
Adrianne meaning

: From Hadria

Adrianne Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \ad-rianne, adri(an)-ne\
Number of People 👶 13,000
Rate in 2021 6322
Numerology 🔢 12
Name origin 🌍 English , Latin
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Adrianne Name Meaning

The name "Adrianne" has Latin origins and is the feminine form of the name "Adrian," meaning "from Hadria" or "dark one." It is a name that conveys strength, resilience, and sophistication. People named Adrianne are often seen as intelligent, independent, and determined individuals. The name has a timeless quality to it and has been popular across different cultures throughout history.

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Comments on the name Adrianne
10/06/2023 00:59:34

My name is Adrianne and It's so cool. It'sounds so mysterious. I used to think only names like Amber and Jade sounded mysterious (funny how they're rocks) but I'm Adrianne and I leanred to love my name at age 9!! People call me Adri. How cute!

07/08/2023 20:36:00

This is a very beautiful name and I am surprised it is not more widely used.

03/30/2023 09:32:08

hate this name It's SO MANLY. i feel so sorry for every girl that hasit..

03/16/2023 09:01:58

My name is Adrianne Elice, which wouldn't be so suprising except for the comment left a little before mine! I'm 23 and I love my name!

02/09/2023 04:06:08

when I was in younger grades I wasnt sure my name was me. but once I grew older I realized that it wasnt a common name and i should be pround. now I am thankful to have such a powerful name! :D

01/14/2023 22:06:12

We named my daughter Annika 9 years ago before It'seemed to explode in popularity. We pronounce it like Monica without the "M". It is the perfect name for my spunky girl!

08/27/2022 02:47:42

I love this name. We were looking for ways to honor our mothe's when naming our daughters without giving them their exact names. So, our first daughter's middle name is Elise (which is a form of Elizabeth, after my mother) and our second daughter's middle name is Adrianne (after his mother, Anne). We pronounce it A-dree-anne.

11/24/2021 20:29:42

Many people are unsure of how to pronounce my name and often mispell it as well. But I love my name because of It's unique spelling and to date, i've not met another Adrianne!


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Adrianne FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Adrianne?
The origin of the name Adrianne is English , Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Adrianne?
From Hadria
*️⃣ How many people are named Adrianne?
Almost 13000 people are named Adrianne.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Adrianne?
The names of Adrielle, Adriell, Adriella