
Adilene meaning

: noble.

Adilene Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a-dile-ne, ad(i)-lene\
Number of People 👶 6,000
Rate in 2021 2417
Numerology 🔢 5
Name origin 🌍 German
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Adilene Name Meaning

Expanding upon its concise meaning, 'Adilene' is derived from two words: 'Adal,' meaning 'noble,' and 'linde,' a Germanic word for 'delicate' or 'tender.' Therefore, 'Adilene' encapsulates the embodied qualities of gentility, grace, and strength—declaring a noble and tender soul.

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Adilene Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Adilene
Additional description of the name Adilene

A form of 'Adeline,' 'Adilene’ is of Germanic origin. This historical name has been used for generations across different cultures. Employed in both French and English historical contexts, 'Adilene' echoes a rich tapestry of cultural narratives.

Cool Info About Name Adilene

Additional name description Adilene
Additional name description Adilene

A slightly unconventional name, 'Adilene' is not as widely used as its variant 'Adeline', making it a unique choice for those who prefer unusual names. The famous bearer of the name is Adilene Idalie, a Mexican-American actress known for her array of roles in popular television series. The name 'Adilene' evokes the qualities of creativity, independence, and grace. It carries a kind of innate class, emphasized by its rare usage. Persons named 'Adilene' are often perceived as poised, graceful, and leaving a lasting impression—one of sophistication and refinement combined.

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Comments on the name Adilene
08/19/2023 13:13:35

my sisters name

10/23/2023 20:36:04

people pronounce it wrong all the time. the way we say it is pronouncing the "e" as you would in "envy". Have never met anyone with this name.

09/19/2023 04:53:44

my name is adilenne i have heard of people with the'same name'some say its unique

07/28/2023 22:52:18

i have this name too i pronounce it like this: [ADD-ih-Line] & its spelled A.D.i.l.E.N.E at first i didn't like it because i thought it was weird and odd. but why have the'same name as everyone else. i guess thats what makes me unique in a special way. ive never met anyone with the'same name as me. & alot of people have trouble pronouncing it.

02/04/2023 08:18:36

My Name is Adilene and yaa I hav met someone wiff this name and people always have trouble saying my name they ALWAYS say it diffrently than other people and this is how yu say my nae [Ah-dih-lean] And I am the only one at my school wiff this name

12/15/2022 04:26:32

I love my name. Although I have never'seen It'spelled wit 2 N's mine has 2 D's, Addilene. I know a couple of girls with the'same name. I think its a beautiful name n i always get compliments on it;)

08/24/2022 09:49:48

my name is Adilenne (double N) xD I'm the only one at my school with this name! everybody pronounces it "add-i-line" but It's actually pronounced "ah-duh-leen". I honestly think It's a really pretty name and I like the fact of how unique it is!

03/17/2022 17:48:36

Well my name is Adna but my nickname is Addie and I love it! It's unusual where I live

10/19/2021 02:26:06

my name is adilenne but with double N my name is unknown is not usually heard all the time is not a common name but has a nice meaning !!

10/15/2021 20:39:36

I like my name but, how come people who have that name don't know any other people who have that name❤️ My name have two N's.

09/14/2021 00:38:06

My name is Adilene and I love it, i think It's beautiful. I pronounce it this way: [A-D-LE-NIH]


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Adilene FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Adilene?
The origin of the name Adilene is German.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Adilene?
*️⃣ How many people are named Adilene?
Almost 6000 people are named Adilene.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Adilene?
The names of Aiden, Ayden, Aidan, Adan, Aden