
Allyssa meaning

: Noble

Allyssa Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a(l)-lyssa, all(ys)-sa\
Number of People 👶 7,000
Rate in 2021 12085
Numerology 🔢 8
Name origin 🌍 Greek
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Allyssa Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Allyssa
Additional description of the name Allyssa
"Allyssa" is a beautiful name for girls that has Greek origin. Meaning of the name Allyssa is: "Noble".

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Comments on the name Allyssa
01/14/2024 00:00:00

my names allyssa and honestly i would have hated my name if it was spelt ❤️alyssa❤️ or any other way. sooooo many people have the name but my version of allyssa always stands out . some people say It's a weird spelling but It's the only spelling for the name that Isn't old.

01/06/2024 17:43:54

my name is ALLYSSA. i cant stand it when people spell it with one l. FYI It's TWO l's!

01/03/2024 19:11:54

I love this name! I named my baby girl this and we spelled it a little different. It is spelled Allysa (two 'L's one 'S') We call her Ally all the time, and her middle name is Catherine so we also call her 'Ally Cat' I hope she likes it when she is older, but for now we get TONS of compliments on her name from everyone that meets her!

12/01/2023 18:52:26

my name is allyssa spelled like that, and everytime i order'something monogrammedd from my cheer coach, she'spells it with 1 l. i however love it, many nicknames can come out of it. mine are: lissy, lissa, listerina, lissers, allybear, lissypoo,kissylissy, and i forgot most of the othe's. THUMBS UP HATERS!

11/10/2023 10:55:10

My name is ALLYSSA, and I don't think It'should be spelled any other way - It's UNIQUE. And symmetrically pleasing to the eye. My last name also has two LL's side by side, and overall, I think my parents added the extra L in Allyssa for that reason. Good job Mum and Dad! :) I too, have never met someone with the'same spelling as myself - and I rather like that. The only negative I will say, is I have NEVER been able to find ALLYSSA written on anything, ie. necklaces, key chains, lanyards, apparel, etc. But I have gotten over that with time.

10/19/2023 09:19:54

My name is ALYSSA not ALLYSSA. The double L is really weird. I also have the problem where people always say my name wrong. The'say ALISA pronounced uh-lisa instead of alyssa. I also hate when people call me aly cause it has no comparison to the name'so my friends and family usually call me lyss.

08/06/2023 14:56:42

people never'spell it right and pronounce it wrong.I have to put up with it.It's my name.

05/18/2023 01:09:22

My mom decided to spell my name Alissa. I always hated it growing up because people would never pronounce it correctly. However, as I'm trying to name my kids, I appreciate the uniqueness. Now It's a common name, but when I was in school I was the only Alissa around.

02/16/2023 09:47:26

Well my Name is also Amanda May. I love my name and I have had no complaints. I have had no one make fun of my name like othe's are reporting. I do have the nickname Mandy (however only my family uses that). I am proud of my name!

01/19/2023 16:25:34

my friends name is allyssa spelled that way and everyone compliments how unique the'spelling is

09/22/2022 23:45:40

my boyfriends sister's name is spell just with one l, and i really like it

12/06/2021 06:59:42

my name is alyssa not allyssa whats with the double ll the ll exagerates it a bit anywayy. i hate being called aly its too plane and really not that nice of a nick name'so i prefer my friends and family calling me alyssa


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Allyssa FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Allyssa?
The origin of the name Allyssa is Greek.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Allyssa?
*️⃣ How many people are named Allyssa?
Almost 7000 people are named Allyssa.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Allyssa?
The names of Alan, Alina, Alaina, Alana, Alayna