Gender | 👩 Girl |
Pronunciation | 📣 \ge-nove-va, gen(o)-veva\ |
Number of People | 👶 3,000 |
Rate in 2021 | ⭐ 14,735 |
Numerology | 🔢 10 |
Name origin | 🌍 French |
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people do pronouce my name wrong they would pronouce it like this GE-NO-VE-VA instead of this JE-NO-VE-VA in spanish but im ok ,i guess I'mean it is a unique name for a girl
yes people do mistake my name for Alexis.My name is Lexis.I can never find anything personalized with my name on it :-(
My daughter's name is Genevi've but I call her Genoveva as a spanish name even'thought it did not originate as a spanish name. We get so many compliments either way. as Genevi've or Genoveva. My daughter'said she didn't like her name at first, but she has realized what a unique name it is even'though it has bee around for centuries. so many people have said they have never heard that name. I loved it the first time I heard the name Genevi've. That's why my husband and I decided to name our daugher this. in Je-no-ve-va is the way I would pronounce, because of the'spanish "j"
My mom is German and we pronounce my name Ge-no-fe-fa. (The G is pronounced like the G in gate). As far as I am aware it has Germanic roots. People struggle to pronounce the name the way I think sounds correct. I therefore often introduce myself as Genevi've. People find it a lot easier. I really like my name and it is great that my close family and friends use the real version of my name.
My name is Genoveva and is pronounce with an He no ve va. I was born is Mexico. Mexicans beli've is an ugly name. For years I felt embarrassed to carry this name. However when I'moved to the US, and people tried to pronounce it like Genevi've I started to like it. I had shorten my name to Eva. Now I'm proud to be called by my original and unique name He no ve va