
Maurice meaning

: Dark-skinned, Moorish.

Maurice Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \ma(u)-ri-ce\
Number of People 👶 137,000
Rate in 2021 1787
Numerology 🔢 7
Name origin 🌍 Latin
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Maurice Name Meaning

The name Maurice is derived from the Latin 'Mauritius,' a derivative of 'Maurus,' meaning 'dark-skinned' or 'Moorish.' It was a term used in the Roman era to refer to the Berber and Arab tribes from North Africa. The name carries a sense of strength, resilience, and a rich cultural heritage, making it a compelling choice for parents.

Hear the Meaning Maurice

Maurice Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Maurice
Additional description of the name Maurice
The name Maurice has its roots in Latin, specifically from the term 'Maurus,' which means 'dark-skinned' or 'Moorish.' It was popularized in the Middle Ages due to St. Maurice, a Roman legionary who became a Christian martyr. The name gained further prominence in the 19th and 20th centuries, being used in various forms across Europe and the Americas. It has been a popular choice for royalty, with several rulers in the Netherlands and the Holy Roman Empire bearing this name.

Cool Info About Name Maurice

Additional name description Maurice
Additional name description Maurice
The name Maurice has been borne by several notable figures, including Maurice Ravel, a famous French composer; Maurice Sendak, an American author and illustrator known for his book 'Where the Wild Things Are'; and Maurice Maeterlinck, a Belgian playwright and Nobel laureate. In terms of popularity, Maurice has consistently ranked within the top 1000 names in the United States for over a century. Personality traits associated with the name Maurice include strength, resilience, creativity, and leadership. The name Maurice, with its rich history and cultural significance, continues to be a timeless and attractive choice for parents around the world.
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Maurice FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Maurice?
The origin of the name Maurice is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Maurice?
Dark-skinned, Moorish.
*️⃣ How many people are named Maurice?
Almost 137000 people are named Maurice.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Maurice?
The names of Micah, Maggie, Mack, Makai, Mac