed.:)

03/15/2023 13:02:54

I really like my name even'though people often say it wrong. i've only met a couple of other Adrias. I guess I have the'same issues as the Aug 23, 2019 poster, haha. It's a unique name and I'm happy with it.

07/30/2022 19:39:18

people always spell my name and pronounce it wrong but It's uniqe and thats why i like it

05/25/2022 19:47:24

My name is indeed Adria (Ahh-drree-ahh) like the first a long last a short. I love this name I never met one Adria in my while life. Most people call me audre adrian adriana audra some werid name. But I'most rather be call the wrong name then having a common name like Emily Emma gabby abby like no I love the dark fun bame of my unique name adria. Last year when I was in 5 grade the theach call me the wrong thing the whole time.

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Adria FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Adria?
The origin of the name Adria is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Adria?
From Hadria
*️⃣ How many people are named Adria?
Almost 6000 people are named Adria.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Adria?
The names of Adrian, Adriana, Adrianna, Adrienne, Adriane