
Adrianna meaning

: from Hadria.

Adrianna Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \ad-rianna, adri(an)-na\
Number of People 👶 46,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 1,190
Numerology 🔢 8
Name origin 🌍 Latin
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Adrianna Name Meaning

Adrianna is a name of Latin origin. It is the feminine form of Adrian, which means "from Hadria." Hadria was a town in northern Italy, which gave its name to the Adriatic Sea. The name suggests someone who is adventurous, like the sea, and grounded, like the earth.

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Comments on the name Adrianna
01/14/2024 00:00:00

Thats my middle name but I hate it... my full name is Dallas Adrianna Dooley and I just don't think it sounds right...❤️

01/13/2024 16:04:22

I'm gonna name my baby girl Adrianna!!

12/26/2023 05:10:56

Adri is a little off sometimes and she is a little slow too but thats okay. You gotta luv her

12/23/2023 12:31:36

I have a 4 month old baby girl name Schylar Adrianna but i love the Adrianna part

10/25/2023 12:16:34

what an amazing name. i am planning on getting pregnant and my daughter's name is going to be Joanna Adrianna

09/15/2023 00:58:24

my name is Adrianna and i hate it. Everyone always tells me what a beautiful name but i don't like it. I would go by anna or dree but i'd rather have a name that hasn't been used for so many people

08/11/2023 16:19:16

NO ONE pronounces it correctly!!! Can't stand it. Adrianna also means "rich" I have heard. I like that better than dark! But I love my name

06/16/2023 01:40:22

I love my name Adrianna, because its unique and not very common, as compared to names like Ashley or Sarah or Jennifer. Everybody says that its a really pretty name, and it is, but people need to learn how to pronounce it right.

04/28/2023 08:17:20

in adrianna do you pronounce it with a long a or the "ahnna" sound like adriahanna or adriAnna

04/06/2023 19:55:34

I love my name, It's so unique and people always give me complements. I go to school with a girl called Arianna, but quite frankly I think It's boring. It'so harsh sounding compared to Adrianna. Some of my friends call me Aid or Adri.

03/17/2023 12:57:08

my name is Adrianna, and i love it. Everyone says it is a pretty name, but a lot of people pronounce it wrong.

03/14/2023 21:45:58

My grandbaby's name is Adrianna Hope. Everyone loves the name. It is unusual in our part of the country.

02/10/2023 01:15:44

I love my name except when people spell it wrong like Adreanna or Adriana I hate that. My real name is Adri-anna, bceause then it means life giving gracious one, and not Darkness and Popularity. I love my name because people can abraviate It'so many ways -Adrianna -Adri -Adria -Anna -Audry -Audrey -Audie

02/04/2023 04:47:00

I am 5 months pregnant and am naming my daughter Adrianna Faith. I have loved that name since I was 16.

01/13/2023 19:56:50

love it. went to school with a girl that went by asheton instead.. but now she wants to go by adrianna... :) beautiful name though.

10/14/2022 20:21:10

This is the name that I choose for my daughter. My husband is Italian and LOVES it. I wanted something different. As soon as we heard it, we knew this was it!

09/22/2022 17:35:22

do you mind telling me the correct way to pronounce it❤️

09/04/2022 17:52:00

I love my name. I enjoy it because I think its funny to watch my teache's pronounce my name, and when my friends try to rhyme it with something. most of the time they come up with lama.

10/10/2021 23:32:24

Adrianna is a beautiful name. I named my daughter Adrianna and it fits her just right


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Adrianna FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Adrianna?
The origin of the name Adrianna is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Adrianna?
from Hadria.
*️⃣ How many people are named Adrianna?
Almost 46000 people are named Adrianna.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Adrianna?
The names of John, Adrian, Adriana, Jessica, Adrianna